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2023-06-03 15:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

更改为:function axReturn = newplot(hsave) %NEWPLOT Prepares figure, axes for graphics according to NextPlot. % H = NEWPLOT returns the handle of the prepared axes. % H = NEWPLOT(HSAVE) prepares and returns an axes, but does not % delete any objects whose handles appear in HSAVE. If HSAVE is % specified, the figure and axes containing HSAVE are prepared % instead of the current axes of the current figure. If HSAVE is % empty, NEWPLOT behaves as if it were called without any inputs. % % NEWPLOT is a standard preamble command that is put at % the beginning of graphics functions that draw graphs % using only low-level object creation commands. NEWPLOT % "does the right thing" in terms of determining which axes and/or % figure to draw the plot in, based upon the setting of the % NextPlot property of axes and figure objects, and returns a % handle to the appropriate axes. % % The "right thing" is: % % First, prepare a figure for graphics: % Clear and reset the current figure using CLF RESET if its NextPlot % is 'replace', or clear the current figure using CLF if its % NextPlot is 'replacechildren', or reuse the current figure as-is % if its NextPlot is 'add', or if no figures exist, create a figure. % When the figure is prepared, set its NextPlot to 'add', and then % prepare an axes in that figure: % Clear and reset the current axes using CLA RESET if its NextPlot % is 'replace', or clear the current axes using CLA if its NextPlot % is 'replacechildren', or reuse the current axes as-is if its % NextPlot is 'add', or if no axes exist, create an axes. % % See also HOLD, ISHOLD, FIGURE, AXES, CLA, CLF. % Copyright 1984-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. % Built-in function. if nargin == 0 || isempty(hsave) hsave = []; elseif ~isscalar(hsave) || ~ishghandle(hsave) error(message('MATLAB:newplot:InvalidHandle')) else % Make sure we have an object handle. hsave = handle(hsave); end fig = gobjects(0); ax = gobjects(0); if ~isempty(hsave) obj = hsave; while ~isempty(obj) if strcmp(obj.Type,'figure') fig = obj; elseif strcmp(obj.Type,'axes') ax = obj; end obj = obj.Parent; end end if isempty(fig) fig = gcf; end fig = ObserveFigureNextPlot(fig, hsave); % Set figure's NextPlot property to 'add' after obeying the previous setting. fig.NextPlot = 'add'; checkNextPlot = true; if isempty(ax) ax = gca(fig); if isa(ax,'') if ishold(ax) error(message('MATLAB:newplot:HoldOnMixing')) else ax =,@axes); % We just creaetd a new axes, no need to check NextPlot checkNextPlot = false; end end elseif ~any(ishghandle(ax)) error(message('MATLAB:newplot:NoAxesParent')) end if checkNextPlot ax = ObserveAxesNextPlot(ax, hsave); end if nargout axReturn = ax; end function fig = ObserveFigureNextPlot(fig, hsave) % % Helper fcn for preparing figure for nextplot, optionally % preserving specific existing descendants. % GUARANTEED to return a figure, even if some crazy combination % of create / delete fcns deletes it. switch fig.NextPlot case 'new' % if someone calls plot(x,y,'parent',h) and h is an axes % in a figure with NextPlot 'new', ignore the 'new' and % treat it as 'add' - just add the axes to that figure. if isempty(hsave) fig = figure; end case 'replace' clf(fig, 'reset', hsave); case 'replacechildren' clf(fig, hsave); case 'add' % nothing end if ~any(ishghandle(fig)) && isempty(hsave) fig = figure; end function ax = ObserveAxesNextPlot(ax, hsave) % % Helper fcn for preparing axes for nextplot, optionally % preserving specific existing descendants % GUARANTEED to return an axes in the same figure as the passed-in % axes, even if that axes gets deleted by an overzealous create or % delete fcn anywhere in the figure. % for performance only call ancestor when needed fig = ax.Parent; if ~strcmp(fig.Type,'figure') fig = ancestor(fig,'figure'); end switch ax.NextPlot case 'replaceall'; cla(ax, 'reset', hsave); case 'replace' % If there are multiple data spaces, ax.prepareForPlot() will do a % reset of the properties for the active data space (while % preserving other data spaces) and return false to indicate that a % full reset is not necessary. Otherwise, ax.prepareForPlot() will % return true. if (ax.prepareForPlot()) cla(ax, 'reset', hsave); else cla(ax, hsave); end case 'replacechildren' cla(ax, hsave); case 'add' % nothing end if ~any(ishghandle(ax)) && isempty(hsave) if ~any(ishghandle(fig)) ax = axes; else ax = axes('Parent',fig); end end




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