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2024-01-18 11:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

欧洲卡车模拟 2:1.48版本更新开放测试

今天,我们很高兴与您分享,欧洲卡车模拟 2 的 1.48 开放 Beta 分支现已可供试用和测试。如果您计划参与此公开测试版,我们请您在我们的官方论坛的相应部分报告您可能遇到的任何错误,以帮助我们。

您的反馈和报告对我们的团队非常有价值,我们提前感谢您花时间帮助我们。那么,事不宜迟,让我们来看看 1.48 Open Beta 中有哪些内容。



其中还包括备受期待的 Feldbinder 工厂,司机将能够从 2 个新的仓库获得合同,其中一个用于投运急需的货物、零件等,另一个区域用于接收刚从工厂生产线下来的全新拖车并运送至欧洲各地的企业和客户。 







提到特种运输,我们很高兴告诉大家,我们车辆团队在他们的其他项目之间腾出了点空余时间,重访并重制我们游戏内经济用于运输各类车辆(例如轿车、SUV 等)的拖挂。



我们知道有多少驾驶员喜欢获得 100% 地图探索的挑战性任务。我们知道这并不容易,因此我们引入了一个新的 UI 窗口,可以通过单击世界地图左上角的地图探索来访问该窗口。

单击此按钮后,将打开一个新窗口,向您显示带有各自国旗的国家/地区列表,以及您对每个国家的探索的详细信息。我们希望这将帮助您在不断发展的欧洲卡车模拟 2 世界中找到那些缺失的道路。 






我们重新设计了输入控制选择引导 UI!我们团队努力为这个设置窗口带来简化且现代的设计。希望具有新图标且在每项选项旁标明描述的新 UI 将帮助引导新老玩家完成选择与设置过程。

前往我们的论坛告诉我们大家觉得这项新 UI 改动如何吧。 

电子稳定控制(防抱死制动系统 + 牵引力控制)

您现在可以在游戏选项中找到防抱死制动系统和牵引力控制的附加功能。这些电子稳定控制系统有助于在各种条件和/或场景下帮助驾驶员。防抱死制动系统 (ABS) 会松开即将锁死的车轮上的制动器。牵引力控制(ASR 或 TRC)有助于防止转向过度和转向不足,还提供单独的车轮防滑系统,对打滑的车轮施加制动。



更改 MOD 结构

这项改动更针对于我们社区内的 MOD 创作者!现在,我们新增了一个能力以为多项DLC创建一个单独的 MOD,无论玩家实际拥有哪项DLC。

如果在 MOD 根目录下有至少其中一项子目录或文件(*.zip)命名为“base”或以“dlc_”为前缀,那么则装载这些子目录或文件,而非 MOD 根目录。我们还更新了 SCS Workshop Uploader 以同步这些改动。如果 SCS Workshop Uploader 发现一项具有新结构的 MOD,它便会执行额外的检查。

希望这个新结构让我们才华横溢的 modding 社区更便于创作,如果大家有任何问题,欢迎前往我们的 modding wiki 或我们的论坛,我们会在那为大家提供支持。





防抱死刹车系统(ABS) + 电子稳定控制(ESC)






重制输入控制选择引导 UI


更改第三方 MOD 结构

那么,去享受所有新的附加内容吧,但请留意:这仅为一次开放测试,而非一个稳定的公开版本 - 所以,你或许会遇到 BUG、不稳定现象,以及错误或崩溃情况。你大可等待最终正式版本推出。但如果你有兴趣帮助我们更快速地前进,我们将感谢所有你们在论坛上的反馈,以及在相应版块内提交的BUG 报告。

请查看我们的 modding 维基,获取关于适配 MOD 至新版本游戏的详细信息。

如果你希望参与开放测试,可在 Steam 上找到该版本的开放测试项。操作步骤:Steam 客户端 → 库 → 右键点击“Euro Truck Simulator 2” → 属性 → 测试版 → 请选择您想要参与的测试 → public_beta - Public Beta 1.48。无需任何密码。你可能需要重启 Steam 客户端以在此查看正确的测试分支。 

Euro Truck Simulator 2: 1.48 Open Beta

Today, we are happy to share with you that the 1.48 Open Beta branch for Euro Truck Simulator 2 is now available to try and test out. If you plan on participating in this Open Beta, we ask that you please help us by reporting any bugs you may encounter in the appropriate section(s) of our official forums.

Your feedback and reports are extremely valuable to our team and we thank you in advance for taking the time to help us out. So, without further ado, let's take a look at what the 1.48 Open Beta has in store.

Germany Rework

As part of our on-going Germany Rework project, we are happy to bring several reworked cities in this Open Beta. The cities of Hamburg, Winsen, Travemunde, Kiel and Rostock have all received major reworks from the ground up, including an overhaul of their surrounding road networks, landmarks, industries and more.

This also includes the highly anticipated Feldbinder factory, where drivers will be able to take contracts from 2 new depots one for dropping off much needed cargo, parts and more, and another area for picking up brand new trailers fresh off the factory line to deliver to businesses and customers around Europe. 

We hope you enjoy the work that has gone into bringing these older areas up to date with more accurate layouts and details. If you have any feedback that you'd like to share, please make sure to do so on the appropriate section of our forums. Happy trucking! 

Cities in the Gallery

In the 1.46 update, we introduced the Gallery feature, a one stop shop for all your images, photo trophies, and discovered viewpoints, which maintained all the legacy functionality of the older Screenshot Manager. Today, we're excited to add a new functionality to the Gallery!

As you journey and discover the many cities of Euro Truck Simulator 2, you'll be able to collect them under the new 'Cities' tab. Once unlocked, you'll be able to view which cities you have visited, as well as watch and replay any of the city intro cutscenes; which are normally only seen when you first start your first HQ there. 

We hope you enjoy this new addition to our Gallery! Let us know how many cities you've already unlocked in on our social media channels. 

Reworked Vehicle Transport Trailers

We are happy to let you know that our vehicle team has found some spare capacity in between their other projects to also revisit and rework trailers that our in-game economy uses to transport various types of vehicles, such as cars, SUVs, etc.

Search for these cargoes within the Freight Market and take them for a ride! Your nearest car dealer might need delivery of fresh new whips.

Per-Country map exploration

We know how many drivers enjoy the challenging task of gaining 100% map exploration. We know this isn't easy, so we've introduced a new UI window which can be accessed by clicking on your map exploration in the top left of the world map.

Upon clicking on this, a new window will open showing you a list of countries with their respective flag, and a breakdown of your exploration of each one. We hope that this will aid you in finding those missing roads in our ever-growing world of Euro Truck Simulator 2. 

Let us know how you're getting on with your map exploration in the comments below or on social media! 

Options slider ranges 

We are happy to introduce a highly requested addition to your options page when tweaking with settings in Euro Truck Simulator 2. You will now find a small box next to the sliders which displays the number which it is set to. 

We hope this makes it easier for you to not only set up multiple profiles with similar settings, but also share your settings with others. Let us know if you think this design works well by leaving feedback in the appropriate section of  our forums. 

Input wizard controls selection redesign 

We've given our input wizard for control selection a UI overhaul! Our team has been working hard to bring a simplistic but modern design to this setup window. We hope this new UI will help guide users new and old through the selection and setup process which features new icons and a clear description for each option. 

Let us know what you think of this new UI change by heading to our forums.

Electronic Stability Controls (Anti-Lock Braking System + Traction Control)

You can now find the addition of Anti-Lock Braking System & Traction Control in the gameplay options. These Electronic Stability Controls help assist the driver in a variety of conditions and/or scenarios. The Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) loosens brakes on wheels that are close to locking out. Traction Control (ASR or TRC) helps prevent oversteer and understeer, as-well provide individual wheel anti-slip system applies brakes to wheels that are slipping.

Traction control also features cornering assist, which becomes active when understeer or oversteer, it brakes the inside rear wheels to prevent understeer and outside front wheel to prevent oversteer. We hope these new additions will be of use to you on your future journeys! 

You can also assist us by leaving any relevant feedback in the appropriate section of  our forums. 

MOD structure changes

This change is more directed at our MOD creators in the community! We have now added the ability to create a single MOD for multiple DLCs, regardless of which DLC the user actually has.

If at least one of the subdirectories or files (*.zip) in the MOD root is named "base" or prefixed with "dlc_" then these subdirectories or files are mounted instead of the MOD root. We've also updated the SCS Workshop Uploader to reflect these changes as well. If the SCS Workshop Uploader discovers a MOD with the new structure, it performs additional checks.

We hope this new structure makes things a little easier for our talented modding community, and if you have any questions, feel free to head over to our modding wiki or forum where we can help support you. 



Germany Rework 


Electronic Stability Controls (Anti-Lock Braking System + Traction Control)

Reworked Vehicle Transport Trailers


Per-Country Map Exploration

Cities in the Gallery

Options Sliders now feature numbers

Input Wizard Control Selection UI Overhaul


Third-Party Mod Structure Change

So enjoy all the new additions, but please remember: It's only an open beta, not a stable public version - so you may encounter bugs, instability, or crashes. It's completely okay if you want to wait for the final release. But if you're interested in helping us to get there faster, we'll appreciate all of your feedback on our forum and your bug reports in this section.

Please check our modding wiki to get details pertaining to mods for the game.

If you wish to participate in the open beta, you can find this version in the public_beta branch on Steam. The way to access it is as follows: Steam client → LIBRARY → right-click on Euro Truck Simulator 2 → Properties → Betas tab → public_beta → 1.48. No password is required. Sometimes you have to restart your Steam client to see the correct branch name there.




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