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【#英语资源# #如何做一名优秀的学生英语作文#】在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那要怎么写好作文呢?©无忧考网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  My first experience of life is like a journey. Everyone will go through many things: swimming for the first time, cooking for the first time, going to primary school for the first time, solving problems by myself for the first time... What impresses me most is when I scored 79 on my first political test.

  With the advent of junior high school, the life of seven students is very tense and relaxed. In seven, my political scores were very good, and I scored more than 90 points in each exam. I'm proud. It's seven, and I'm even more nervous about my study. I concentrated on reviewing other subjects, but ignored politics. The teacher's unit test, I only tested more than 80, I didn't take it to heart, thought it was a malfunction. As a result, the subsequent monthly exam completely broke my confidence and luck. In that exam, I only got 79 points in politics! This is my lowest score. I looked at the test paper unbelievably and counted the scores again and again to see if there was any mistake. But the facts proved that all I did was futile. This bright score was like a blow to my head, and my mood fell to the bottom.

  I was very upset and found that it was all because of my pride and fluke. I'm determined to change all this and don't want to go down again.

  After that, I listened carefully and took notes in class. Review, the back of the back, not a leak. Finally, the end of the term arrived, and I walked into the examination room with full confidence. In the end, my political score was 95. My high score is back! However, this time I understand that we should not be proud, but continue to work hard!


  There are many firsts in life, one by one, like a star. They decorate the monotonous night sky very beautiful. It is because of their participation that our life becomes rich and colorful, full and beautiful.

  That was my first speech on the stage. When I came to think about it and finally chose me, my heart almost jumped out of my chest. My God? This is both a surprise and a big challenge for me! My grades are mediocre and there is nothing worth praising. I think: instead of losing face on the stage, it's better to give the opportunity to those students with excellent results and generous behavior.      Therefore, I summoned up the courage to give the opportunity to others before the speech contest had determined a good time. I came to the teacher's office, explained to the teacher that my ability was not competent for this matter, and recommended several students to the teacher. Before I finished, the teacher said to me: "It doesn't matter whether you can win the championship or not. The important thing is that you can get experience in this speech conference. I don't want good students to do what they can and blindly do such things again. It's difficult for them to make great development. In this way, it's better to give you the opportunity. I hope you can work hard to make yourself develop greatly and win honor for the class." Look at the eager eyes of the teacher. I can't refuse any more.

  In order to win the championship, I recite the speech over and over again. I won't tolerate it until it reaches my satisfaction, because the opportunity to show myself is coming! Every night, I have to recite it three or four times. The speech is like a part of my life, and the content has already been engraved in my mind. I believe I won't forget it in three or four years. The rest is waiting for the opportunity.

  The speech conference is coming! I walked onto the stage trembling. After all, it was the first time. My legs shook involuntarily like chaff. The teacher stood on the stage and looked at me with affirmation and encouragement. On the contrary, the judge's teacher's stern eyes could see through people. My courage disappeared in an instant, my hands and feet were cold, and my heart pounded like a little rabbit At the beginning, my voice was weak, and I didn't have the courage to make a speech, which made the judge teacher frown. However, the teacher always firmly believed in me. Somehow, I always felt a force pouring into my heart, and my heart was as calm as the water, as if there was nothing around, just me and the speech. My voice changed I was shocked by the strength and boldness of vision. Finally, I succeeded. Looking at the surprised eyes of my classmates and the praise of my teachers, I stepped down with honor

  Through this experience, I understand a truth: in fact, there is nothing you can't do in the world. As long as you dare to break through and insist, you will gain something!


  In a hurry, six years passed in the twinkling of an eye. Although the time of primary school is short, it is very beautiful. There are gains and lessons, joy and pain. We will leave our alma mater and enter middle school soon, but how I want to be a primary school student again.

  If I can be a primary school student again, I will abide by the teacher's instructions and live up to my parents' expectations. In class, I will concentrate on listening to the teacher. I won't make small moves or talk in class. I will use my limited time to learn, gain more knowledge and help more people in need. I will also be a primary school student who loves the collective, loves his classmates and is willing to help others.

  If I could be a primary school student again, I would love the environment. Protect every plant in the campus, don't Scribble on the wall, don't touch the clean wall with my dirty hands, don't take the lives of grass and flowers, and don't throw peel and paper scraps. I will also cherish water resources, not waste every drop of water, and make our home and school better.

  If I can be a primary school student again, I will get rid of the bad habit of carelessness. In the past, I always reviewed my lessons and didn't take the examination seriously, resulting in carelessness, so that the wrong questions in the examination were always loopholes, which not only made me very frustrated, but also frustrated my self-confidence. So I made up my mind to get rid of the bad habit of carelessness and be a careful person in life. How I want to be a primary school student again, cherish every minute at that time, constantly enrich and improve ourselves, our childhood will be like colorful soap bubbles, carrying our dreams farther and farther!


  Time flies like a shuttle. We walked into the school gate in the warm sunshine and began a new journey. Behind us are the expectations of parents and teachers. We should work harder and strive to live up to the expectations of parents and teachers. If we want to be a qualified middle school student, I would like to propose:

  First of all, we should abide by school rules, middle school students' rules, middle school students' etiquette and so on. To be a qualified middle school student, we should have good conduct, use reasonable learning methods and formulate reasonable work and rest time; In life, we should also pay attention to personal and collective health, and create a good learning environment for ourselves and everyone.

  In our daily communication with others, we should be polite and be civilized middle school students; In normal speaking, pay attention to polite language, pay attention to occasions, have a friendly attitude and speak Mandarin. Do not enter other people's rooms without permission, use other people's articles, and do not read other people's letters and diaries. Do not interrupt others at will, and do not disturb others' study and rest. Stand up to pay tribute to the teacher at the beginning and end of class. After class, please ask the teacher to go first. Salute and say hello when you see the teacher or elders, stand up when you answer the teacher's questions, and be sincere when you give advice to the teacher

  Shouldn't we, as a qualified middle school student, take the initiative to do these in these details?


  Some students may be surprised. What can we talk about how to be a student? Carrying a schoolbag to school is not a student? Yes, but it's not so easy to be a really qualified student. What I want to talk about here is to be a qualified middle school student.

  A qualified student should be a student of good conduct. Good conduct means that he must be a person with noble moral sentiment, positive and enterprising, a person with code of conduct and full of ideals. Hugo, a famous French writer, said: the broadest in the world is the ocean. What is broader than the ocean is the sky, and what is broader than the sky is the human mind. A loving person will never feel lonely in life. Start by loving the plants and trees around you and love all the good things in life.

  Knowing how to cherish is also an important sign of qualified middle school students. How often we are in the midst of happiness, that is to say, we do not cherish that happiness. Here, I will try my best to appeal to all the students with a weak voice: cherish our golden years! Don't take it easy, white young head, empty sad; Please cherish all the beautiful things we have! In this way, we will gradually become better.

  Students, with the rising sun in the first round of the new semester, each of us has opened a new page in the course of life. Thinking about the past, we have made too many mistakes and missed too much. Then, let the poetry of the great poet Tagore wake up our hope. I have missed the sun, but do not cry, otherwise I will miss the stars and the moon. Dear students: raise your smiling face and leave your shadow behind!


  If primary school life is the first step in life, secondary school is the most difficult and beautiful step in life. All the habits, whether the life is good or not, are decided in these six years. Many children swear to themselves when they enter middle school that they must be admitted to a famous university in the future. But not many succeeded in the end. If you want to get close to your dream, the first step is to think about how to be a qualified middle school student. Many successful people recall their school days, and most of them are learning.

  As the saying goes, as long as you have deep Kung Fu, an iron pestle can be ground into a needle. If we can arrange our time reasonably, we can get twice the result with half the effort. Therefore, we must first have a clear idea of the studies we will face in the future, so that we can not be arrogant and discouraged in our study and life, and pave the way for being a qualified middle school student.

  The second is the promotion of thought and morality. We pay little attention to details in life. In fact, many things are details that determine success or failure. Sometimes we are curious and want to see what is written in other people's diaries, so the level of quality is reflected; Sometimes, we are selfish, so we break away from the collective and act alone; Sometimes, we forget the details and give in to our habits, so the road we tread is full of broken flowers

  There are a lot of problems sometimes, which are caused by not paying attention to details and habits. Now that we have entered middle school and become a middle school student, we should ask ourselves higher and stricter. In life, we should work hard, strive for, let go of what we want, overcome difficulties, overcome disasters, be able to self-esteem, self love and self-improvement at any time, and drive away the haze of life with a smile. See the teacher, can also be polite, affectionately call the teacher good; If you see paper scraps, you can bend down and pick them up; If you see people who have difficulty moving, you can come forward to help

  These are the improvement of their own quality; All these are the foundation for being a qualified middle school student.

  Being a qualified middle school student includes a lot of things. I will use my most clean and beautiful youth to interpret the meaning of middle school students.


  The drizzling rain accompanied us to wake up. The flustered morning is the most true portrayal of middle school students. What do we want in exchange for our classes, lectures and homework day after day? Just the last good job? No, at least our efforts will get a little sense of achievement at the bottom of our hearts. At the same time, it is also the best way to repay our parents. I believe every child will be a little relieved when he sees the happy smiling face of his parents, won't he?

  Once we were at a loss and lost, but we all stepped into the middle school classroom step by step. We have grown up, not the childish child. We should understand the truth and distinguish right from wrong. Playing video games in class sounds like a childish behavior, but it really appears in the middle school classroom, saying that we don't understand the rules, but we have studied the code of conduct for middle school students since we first entered school. What's the reason? Disrespect for the teacher, or not interested in the course? I think it's a little bit, but in the final analysis, our self-control is not strong enough. Make an analogy! There is 100 yuan on the ground at your feet. You dare not look at it, let alone pick it up! It's the same in class. You know there's a game console in the table hole. Can you even look at it? Generally speaking, playing video games is really wrong, but at the same time, we should also strengthen our self-control!

  Of course, a qualified middle school student doesn't talk casually. A writer said: you can see a person only by a little thing. So work hard! For myself and my family, I hope that when we graduate, we will hand in a satisfactory answer for ourselves in the course of middle school students' code of conduct, and draw a perfect pause for middle school life!


  Time flies like a shuttle. We walked into the school gate in the warm sunshine and began a new journey. Behind us are the expectations of parents and teachers. We should work harder and strive to live up to the expectations of parents and teachers. If we want to be a qualified middle school student, we must do:

  Pay attention to your code of conduct. Discipline and rules are indispensable in our daily work, study and life. Many facts can explain this truth, such as queuing to buy tickets; When walking on the road, you should obey the traffic rules; Even our daily actions are subject to certain requirements and constraints, otherwise everything will be out of order. As students, we have countless disciplines and rules to ask us to tell us what to do and what not to do. However, if we always study and live in a required environment, it is difficult to make progress, so we should learn to restrain ourselves, demand ourselves, change passivity into initiative, consciously abide by the daily code of conduct of middle school students, and use it to restrict our words and deeds.

  As a junior high school student, he should be sincere, frank, honest and trustworthy, be polite to others, love the collective, unite and help each other among students, abide by rules and disciplines, speak Mandarin, use polite language, study hard, be hardworking, be modest and prudent, work hard and frugal, be filial to his parents, be strict with himself and abide by public morality. It is a responsible attitude towards yourself to develop a good standard of daily behavior. Sow a behavior, harvest a habit; Sow a habit, harvest a character; Sow a character and reap a destiny. " Thus, we can know that behavior becomes a habit, habit forms a character, and character determines fate. We can't rely on others. The secret to forming good habits lies in self-restraint. If you learn to control yourself, you will have the best teacher.

  Respecting teachers is also an act that our students must do. The ancients said, "one day is a teacher and all life is a father." it can be seen that teachers have a position in people's hearts. As a student, we should respect the teacher and the teacher's personality. We should also respect the work of teachers. Accept the teacher's criticism with an open mind and don't contradict the teacher on the spot. Teachers' hard work is reflected in teaching. Students study with an open mind, listen carefully to each teacher's class and achieve good academic results, which is the greatest respect for teachers. Students, we should always pay attention to our words and deeds, cooperate with teachers' work, care about teachers' life, understand teachers with a sincere heart and regard teachers as our most respected people. I think if every student can join the ranks of self-discipline, pay attention to his code of conduct all the time, and cultivate himself into a good student who abides by the law, loves science, loves the motherland, loves the people, is honest and trustworthy, and has a sense of responsibility, he will find that the things and environment around him will be very different.

  To be a good middle school student, we should start from small things and accumulate experience bit by bit. Only in this way can we really become a qualified middle school student.

如何做一名优秀的学生英语作文 =相关文档推荐= 如何做一名合格的中学生英语作文 查看无忧考网英语资源全部文档 >>




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