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Prior to configuration, ensure the device is running the latest firmware. To update the firmware, refer to Update Firmware.

The control system may be monitored and configured using the included web configuration interface. The configuration interface is accessible from a web browser if the control system IP address is known.

The web configuration interface is also accessible through the XiO Cloud® service. For more information, refer to Connect to XiO Cloud Service.

To access the configuration interface:

Use the Device Discovery tool in Crestron Toolbox™ software to discover the control system and its IP address on the network. Open a web browser. Enter the control system IP address into the browser URL field. A login page is displayed. Enter the administrator username and password in the appropriate text fields and click Sign In. The configuration interface is displayed. NOTE: For more information on creating an administrator account, refer to Create an Admin Account. For more information on managing user accounts on the control system, refer to Security.

Web Configuration Interface

The configuration interface provides the following tabs:

Status: Used to monitor control system status Settings: Used to configure control system settings Security: Used to enable authentication and other security settings 802.1x Configuration: Used to configure IEEE 802.1x network authentication for control system security

The Status tab is the default tab that is displayed, as shown in the previous image.

Actions Menu

The configuration interface provides an Actions drop-down menu on the top right of the page. The Actions menu may be accessed at any time.

Actions Menu

Once any changes have been made to the control system configuration, the Actions button changes to a Save Changes button. Click Save Changes to save changes to the configuration settings.

If a reboot is required after changes have been saved, a dialog box is displayed asking whether the reboot should be performed. Select Yes to reboot the device or No to cancel the reboot.

The Actions menu provides the following selections.

Save Changes

Click Save Changes to save any changes made to the configuration settings.


Click Revert to revert the control system back to the last saved configuration settings.


Click Reboot to reboot the control system.

After Reboot is selected, a dialog box is displayed asking whether the control system should be rebooted. Select Yes to reboot the device or No to cancel the reboot.


Click Restore to restore the control system configuration settings to their default values.

After Restore is selected a dialog box is displayed asking whether the device settings should be restored. Select Yes to restore the settings or No to cancel the restore.

Update Firmware

Click Update Firmware to upgrade the control system firmware manually with a downloaded PUF (package update file). The Firmware Upgrade dialog box opens.

Firmware Upgrade Dialog Box

To upload a firmware PUF through the web configuration interface:

NOTE: Visit the appropriate device product page or to download the latest firmware PUF.

Click Browse, and then navigate to the firmware PUF on the host computer. Select the firmware PUF, and then click Open. Click Load to load the PUF to the control system. The upload progress is shown in the dialog box. Once the control system has completed the firmware upgrade, click OK.

Click the x button to close the Firmware Upgrade dialog box at any time during the upgrade process. Clicking the x button before the PUF is uploaded to the control system cancels the upgrade.

Download Logs

Click Download Logs to download the control system message logs for diagnostic purposes. The message files download as a compressed .tgz file. Once the compressed file is downloaded, extract the message log files to view them.

Manage Certificates

Click Manage Certificates to manage any certificates that are installed on the control system. For more information on certificate management, refer to 802.1x Configuration.


Click the Status tab on the top left of the configuration interface to display selections for viewing the status of device, network, and USB, and .AV Framework™ software settings.

Click on a selection name to expand the selection. If the selection is expanded, click the selection name again to collapse the section.

Status Tab Selections


Click Device to view general device information.

Status Tab - Device

The following Device information is displayed:

Model: The control system model name Serial Number: The control system serial number Firmware Version: The firmware version loaded onto the control system

Click + More details at the bottom of the Device tab to display an expanded section that shows additional control system information. If + More Details is selected, click - Less details to collapse the section.


Click Network to view the status of the network settings for the control system.

Status Tab - Network

The following Network information is displayed:

Host Name: The control system hostname Domain Name: The control system domain name NIC 1 DNS Servers: The DNS (domain name server) addresses used to resolve the control system domain to an IP address

Click the + (plus) icon next to Adapter 1 to display the following Ethernet settings:

DHCP: Reports whether the IP address is dynamic (Yes) or static (No) IP Address: The control system IP address, shown only if an Ethernet connection is enabled Subnet Mask: The control system subnet mask address, shown only if an Ethernet connection is enabled Default Gateway: The gateway router address, shown only if an Ethernet connection is enabled Link Active: Reports the status of the Ethernet connection (A true message indicates that the Ethernet connection is active, while a false message indicates that the Ethernet connection is inactive.) MAC Address: The unique MAC (media access control) address for the Ethernet adapter

Click the + (plus) icon next to Control Subnet to display the following Control Subnet settings (CP4N only):

Auto Network Addressing: Reports whether the network address for the Control Subnet is configured automatically (true) or manually (false) Network: The Control Subnet network address, shown only if a Control Subnet connection is enabled Subnet Mask: The Control Subnet mask address, shown only if an Ethernet connection is enabled Link Active: Reports the status of the Control Subnet connection (A true message indicates that the Control Subnet connection is active, while a false message indicates that the Control Subnet connection is inactive.) Isolation Mode: Reports the status of the Control Subnet isolation mode (A true message indicates that isolation mode is enabled, while a false message indicates that isolation mode is disabled.) MAC Address: The unique MAC (media access control) address for the Control Subnet adapter Program

Click Program to view the status of the program and slave mode settings for the control system.

Status Tab - Program

The following Program information is displayed:

Number of Licensed Programs: The number of licensed programs supported by the control system Slave Mode: Reports whether the control system is running in subordinate mode (Enabled) or not (Disabled) Master IP/Hostname: The IP address or hostname of the primary control system, shown only if subordinate mode is enabled Master IP ID: The IP ID of the primary control system connection, shown only if subordinate mode is enabled Slave Mode Status: Indicates the connection status to a primary control system while in subordinate mode, shown only if subordinate mode is enabled

If one or more programs have been loaded to the control system, expandable subsections are shown that correspond with the program slot. Expand the subsection for a given program slot to display details about the loaded program.

AV Framework

Click AV Framework to view the status of the native .AV Framework software program running on the control system

Status Tab - AV Framework

The following AV Framework information is displayed:

AV Framework: Reports whether the native .AV Framework software program has been enabled (Enabled) or not (Disabled) AV Framework Version: Reports the version of the native .AV Framework software program running on the control system, shown only if the native .AV Framework software program is enabled

If the native .AV Framework software program is enabled, an Open AV Framework Setup button is provided to launch the .AV Framework web configuration utility. For more information on configuring .AV Framework for the control system, refer to the .AV Framework Software for 4-Series Control Systems Operations Guide.


Click the Settings tab on the top left of the configuration interface to display selections for configuring various control system settings.

Settings Selections

Each selection is described in the sections that follow.

NOTE: If an invalid value is entered for a setting, the web interface will not allow changes to be saved until a valid value is entered. Red text is displayed next a setting to indicate an invalid value.

System Setup

Click System Settings to configure general network and control system settings.

Settings Tab - System Setup


Click the + (plus) icon next to Time/Date to display the following time and date settings.

Settings Tab - System Setup (Time/Date)

Time Synchronization: Turn on the toggle to use time synchronization via NTP (Network Time Protocol). Synchronize Now: With Time Synchronization turned on, click Synchronize Now to synchronize the control system with the NTP server(s) entered in the NTP Time Servers table. NTP Time Servers: With Time Synchronization turned on, use the provided table to enter information regarding the NTP server(s) used to synchronize the date and time for the control system.  Click Add to add a new NTP server entry into the table.Enter the following information for each entry:Enter the NTP server address into the Address text field.Enter the NTP server port into the Port text field.Use the Authentication Method drop-down menu to select the authentication method used to access the NTP server (if one exists).If an authentication method is selected, enter the key used to authenticate against the NTP server into the Authentication Key text field.If an authentication method is selected, enter the ID for the key used to authenticate against the NTP server into the Key ID text field.To remove an entry, fill the checkbox to the left of the table entry, and then click Delete.

NOTE: NTP servers are configured into a particular slot. The server configured for the first table row will be the primary server used for time synchronization. The servers configured into additional table rows will be used as secondary servers.

Time Zone: Select a time zone for the control system using the drop‑down menu. Date: Select the date for the control system using the pop-up calendar that is displayed. Time: Select the time for the control system (in 24-hour format) using the pop-up menu that is displayed. Network

Click the + (plus) icon next to Network to display the following network settings.

Settings Tab - System Setup (Network)

Host Name: Enter the control system hostname. Domain: Enter the fully qualified domain name on the network. Primary Static DNS: Enter the primary DNS address. Secondary Static DNS: Enter the secondary DNS address. DHCP: Turn on the toggle to use DHCP for the Ethernet connection.

NOTE: If DHCP is enabled, IP does not function until a reply has been received from the server. The control system broadcasts requests for an IP address periodically.

IP Address: If DHCP is turned off, enter the control system IP address on the network. Subnet Mask: If DHCP is turned off, enter the control system subnet mask address on the network. Default Gateway: If DHCP is turned off, enter the gateway router address on the network. Control Subnet (CP4N Only)

Click the + (plus) icon next to Control Subnet to display the following Control Subnet settings.

Settings Tab - System Setup (Control Subnet)

NOTE: For more information on the Control Subnet, refer to the "Control Subnet" topic in the 4-Series Control Systems Reference Guide.

Turn on the Auto Network Addressing toggle to assign a network address for the Control Subnet automatically. If this toggle is turned off, a static address must be entered in the Network text field below. If Auto Network Addressing is turned off, enter a static Control Subnet network address in the Network text field. The network address must be in CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) format that includes the bit mask count after the address (such as ""). Turn on the Isolation Mode toggle to run the Control Subnet in isolation mode. When in isolation mode, the firewall is configured so that no communication can occur between the LAN and devices on the Control Subnet. Using this mechanism, customers can protect their corporate LAN from devices on the Control Subnet. For more information, refer to the "Control Subnet" topic in the 4-Series Control Systems Reference Guide. Turn on the Start Program After Router is Online toggle to start control system programs only after the internal Control Subnet router is reporting online. Use the Port Map table to create port mapping rules to use with the Control Subnet.

NOTE: No port maps can be added if Isolation Mode is turned on.

Click Add to add a new port mapping rule into the table. Enter the following information for each entry:Enter the external port in the External Port text field. This is the port number that users outside the LAN must specify to connect to the service on the internal network.Enter the internal port in the Internal Port text field. This is the port number for the specified service on the internal network.Enter the IP address or hostname of the target control system in the IP Address/Hostname text field.Use the Protocol drop-down menu to specify the connection type that will be accepted from machines outside the LAN. To remove an entry, fill the checkbox to the left of the table entry, and then click Remove. Web Server

Click the + (plus) icon next to Web Server to display the following control system web server settings.

Settings Tab - System Setup (Web Server)

Turn on the Web Server Enabled toggle to enable the web server for the control system. The control system web server allows for users to upload web pages and mobility projects to a control system. If Web Server Enabled is turned on, enter an HTTP port to use for the web server in the HTTP Port text field. Port 80 is used by default. If Web Server Enabled is turned on, enter an HTTPS port to use for the web server in the HTTPS Port text field. Port 443 is used by default. Crestron Internet Protocol

Click the + (plus) icon next to Crestron Internet Protocol to display the following Crestron Internet Protocol (CIP) port settings.

Settings Tab - System Setup (Crestron Internet Protocol)

Enter the Crestron Internet Protocol port used by the control system in the CIP Port text field. Port 41794 is used by default. Enter the Secure Crestron Internet Protocol port used by the control system in the SCIP Port text field. Port 41796 is used by default. SSH

Click the + (plus) icon next to SSH to display the following SSH (Secure Shell) settings.

Settings Tab - System Setup (SSH)

Turn on the SSH Enabled toggle to enable SSH for the control system. If SSH Enabled is turned on, enter a port to use for the SSH protocol in the SSH Port text field. Port 22 is used by default. Web XPanel

Click the + (plus) icon next to Web XPanel to display the following control system Web XPanel settings.

Settings Tab - System Setup (Web XPanel)

Turn on the Web XPanel Enabled toggle to enable the Web XPanel functionality for the control system. Turn on the Secure Web XPanel Enabled toggle to enable a secure Web XPanel connection for the control system. If this toggle is turned on, the Web XPanel can only connect to the control system over encrypted TLS/SSL. Enter a domain name for the Web XPanel in the Domain text field. Enter one or more ports for the Web XPanel in the Port(s) text field. Port 41794 is used by default.

NOTE: Enter "*" to open all ports for the Web XPanel. A range of ports can also be specified.


Click Programs to manage control system programs and to configure subordinate mode settings for the control system.

Settings Tab - Programs

Slave Mode

NOTE: For more information on using subordinate mode for a 4-Series control system, refer to the "Master‑Slave Mode" topic in the 4-Series Control Systems Reference Guide.

Click the + (plus) icon next to Slave Mode to display the following subordinate mode settings.

Turn the Slave Mode toggle on to run the control system in subordinate mode. If this toggle is turned on, the control system will follow a program running on the primary control system and will make its ports available to that control system. If Slave Mode is turned on, enter the IP address or hostname of the primary control system in the Master IP/Hostname text field. If Slave Mode is turned on, enter the IP ID for the connection to the primary control system in the IP ID text field. Program Slot Management

NOTE: For more information on managing programs on a 4-Series control system, refer to the "Program Management" topic in the 4‑Series Control Systems Reference Guide.

Click the + (plus) icon next to Program Slot Management to display the following program management settings.

Each program slot is represented in a table that provides the following information and controls:

Slot: The program slot number (1‑10) Program Name: The name for the control system program Registration: The registration status of the program Execution: The execution status of the program Program Editing: Provides the following program editing controls:Click the Upload Program button  to load a new program to the control system. Instructions for loading a new program to the control system are provided below.Click the Edit Program button  to edit information about the program (if available).If the program is unregistered, click the Register Program button  to register the program with the control system.If the program is registered, click the Unregister Program button  to unregister the program from the control system. Program Execution: Provides the following program execution controls:If the program is stopped, click the Start Program button  to start the program.If the program is running, click the Stop Program button  to stop the program.Click the Restart Program button  to restart the program. Load a New Program

To load a new program to the control system:

Click the Upload Program button in an available program slot. The Add Program dialog box is displayed.

Add Program Dialog Box

If desired, fill the Do not copy IP Table check box to prevent the program IP table from being copied to the control system following the upload. Click the Program File button. The File Upload dialog box is displayed.

File Upload Dialog Box

Click Browse, and then navigate to the program file (LPZ or CPZ) on the host computer. Select the program file, and then click Open. Click Load to load the program file to the control system. The upload progress is shown in the dialog box. Once the control system has completed the program upload, click OK. The program will appear in the Program Slot Management table and will automatically attempt to register and start itself on the control system. Edit a Program

To edit the IP table for a control system program (if permitted by the program):

Click the Edit Program button in the desired program slot. The Edit Program dialog box is displayed.

Edit Program Dialog Box

NOTE: If IP table entries have already been defined in the program, these entries will populate the table in the Edit Program dialog box unless the Do not copy IP Table check box was filled when loading the program to the control system.

Click Add to add a new IP table entry for the program (if necessary). Enter or modify the following information in each column for the IP table entry:IPID: Enter an IP ID that will be used for communication between a device and the control system.IP Address/Hostname: Enter the IP address or hostname for the device that will connect to the control system over IP.Device Id: Enter a unique ID for the connecting device. By default, this value is the same as the provided IP ID.Port #: Enter the port used for communication between device and control system.Room Id: Enter the Crestron Virtual Control (VC-4) room ID that is associated with the IP table entry. This setting is applicable only for VC-4 connections. Click Save Changes to save any changes to the IP table. Projects

Click Projects to manage web and mobility projects for the control system.

Settings Tab - Programs

Each loaded project is represented in a table that provides the following information and controls:

Projects: The project number on the control system Name: The name for the web or mobility project Mobility: Displays a green check icon if the project is a mobility project Web Project: Displays a green check icon if the project is a web project Actions: Click the trash can button  to delete the project from the control system

To load a new web or mobility project to the control system:

Click the Add Project button. The Add Project dialog box is displayed.

Add Project Dialog Box

Turn on the Web Project or Mobility Project toggles to define whether the loaded project is a web or a mobility project.

NOTE: If the project is both a web and a mobility project, both toggles can be selected.

Click the Project File button. The File Upload dialog box is displayed.

File Upload Dialog Box

Click Browse, and then navigate to the project file on the host computer. Select the project file, and then click Open. Click Load to load the project file to the control system. The upload progress is shown in the dialog box. Once the control system has completed the project upload, click OK. The program will appear in the Project Management table. Services

Click Services to manage various external services that integrate with the control system.

Settings Tab - Services

Crestron Fusion Cloud

NOTE: If connecting to a Crestron Fusion software on-premises server, connections are made using either traditional (outbound) or inbound communications. For more information, refer to the Crestron Fusion 10 On‑Premises Software Getting Started Guide.

Turn on the Crestron Fusion Cloud toggle to allow a connection to a Crestron Fusion Cloud server. If Crestron Fusion Cloud is turned on, enter the URL used to connect the control system to the desired Crestron Fusion Cloud server in the Crestron Fusion Cloud URL text field. VC-4 Server

NOTE: For more information on connecting the control system to Crestron Virtual Control (VC-4), refer to the help file in the Crestron Virtual Control web configuration interface. To access the help file, click the question mark button on the top left of the page.

Enter a VC-4 server URL into the VC-4 Server Address text field to establish a connection between the control system and a VC-4 server.

Apple HomeKit

NOTE: For more information on pairing the device with an Apple® HomeKit® system, refer to

Turn on the Apple Home Kit toggle to enable the HomeKit feature on the control system.

Cloud Settings

Click Cloud Settings to enable or disable a connection between the control system and an XiO Cloud® service account.

Settings Tab - Cloud Settings

Turn on the Cloud Configuration Service Connection to allow a connection between control system and an XiO Cloud account. This setting is turned on by default.

For more information on connecting to the XiO Cloud service, refer to Connect to XiO Cloud Service.

Auto Update

Click Auto Update to configure automatic firmware updates for the control system and connected devices.

Settings Tab - Auto Update

NOTE: For more information on configuring automatic updates for the control system, refer to the "Auto Update Mechanism" topic in the 4-Series Control Systems Reference Guide.

General Turn on the Auto Update toggle to use automatic updates for the control system and connected devices. If Auto Update is turned on, enter a custom update server FTP address in the Custom URL text field. Server

The following settings can be configured for the auto update server if Auto Update is turned on:

Enter a username for accessing the auto update server in the Username text field. Enter a password for accessing the auto update server in the Password text field. Crestron Devices

The following settings can be configured for updating connected Crestron devices if Auto Update is turned on:

Enter a username for pushing automatic updates to controlled Crestron devices in the Username text field. Enter a password for pushing automatic updates to controlled Crestron devices in the Password text field. Schedule

The following settings can be configured for scheduling automatic updates if Auto Update is turned on:

Use the Day of Week drop-down menu to select a day of the week to check for and perform automatic updates.Select Daily to check for new updates every day.Select None to only check for new updates manually. If a value is provided for Day of Week other than "None," enter a time of day (in 24‑hour format) when the control system will check updates on the scheduled day. If "None" is selected for Day of Week, enter the polling interval (in hours) for when the control system will poll the server for updates. Click Update Now to check the update server for new firmware and to update the control system immediately if new firmware is available. AV Framework

Click AV Framework to configure the native .AV Framework software program running on the control system.

Settings Tab - AV Framework

NOTE: If an older version of the .AV Framework program is detected in the Program 01 slot (6.13 and prior), the program is loaded to the Program 00 slot but is not enabled within the control system. The older .AV Framework program must be removed manually before the newer version can be enabled. For more information, refer to the .AV Framework Software for 4-Series Control Systems Operations Guide.

Turn on the AV Framework toggle to turn on the native .AV Framework software program on the control system. If AV Framework is turned on, the version of the native .AV Framework software program is reported next to AV Framework Version. If AV Framework is turned on, click Open AV Framework Setup to launch the .AV Framework web configuration utility. For more information on configuring .AV Framework for the control system, refer to the .AV Framework Software for 4-Series Control Systems Operations Guide. Security

Click the Security tab on the top left of the configuration interface to display selections for configuring security and authentication settings for the control system.

Security Tab Selections

Expand the Security accordion to configure the following settings:

NOTE: For more information about configuring authentication settings on a 4-Series control system, refer to the "Authentication" topic in the 4-Series Control Systems Reference Guide.

SSL Mode: Select an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) mode to use for establishing a secure connection to the control system: Encrypt and Validation: The control system will require a username and password to validate an encrypted SSL connection. Enter a username and password in the appropriate fields that are displayed. Encrypt: The control system will use an encrypted SSL connection. Enable User Page Authentication: Turn on the toggle to use user page authentication for web pages and mobility projects. If this toggle is turned on, a user will be prompted for login credentials as they load the project.

Control system users and groups can be viewed and modified within the table provided at the bottom of the accordion. Use the following settings to add, delete, and edit control system users and groups.

Current User

Click the Current User tab to view and edit information for the current control system user.

Current User Tab

The following settings are displayed for the current user:

Name: The chosen username Access Level: The access level granted to the user (Administrator, Programmer, Operator, User, or Connect) Active Directory User: Reports whether the current user is (Yes) or is not (No) authenticated through Active Directory® software

NOTE: A user must be added to an Active Directory group before the user may be selected as an active directory user. For more information, refer to Groups.

Groups: Any groups of which the current user is a member

Click Change Current User Password to change the password for the current user. The Change Password dialog box is displayed.

Change Password Dialog Box

Enter the existing password in the Current Password field. Then, enter a new password in the Password field, and reenter the password in the Confirm Password field.

Click OK to save the new password, or click Cancel to cancel the change.


Click the Users tab to view and edit information for the control system users.

Users Tab

Enter text into the Search Users field to find and display users that match the search term(s).

Control system users are listed in table format. The following information is displayed for each control system user:

Username: The chosen username AD User: Reports whether the user is (Yes) or is not (No) authenticated through Active Directory

NOTE: A user must be added to an Active Directory group before the user may be selected as an active directory user. For more information, refer to Groups.

If the control system users span multiple pages, use the navigation arrows on the bottom of the page to move forward or backward through the pages, or select a page number to navigate to that page. Additionally, the number of users displayed on each page may be set to 5, 10, or 20 users.

An Actions column is also provided for each user that allows various actions to be performed. The following selections may be selected from the Actions column.

User Details

Click the information button in the Actions column to view information for the selected user. The User Details pop-up dialog box is displayed.

User Details Dialog Box

The following settings are displayed for the current user:

Name: The chosen username Active Directory User: Reports whether the user is (Yes) or is not (No) authenticated through Active Directory Groups: Lists any groups that contain the user

Click OK to return to the Authentication Management > Users page.

Update User

Click the editing button in the Actions column to edit settings for the selected user. The Update User dialog box is displayed.

Update User Dialog Box

The following Update User settings may be viewed or configured:

Name: The chosen username Active Directory User: Turn on the toggle to use authentication via Active Directory for the selected user. Password: Enter a new password for the selected user. Confirm Password: Reenter the password provided in the Password field. Groups: Add the user to one or more groups. For more information, refer to Groups.

NOTE: A user must be added to an Active Directory group to be selected as an Active Directory user.

Click OK to save any changes and to return to the Users selections. Click Cancel to cancel any changes.

Delete User

Click the trashcan icon in the Actions column to delete the user.

A pop-up dialog box is displayed asking whether the user should be deleted. Click Yes to delete the user or No to cancel.

Create User

Click Create User at the bottom of the page to create a new control system user. The Create User dialog box is displayed.

Create User Dialog Box

Use the following settings to create a new user:

Name: Enter a username. Active Directory User: Turn on the toggle to use authentication via Active Directory for the user. Password: Enter a password for the user. Confirm Password: Reenter the password provided in the Password field. Groups: Add the user to one or more groups. For more information, refer to Groups.

NOTE: A user must be added to an Active Directory group to be selected as an Active Directory user.

Click OK to save any changes and to return to the Users selections. Click Cancel to cancel creating a new user.


Click the Groups tab to view and edit settings for control system groups. Control system groups are used to group users by access level and Active Directory authentication settings.

Groups Tab

Enter text in to the Search Groups field to find and display groups that match the search term(s).

Control system groups are listed in table format. The following information is displayed for each control system group:

Group Name: The chosen group name AD Group: Reports whether the group is (Yes) or is not (No) authenticated through Active Directory

NOTE: Active Directory provides an additional layer of authentication for control system groups and users. Active directory group and user names are stored in the control system console along with a unique SID (security identifier). When an Active Directory user attempts to authenticate against the console, the console first checks the user credentials. If the Active Directory authentication is successful, Active Directory queries the console for the user or group's SID. The user is granted access to the control system only if at least one SID match is found.

Access Level: The access level for the selected group (Administrator, Programmer, Operator, User, or Connect)

If the control system groups span multiple pages, use the navigation arrows on the bottom of the page to move forward or backward through the pages, or select a page number to navigate to that page. Additionally, the number of groups displayed on each page may be set to 5, 10, or 20 users.

An Actions column is also provided for each group that allows various actions to be performed. The following selections may be selected from the Actions column.

Group Details

Click the information button in the Actions column to view information for the selected group. The Group Details dialog box is displayed.

Group Details Dialog Box

The following settings are displayed for the current group:

Name: The chosen group name

NOTE: If authenticating with Active Directory, do not enter the domain name for the Active Directory group in the Name field. If this information is being entered via console commands, omit domain\local from the command (for example, adddomaing -n:crestron -L:A instead of adddomaing -n:domain.local\crestron -L:A).

Access Level: The access level of the group and its users Active Directory User: Reports whether the group is (Yes) or is not (No) authenticated through Active Directory

Click OK to return to the Groups selections.

Delete Group

Click the trashcan icon in the Actions column to delete the group.

A pop-up dialog box is displayed asking whether the group should be deleted. Click Yes to delete the group or No to cancel.

Create Group

Click Create Group at the bottom of the page to create a new control system group. The Create Group dialog box is displayed.

Create Group Dialog Box

Use the following settings to create a new group:

Name: Enter a group name. Access Level: Select an access level for the group and its users from the drop‑down menu. Active Directory Group: Turn on the toggle to use authentication via Active Directory for the group.

Click OK to save any changes and to return to the Groups selections. Click Cancel to cancel creating a new group.

802.1x Configuration

Click the 802.1x Configuration tab on the top left of the configuration interface to display selections for configuring IEEE 802.1x network authentication for control system security.

802.1x Configuration Tab Selections

Expand the 802.1x Configuration accordion to configure the following settings:

NOTE: For more information about configuring 802.1x network authentication on a 4-Series control system, refer to the "802.1X" topic in the 4-Series Control Systems Reference Guide.

IEEE 802.1x Authentication: Turn on the toggle to use 802.1x authentication for the control system. Authentication Method: Select an 802.1x authentication method (EAP‑TLS Certificate or EAP MSCHAP V2‑ password) from the drop‑down menu.Domain: If EAP MSCHAP V2‑ password is selected for Authentication Method, enter a domain name that is required for authentication.Username: If EAP MSCHAP V2‑ password is selected for Authentication Method, enter a username that is required for authentication.Password: If EAP MSCHAP V2- password is selected for Authentication Method, enter a password that is required for authentication. Enable Authentication Server Validation: Turn on the toggle to use server validation for increased security. Select Trusted Certificate Authorities: Select trusted CAs (Certificate Authorities) from the provided CAs to be used for server validation: Click the check box to the left of a CA to select it as a trusted CA. Enter a search term into the text field at the top of the CA menu to search for and display CAs that match the search term. Click the check box to the left of the search field at the top of the CA menu to select all CAs as trusted CAs.

Select Manage Certificates from the Action menu to add or remove CAs from the list. The Manage Certificates dialog box is displayed with the Root tab selected.

Manage Certificates Dialog Box - Root Tab

Click the tabs near the top of the page to switch between the different types of CAs (Root, Intermediate, Machine, or Web Server). The same settings are provided for each type of CA.

Type a search term into the Search… text field to search for and display CAs that match the search term.

The following information is provided for each type of CA:

Name: The CA name Expiry Date: The date and time that the CA is set to expire

If the CAs span multiple pages, use the navigation arrows on the bottom of the page to move forward or backward through the pages, or select a page number to navigate to that page.

Click the trashcan button in the Actions column for a CA to delete it. A pop-up dialog box is displayed asking if the CA should be deleted. Click Yes to delete the certificate or No to cancel.

Click Add [Type] Certificate to add a CA of one of the four available types (Root, Intermediate, Machine, or Web Server) to the list of CAs. The Add Certificate pop-up dialog box is displayed.

Add Certificate Dialog Box

To add a new certificate:

Click Browse. Navigate to the CA file on the host computer. Select the CA file, and then click Open. Click Load to load the CA file to the control system. The upload progress is shown in the dialog box. Once the control system has completed the upload, click OK.

Click the x button to close the Add Certificate dialog box at any time during the upload process. Clicking the x button before the CA file is uploaded to the control system cancels the upload.

Click the x button to close the Manage Certificates dialog box and to return to the 802.1x Authentication page.




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