鬼娃恰吉(2021) 第二季 第八集 ChuckyS02E08英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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鬼娃恰吉(2021) 第二季 第八集 ChuckyS02E08英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

2024-07-10 06:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

克罗斯太太 这对她来说并不容易Mrs. Cross, this isn't easy for her, okay?我知道你以为莱克西只在乎自己I know you think that Lexy just cares about herself,但并非如此but that's not true.她那么努力She's been trying really hard,至少你可以试着听一下吧and the least you can do is listen to her.好吧Okay.谢谢你杰克Thanks, Jake.我想说的是What I was trying to say我一直把这些事怪到你头上was that everything that I have blamed you for,但其实我的确是做错了I'm also guilty of doing.这是我的错And that' s on me. That' s my fault.我从没想过I never really thought你经历了什么about what you might be going through,你可能跟我一样 也把痛苦隐藏了起来that you would be hiding the pain just as much as I was.我想尽管我们都不愿意承认I think we're both more alike但我们其实很像than either of us wants to admit.好吧Well我很高兴你终于懂得I'm glad you're learning自己的行为会如何影响到别人了how much your behavior affects other people.你真的长大了You're really growing up.还有And.我承认自己也犯过一些错I admit I have made some mistakes too.我也很抱歉I'm really sorry for that.这就是圣诞节奇迹啊It's a Christmas miracle.你们俩为什么不能也和好呢Why don't you two just make up already?好的Yes, please.等我们长大了会跟他们一样吗Are we gonna be like them when we grow up?谁们 -安迪和凯尔Who? - Andy and Kyle.没工作 没生活No jobs, no lives.就完全痴迷于跟恰吉有关的一切之中Just complete obsession with all things Chucky.这样一想好可怕啊That is a terrifying thought.每次接到误拨的电♥话♥Every time I get a wrong number,每次看到有人顶着红头发every time we see someone with red hair,甚至看到某种样式的盒子or even a certain kind of box,我们都要想起他吗are we just always gonna think it's him?恰吉死了Chucky's dead.只是耳闻So I've heard. -我觉得我们应该学会与它共存I think we just need to learn to live with it.不管恰吉在不在 人生总是会有坏事发生Bad things will always happen, whether Chucky's here or not.你这么一说我好像感觉好多了Wow, that makes me feel so much better.你知道什么让我感觉好多了吗You know what makes me feel better?就是你们俩You two.是真的You really do.这么一比我觉得自己像个混球了Now I feel like a dick.反正我爱你们俩 -好吧We love you anyways. - Okay.我也爱你们Yeah, I love you too.我要睡了I'm going to sleep.晚安了 傻瓜们Good night, dorks.抱歉 德文I'm sorry, Devon.没事It's okay.不是的No, it's not.你说的对 我是一直在避开你You're right, and I think I was avoiding you.为什么Why?不知道 我I don't know, I我可能觉得自己配不上你吧I thought I wasn't good enough for you.别胡说了That' s insane.我两次被恰吉蒙骗I let Chucky get to me twice.他影响了我的判断 结果害死了人He got inside my head, and people died.恰吉就是个混♥蛋♥Chucky was the asshole.不是你的错It's not your fault.恰吉虽然不在了Yeah, well, Chucky may be gone,但你眼前的我却一点都没变but you're still stuck with the same old me.我想要的就是这个你That' s exactly the you I want- -总是画些奇怪的画the Jake who makes weird fucking art.留着长卷发The Jake with long, curly hair.天 我就知道你不喜欢我的发型Oh, my God, I knew you didn't like my haircut.你会为朋友挺身而出And the Jake who stands up for his friends,就像今晚为莱克西所做的那样like you did with Lexy tonight.这就是我爱着的杰克That's the Jake I love.我更爱你 德文I love you more, Devon.不可能That's not possible.好吧Coolio.好吧 虽然这场景很甜蜜Okay, this is very sweet,但你们俩能不能别在我屋地上谈情说爱了but can you two please stop making out on my floor让我睡会觉呗so I can get some sleep?你知道吗You know.你是我得到过的最棒的圣诞礼物You're the best Christmas present I've ever gotten.说到礼物 那个播客设备- Speaking of which, you did save the receipt你留发♥票♥了吧 -闭嘴吧你for that podcast shit, right? - Oh, shut up.♪不管雪下的多大♪♪No matter how fierce falls the snow♪♪宝贝 我绝不会放手让你走♪♪Baby, I'ma never let you go ♪♪直到你开始相信♪♪Till you start believing ♪♪我不需要饰品也不需要礼物♪♪That I don't need baubles and I don't need gifts♪♪我们不需要亲吻圣诞幸运枝♪♪And we don't need mistletoe to kiss♪♪你就是我唯一的圣诞节愿望♪♪You are my only Christmas wish♪♪每个季节♪♪Every season♪♪我不需要摇篮曲♪♪This ain't no lullaby♪♪我可以为你写支旋律♪♪But I can make it rhyme for you♪♪我可以♪♪Yeah, I can try ♪♪我可以试着说谎 但你太了解我♪♪I can try to lie, but you know me too well ♪♪这不是什么交响乐♪♪This ain't no symphony♪♪但如果你想跟我一起唱♪♪But if you wanna sing with me ♪♪我可以♪♪Then I can try♪♪我可以试着说谎♪♪ I can try to lie♪♪在摇篮曲中♪♪In the lullaby ♪这是圣诞前夜'Twas the night before Christmas,整个房♥子里and all through the house,没有任何动静not a creature was stirring- -连只老鼠都没有·not even a mouse.圣诞袜就好好挂在烟囱附近The stockings were hung by the chimney with care希望圣诞老人in the hopes that Saint Nicholas会很快到来soon would be there.孩子们都舒适的躺在温暖的床上The children were nestled all snug in their beds...而杀手娃娃While visions of killer dolls却想象着在成堆的骷髅中跳舞danced in their fucking skulls.剩下的就交给我吧 卡洛琳I'II take it from here, Caroline.我享受了牛奶和曲奇I enjoyed my milk and cookies,还戴了顶红色的傻帽子wearing a silly red hat,但我却毫无小睡的想法but I had zero intention of taking a nap.于是我飞奔到楼梯上 兴奋的看到So then to the stairs, I flew with a flash,有三个爱多管闹事的孩子等我去收拾excited to have three nosy kids to slash.不No.不No.是谁Who's there? -我要报♥警♥了I'm gonna call the cops.詹妮弗Jennifer? -詹妮弗·蒂莉Jennifer Tilly?嗨 是我啊 米歇尔市长Hi! It' s me, Mayor Michelle!哦 嗨Oh. Oh, hi.还记得我们去年在好日儿童医院的Remember we met last year at the charity event慈善活动上见过吗for Better Days Children's Hospitals?我知道活动搞得不太好I know that didn't go so well.希望你不会因此而怪我I hope you won t hold that against me.不不 怎么会Oh, no, not at all.等等Wait.你不是因为谋杀被通缉了吗Aren't you wanted for murder?不不不不 没有没有Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.那不过是个超级大误会罢了That was just a big misunderstanding.所以我才过来的Oh. - And that's why I'm here.天 这也太随意了Oh, my God. This is so random.




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