
您所在的位置:网站首页 快递停运时间和恢复时间 “快递停运时间”冲上热搜第一!各大快递公司回应


#“快递停运时间”冲上热搜第一!各大快递公司回应| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265















On February 1st,

There is an account to post

Express companies will have a holiday during the Spring Festival in 2024,

Hashtag # Delivery outage time #

Hit the hot search.

Many people commented,

"As soon as I heard the delivery was going to stop, I started to clonk and buy things."

Another said,

"Delivery has been surprisingly slow these days."

According to the content, YTO, ZTO, Shentong and Yunda will be suspended from February 9 to February 12. For the suspension of the time period, the relevant responsible persons of YTO, ZTO, Shentong and Yunda responded to reporters that it was not true.

The relevant person in charge of ZTO said that from February 8 to February 13, ZTO will have more than 100,000 couriers on the job, 97.5% of service outlets will operate normally, the whole network of transit centers and transport vehicles will operate normally, and more than 80,000 end stations will operate normally.

At the same time, YTO also opened the Spring Festival operation mode in the same period of time, YTO headquarters, provinces, centers, branches, international and global sites, international warehouse have set up a special group of Spring Festival operation security, special supervision and implementation of delivery services, safety production, personnel logistics and other work during the Spring Festival, and do a good job in advance of the emergency, emergency and abnormal situation planning mechanism.

It is also reported that the official reply of the express delivery company mentioned in the network transmission picture on whether the operation will be suspended during the 2024 Spring Festival is as follows:

Sf Express: There is no holiday during the Spring Festival, some places may suspend delivery.

Yto: Haven't received the notice, the specific to the local express company prevail.

Zto: According to the official public account, services will be provided normally during the Spring Festival.

Shentong: According to the official Weibo news, it will not stop during the New Year, and the specific situation needs to see the nearby outlets.

Yunda: Except for remote areas, normal delivery during the Spring Festival.

Post: No suspension notice, normal transport during the Spring Festival.

Polar Rabbit: normal transportation during the Spring Festival, its best Express on February 6 - February 16, large goods out of service.

As of press release, the account that previously published the shutdown time has deleted the relevant graphic Weibo.

Earlier news, as of January 14, the express industry's head enterprises in SF Express, Jingdong, Debon and other direct departments and STO, Yunda and other franchises have announced that the 2024 Spring Festival will not be closed.

Among them, Shentong Express announced the official launch of the 2024 "Spring Festival is not closed" project, during the Spring Festival from February 7 to 12, the country will continue to provide services, transit centers, transport vehicles, service outlets normal operation, customer service support system 24 hours online, continue to provide customers with uninterrupted express service, which should be the earliest official Spring Festival non-stop express enterprises this year.

Deppon Express announced that this year's Spring Festival is not closed, this is the first direct department of official announcement, but also Deppon for the fourth consecutive Spring Festival, the main slogan "New Year's Eve can be shipped, the first day also delivery", but also released a new IP image "Deppon Flying elephant", meaning stable and reliable, strong, responsible, "more than 3 kilograms of large goods sent to Deppon" has become the latest slogan.

On January 11, SF Express released a service announcement during the 2024 Spring Festival. Affected by changes in transportation capacity resources before the Spring Festival, a resource adjustment fee of 0.1-1.2 yuan/kg will be charged from January 11 to February 9. The main land transportation products of SF Card Air, standard Express, dry distribution and other products over 20 kg will vary according to distance and membership level. It is also the 17th consecutive year that SF Express has provided open Spring Festival service.

"From Mohe in the north to Sansha in the south, all SF Express stations will continue to provide delivery services during the Spring Festival this year," the group's official Weibo account said on Jan. 31.

On February 1, China Post said that from February 10 to February 17, China Post Express Logistics will continue to provide non-stop service.

Demand for delivery services fluctuates during the Spring Festival travel rush, the State Post Bureau said on January 16, according to CCTV news. On the eve of the Spring Festival, with the growth of demand for New Year goods delivery, the business volume will appear a wave of small peaks higher than the daily level. During the Spring Festival holiday, due to a large number of people returning home for the New Year and traveling, the public's demand for delivery services will be significantly reduced, and the business volume is also in a low season. After the Spring Festival holiday, the demand for delivery services will recover quickly, and the business volume will gradually return to the daily level.

During the Spring Festival, on the one hand, the State Post Bureau urged postal enterprises to continue to provide universal postal services. On the other hand, guide express delivery enterprises to scientifically predict changes in business needs during the Spring Festival, ensure basic service capabilities during the Spring Festival, rationally arrange production and operation, timely announce service arrangements to the society and strictly implement the content of announcements and commitments.

Lin Hu, deputy director of the market supervision department of the State Post Bureau, said that we will also urge the delivery enterprises to coordinate the rest and leave of the staff on the job, implement the peak holiday and transfer, and pay overtime wages for the staff on the job during the Spring Festival in accordance with the law, and do a good job in life security.

In addition, the State Post Bureau will also strengthen the dynamic monitoring of the return of personnel after the holiday, actively help delivery enterprises to supplement personnel strength in various ways, urge the end outlets, distribution centers, etc., to restore normal service capabilities, and ensure that the delivery service network can achieve normal operation as soon as possible.

It should be noted that although many express companies will not stop operation, some business points (distribution stations) will have a holiday for the New Year, so if there is no delivery, you need to call the business point.

In addition, the volume of express delivery during the Spring Festival is large, and there may be delayed delivery. Therefore, it is recommended to arrange the delivery plan in advance and send it as early as possible to avoid affecting your plans.

Source: Cover News

重点词汇 发文 outgoing message ; dispatch ; dispatch documents 快递公司 express (delivery) company 停运 Outage ; off-the-line ; off-stream 买东西 shopping ; go shopping ; buy things ; make seasonal purchases 这几天 these days ; a few days ; the past few days 圆通 Yuantong ; flexible ; accommodating 时间段 time slot ; time quantum 负责人 head ; director ; person in charge ; superintendent ; commander ; curator ; leading cadre ; kahuna 快递员 Expressman ; The Courier 在岗 be on duty ; be at one's post


Demand (for delivery services) fluctuates [during the Spring Festival travel rush], || the State Post Bureau said [on January 16], [according to CCTV news].


(said 为 say 的过去式。)

* fluctuates 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。

* said 为谓语,采用一般过去时。

* the 为定冠词。



the Spring Festival 春节

according to 根据,据(某人)所述


demand [di'mɑ:nd] n. 1) (顾客的)要求,需求,需要 2) (坚决的)要求,请求

delivery [di'livәri] n. 1) 传送,递送,交付 2) 分娩

service ['sә:vis] n. 1) 服务,接待 2) 公共事业

fluctuate ['flʌktʃueit] vi. (大小、数量、质量等)波动,(在……之间)起伏不定

during ['djuәriŋ] prep. 在...期间

travel ['trævl] n. 1) 旅行,旅游,游历 2) (travels)(出国)旅游,旅行

rush [rʌʃ] n. 1) 匆忙,仓促 2) 急速向前移动,冲

state [steit] a. 1) 国家提供(或控制)的 2) 国事礼仪(或规格)的

post [pәust] n. 1) 邮件,邮寄的信函(或包裹等) 2) 邮政,邮递,邮寄 3) 职位,(尤指)要职 4) 柱,杆,桩,标志杆

bureau ['bjuәrәu] n. 1) 局,处,科,办事处,机构 2) (附抽屉及活动写字台的)书桌

say [sei] vi. 1) 说,讲,告诉 2) 表达,表述

news [nju:z] n. 1) 消息,音信 2) 新闻


[After the Spring Festival holiday], the demand (for delivery services) will recover [quickly], || and the business volume will [gradually] return to the daily level.


* recover 为谓语,采用一般将来时。

* and 为并列连词,连接并列句。

* return 为谓语,采用一般将来时。

* will 为情态动词。the 为定冠词。



the Spring Festival 春节

return to... 1) 回到..., 返回到... 2) 恢复到...


after ['ɑ:ftә] prep. 1) (时间、次序或位置)在...之后 2) 仅次于

holiday ['hɔlәdi] n. 1) 假期 2) 节日,假日

demand [di'mɑ:nd] n. 1) (顾客的)要求,需求,需要 2) (坚决的)要求,请求

delivery [di'livәri] n. 1) 传送,递送,交付 2) 分娩

service ['sә:vis] n. 1) 服务,接待 2) 公共事业

recover [ri'kʌvә] vi. 1) 恢复健康,康复,痊愈 2) 复原,恢复常态

quickly ['kwikli] ad. 1) 迅速地;很快地 2) 不久;立即

business ['biznis] n. 1) 商业,买卖,生意 2) 商务,公事

volume ['vɔljum] n. 1) 卷,册,本 2) 容积,体积

gradually ['grædʒuәli] ad. 逐渐地;逐步地;渐进地

daily ['deili] a. 1) 每日的,日常的 2) 每个工作日的,按日的

level ['levl] n. 1) 水平,级别,层次 2) 水平高度




























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