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英文英语写信给老外要原始数据 通讯作者原始数据 问通讯作者要数据

2024-07-16 17:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

我索要质粒前也是参考了很多丁香园的帖子,所以有些语句可能和以往的范本雷同,请大家见谅哦 2007年3月20日 主题:explore the possibility of getting *** from your laboratory 信件: Dear Dr. **, I am a post graduate student in ***Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. And one of my projects focuses on . It seemed that the mechanism you indicated in the paper (, published in **, Vol ** (200):27-35) showed great similarity with my current issue, and it could be very useful for us. I think that your construct *** in that paper was a deliberate design. If I could get the construct from kindly, it would be very helpful for us. We will acknowledge the plasmid resource and cite your papers in all our future publications based on the plasmid. Sure, we would like to sign a Construct Transfer Agreement. Thank you in advance for your attention. I look forward to your plasmid, so your early response will be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely yours, blueviolin5

我一共给三个实验室发信索要了质粒,而且发第一封的时候还傻傻的忘了写主题了又重新加上主题发了一遍。其中两个实验室都没搭理我,只有一个实验室给我回了信。 后来我总结了一下,这个给我回信的实验室是自己构建的质粒。没给我回信的两个实验室:其中一个实验室,那个质粒也是他们根据别人赠与的质粒改造的,所以估计不是自己的版权自己不敢乱给嘿嘿。而另一个实验室就是那个赠与他们质粒的实验室,但是也没有给我回信,我查了一下,觉得可能是据他们构建那个质粒的时间太久了,好几十年了所以,我觉得大家尽量找原版的质粒索要,就是最初构建质粒的实验室,可能会更容易获得一些。

老外给我回信很简单:Sure. I will try to dig it out. The postdoc has since left the lab.

我这等他dig out一等就是半个多月他也没动静,我又发信询问。

2007年4月9日 Dear Dr. **, I have been sent mail to you for exploring the possibility of getting *** from your laboratory, have you found it out? Thank you in advance for your kindness. I look forward to your plasmid, and your early response will be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely yours, blueviolin5

老外立刻回信:should be on its way to you this week (这位外国大叔惜字如金,看来真是个大忙人)

赶紧回信感谢: I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your promise of my demand. I am looking forward to your construct ***.

这下我踏实了,等吧……望眼欲穿……结果……一个多月了……啥都没收到再问吧: 2007年5月23日 Dear Dr. **, Thank you very much for your generous help. But I haven’t received your construct ***yet for more than 1 month. Which manner you use for mail? Is ordinary mail or express delivery? I’m worry about there is something wrong of the transport. Thank you in advance for your attention. I look forward to your plasmid, so your early response will be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely yours, blueviolin5

结果他转发来了给他实验室另一个员工发的信:**, Did you send? (大叔还是保持着惜字如金的传统作风嘿嘿)

然后我收到了他实验室那个员工给我的信: Hi, blueviolin5, I am so sorry I forgot this issue after Dr.**told me one month ago. It is my fault. I apologize for that. I am going to send out today. Best,

我晕……这位大哥给我忘了寄了,呜呜……我这翘首以盼的一个多月啊……不过还是要回信表示感谢哦,咱可是礼仪之邦啦啦啦而且这次想让他寄给我实验室的主管了,这样更保险,等得这么久真是把我等怕了! It does not matter, Thank you very much for your help! If you didn’t delivery yet, can you write the received person name of ***. Of course, he or I all can receive international letter. But he is our leader, I think that will be more safety for received your construct. Thank you again for your kindness.

第二天收到那位实验室员工的回信 Hi, blueviolin5, The stuff had been sent out yesterday by our secretary to blueviolin5 while I emailed to you yesterday. Please pay attention to your mail box. Thanks, ***.


不过高兴之余也要记得发信再次感谢哦! I have received your construct. It would be very helpful for us. I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your generous help. I will acknowledge the plasmid resource and cite your papers in all our future publications based on the plasmid. Thank you again for your kindness.

Sincerely yours, blueviolin5

最后我收到了外国简练大叔的简短回信:Good Luck!


Department of *** ******** Institute (Address) Beijing, P.R.China Zip 10 Tel: 86-010-***** Fax: 86-010-******** E-mail: blueviolin5@***.org.cn

这是我第一次索要质粒,还算顺利,把自己的经验贴出来和大家分享,祝大家科研顺利!Good Luck!😃




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