【ROS学习】 rosbag 转化为 mp4 格式视频

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【ROS学习】 rosbag 转化为 mp4 格式视频

2024-06-07 12:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 写在前面一、文件准备二、安装依赖三、使用方法四、举例:执行rosbag 转化为 mp4 格式视频的脚本五、参考链接六、附录:rosbag2video.py 源码


本文系统测试环境: Ubuntu 18.04 ROS-melodic


从 github 中下载对应的文件(或者直接复制文章最后的 rosbag2video.py源码),并解压,然后将自己的 bag 文件(test.bag)放到文件夹内: 在这里插入图片描述



sudo apt install ffmpeg 三、使用方法

rosbag2video.py 功能:利用ffmpeg 将 rosbag (单位:s) 文件中的图像序列 (单位:s) 转换为 视频文件。

rosbag2video.py [--fps 25] [--rate 1] [-o outputfile] [-v] [-s] [-t topic] bagfile1 [bagfile2] ...


参数英语解释中文翻译–fpsSets FPS value that is passed to ffmpeg. Default is 25.设置传递给ffmpeg的FPS的值. 默认是25.-hDisplays this help.显示帮助信息.–ofile (-o)sets output file name. If no output file name (-o) is given the filename ‘[prefix]_[topic].mp4’ is used and default output codec is h264. Multiple image topics are supported only when -o option is _not used. ffmpeg will guess the format according to given extension. Compressed and raw image messages are supported with mono8 and bgr8/rgb8/bggr8/rggb8 formats.设置输出文件名. 如果没有设置输出文件名, 则默认是[prefix]_[topic].mp4 命名, 并以h264 编码. 当 -o 没有被使用的时候,才会支持多个图像话题。 ffmpeg将根据给定的扩展猜测其格式。 支持压缩和原始的、mono8 和bgr8/rgb8/bggr8/rggb8 格式的图像消息。–rate (-r)You may slow down or speed up the video. Default is 1.0, that keeps the original speed.可以放慢或者加速视频。默认是1,也就是保持原始速度。-sShows each and every image extracted from the rosbag file (cv_bride is needed).显示从rosbag文件提取的每帧图像。–topic (-t)Only the images from topic “topic” are used for the video output.指定用于视频输出的 相机"话题" 。-vVerbose messages are displayed.显示详细消息–prefix (-p)set a output file name prefix othervise ‘bagfile1’ is used (if -o is not set).设置输出文件名前缀,否则的话使用“ bagfile1”(也就是如果未设置-o);–startOptional start time in seconds.可选的开始时间 (单位:秒)–endOptional end time in seconds.可选的结束时间 (单位:秒) 四、举例:执行rosbag 转化为 mp4 格式视频的脚本


python rosbag2video.py test.bag

经过一段时间的转换,就会得到对应的 mp4 视频文件: 在这里插入图片描述


[1] mlaiacker. rosbag2video [EB/OL]. https://github.com/mlaiacker/rosbag2video, 2021-04-27/2022-10-18. [2] hywmj. rosbag转化为.mp4格式视频 [EB/OL]. https://blog.csdn.net/wangmj_hdu/article/details/114130648, 2021-02-26/2022-10-18.

六、附录:rosbag2video.py 源码 #!/usr/bin/env python3 """ rosbag2video.py rosbag to video file conversion tool by Abel Gabor 2019 [email protected] requirements: sudo apt install python3-roslib python3-sensor-msgs python3-opencv ffmpeg based on the tool by Maximilian Laiacker 2016 [email protected]""" import roslib #roslib.load_manifest('rosbag') import rospy import rosbag import sys, getopt import os from sensor_msgs.msg import CompressedImage from sensor_msgs.msg import Image import cv2 import numpy as np import shlex, subprocess MJPEG_VIDEO = 1 RAWIMAGE_VIDEO = 2 VIDEO_CONVERTER_TO_USE = "ffmpeg" # or you may want to use "avconv" def print_help(): print('rosbag2video.py [--fps 25] [--rate 1] [-o outputfile] [-v] [-s] [-t topic] bagfile1 [bagfile2] ...') print() print('Converts image sequence(s) in ros bag file(s) to video file(s) with fixed frame rate using',VIDEO_CONVERTER_TO_USE) print(VIDEO_CONVERTER_TO_USE,'needs to be installed!') print() print('--fps Sets FPS value that is passed to',VIDEO_CONVERTER_TO_USE) print(' Default is 25.') print('-h Displays this help.') print('--ofile (-o) sets output file name.') print(' If no output file name (-o) is given the filename \'.mp4\' is used and default output codec is h264.') print(' Multiple image topics are supported only when -o option is _not_ used.') print(' ',VIDEO_CONVERTER_TO_USE,' will guess the format according to given extension.') print(' Compressed and raw image messages are supported with mono8 and bgr8/rgb8/bggr8/rggb8 formats.') print('--rate (-r) You may slow down or speed up the video.') print(' Default is 1.0, that keeps the original speed.') print('-s Shows each and every image extracted from the rosbag file (cv_bride is needed).') print('--topic (-t) Only the images from topic "topic" are used for the video output.') print('-v Verbose messages are displayed.') print('--prefix (-p) set a output file name prefix othervise \'bagfile1\' is used (if -o is not set).') print('--start Optional start time in seconds.') print('--end Optional end time in seconds.') class RosVideoWriter(): def __init__(self, fps=25.0, rate=1.0, topic="", output_filename ="", display= False, verbose = False, start = rospy.Time(0), end = rospy.Time(sys.maxsize)): self.opt_topic = topic self.opt_out_file = output_filename self.opt_verbose = verbose self.opt_display_images = display self.opt_start = start self.opt_end = end self.rate = rate self.fps = fps self.opt_prefix= None self.t_first={} self.t_file={} self.t_video={} self.p_avconv = {} def parseArgs(self, args): opts, opt_files = getopt.getopt(args,"hsvr:o:t:p:",["fps=","rate=","ofile=","topic=","start=","end=","prefix="]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print_help() sys.exit(0) elif opt == '-s': self.opt_display_images = True elif opt == '-v': self.opt_verbose = True elif opt in ("--fps"): self.fps = float(arg) elif opt in ("-r", "--rate"): self.rate = float(arg) elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"): self.opt_out_file = arg elif opt in ("-t", "--topic"): self.opt_topic = arg elif opt in ("-p", "--prefix"): self.opt_prefix = arg elif opt in ("--start"): self.opt_start = rospy.Time(int(arg)) if(self.opt_verbose): print("starting at",self.opt_start.to_sec()) elif opt in ("--end"): self.opt_end = rospy.Time(int(arg)) if(self.opt_verbose): print("ending at",self.opt_end.to_sec()) else: print("opz:", opt,'arg:', arg) if (self.fps




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