中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文(通用30篇)

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中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文(通用30篇)

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中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文(通用30篇)

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中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文(通用30篇)

  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 1

  In China , tea has a very long history and has formed the Chinese tea culture. At the same time, tea is beneficial to our health, thus it is well received by many people. Chinese tea culture is both extensive and profound, which not only contains the level of material culture, but also includes a deep level of spiritual civilization.

  Referring to Chinese tea, we can trace it back to ancient times, which flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Since then, the spirit of tea has penetrated into the court and society, going deep into Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphy , religion and medicine. For thousands of years, China has accumulated a great deal of culture in tea cultivation and production, moreover, enriching the spiritual culture of tea.


  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 2

  Chinese tea began in the Three Kingdoms period. Until now, tea is still a Chinese habit. Tang Dynasty was the beginning of tea production and trade prosperity. Tea has been popular in the Yangtze River Basin and its south area since the middle of Tang Dynasty, and then to the Central Plains from the south to the border minority areas. In Tang Dynasty, tea in other dynasties is more famous!

  Tea culture in Song Dynasty was growing in popularity. On the basis of Tang Dynasty, tea culture in Song Dynasty continued to develop and deepen and formed a unique cultural grade. With the change of Tang and Song Dynasties, tea culture began to flourish with the development of tea.

  In history, Yuan Dynasty was a plain Dynasty. But this dynasty has a great deal of research on Puer tea. Yunnan Puer tea is a kind of tea with big leaves and is also made of the tea Qingqing of the most primitive tea species.

  Tea development in the late Qing Dynasty has been amazing, planting area and yield should be greatly improved, and circulation area is also more prosperous.

  The origin of Chinese tea is so great!






  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 3

  "When a guest comes to my home from afar on a cold night I light bamboo to boil tea to offer him." ― Ancient Chinese poem.

  China is the home country of tea. Before the Tang Dynasty Chinese tea was exported by land and sea first to Japan and Korea then to India and Central Asia and in the Ming and Qing dynasties to the Arabian Peninsula. In the early period of the 17th century Chinese tea was exported to Europe where the upper class adopted the fashion of drinking tea.

  Chinese tea―like Chinese silk and china―has become synonymous worldwide with refined culture. At the heart of the culture of tea―the study and practice of tea in all its aspects―is the simple gesture of offering a cup of tea to a guest that for Chinese people today is a fundamental social custom as it has been for centuries. China traces the development of tea as an art form to Lu Yu known as "the Saint of Tea" in Chinese history who lived during the Tang Dynasty and who wrote The Book of Tea the first ever treatise on tea and tea culture.

  The spirit of tea permeates Chinese culture and throughout the country there are many kinds of teas teahouses tea legends tea artifacts and tea customs. Better-known places to enjoy a good cup of tea in China include Beijing noted for its variety of teahouses; Fujian and Guangdong provinces and other places in the southeast of China that serve gongfu tea a formal serving of tea in tiny cups; the West Lake in Hangzhou also the home of the Tea Connoisseurs Association noted for its excellent green tea; and provinces in southwest China like Yunnan where the ethnic groups less affected by foreign cultures retain tea ceremonies and customs in original tea-growing areas.





  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 4

  First,you should check your ingredients.You should have some tea leaves and a capped teapot.Then you can make it.Lets make it together!

  First,put some hot water into the capped teapot.Then pour the water out of the teapot,and put some tea leaves into the teapot.Next pour some hoter water on the leaves,and then cover the capped.We should keep the teapot hot enough,so we should put some hot water on the capped.If you brew black tea,you should wait for it about 5 minutes.And you should brew green tea for about 3 minutes.At last,you can pour it into a cup and drink it!

  How yummy it is!Lets taste it!




  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 5

  There are many traditions in China, such as going to Spring Festival on Tomb Sweeping Day and sticking window decorations on Spring Festival. But what I want to talk about today is tea culture. China is not only the hometown of tea, but also the birthplace of tea culture. The discovery and utilization of Chinese tea has a history of four or five thousand years, and has spread all over the world for a long time. Tea culture is a wonderful flower in Chinese culture. Chinese tea culture has a long history!

  One day, I saw my grandfather brewing tea, and found that the tea was small and round, with a little sharp on the top.

  I saw that my grandfather was going to make tea. He first put the tea into the cup, and then poured some hot water. A few minutes later, the tea slowly melted away, just like a beautiful butterfly dancing in the water, floating to the surface of the water. The color of the water changed from transparent to light green, beautiful! Finally, a cup of tea is ready. I opened the lid and smelled a faint fragrance. I found that the speed of these tea brewing is much faster than that of cooking and boiling water. I have never seen tea brewing so fast. I was surprised to open my mouth! Tea not only has a sweet smell, but also has a unique taste, a little green and a little bitter.

  Chinese tea culture has a long history!





  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 6

  China is the home of tea, is the birthplace of tea culture. The discovery and utilization of tea in China, has a history of four thousand or five thousand years, and long fill do not decline, spread throughout the world. Tea is one of the worlds most popular, the most popular, beneficial to the physical and mental healthy green drinks. Tea into the world in one, advocate" tea, a world".

  Tea culture including tea tasting techniques, art appreciation, operation means of tea a better environment for the taste of the tea of my mood. The process of form and spirit of unity, is the process of the formation of the tea culture phenomenon. It originated long ago, has a long history, profound culture, and religious activity. The whole world has more than 100 countries and area residents are fond of tea. Some places tea tea as a kind of enjoyment of the arts to promote. The tea is identical, each has its own merits. The Chinese people have always had a "guest to tea" custom, which fully reflects the Chinese national civilization and politeness.



  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 7

  Last week,a group of foreign students visited our school to experience the tea culture,which attracts them a lot.And l,on behalf of the StudentsUnion,showed them around the tea house of our school.

  There are all sorts of tea pots and cups in the tea house.Impressed by the unique shapes of tea sets and good smells of the tea,they couldnt wait to know how to make tea.Then I displayed the process of making tea and gave them a detailed introductio of tea,including its long history,its rich varieties and so on.With my encouragement,students decided to have a try by themselves.They were all absorbed in the charming tea culture.At the end we took a picture together to memorize the unforgettable activity.

  The tea house witnessed an enjoyable time for all of us.




  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 8

  It is 4,000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea.

  There’re many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world.

  Tea is usually drunk in tea sets. A tea set is made up of a tea pot and some teacups, which are both made of china.

  Most Chinese are fond of drinking tea. Tea is served not only at tea house and restaurants but also at home. People also drink tea during breaks at offices or factories.





  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 9

  Tea originated in the Han Dynasty, then developed to the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern dynasties, then to the Tang Dynasty, and finally from the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the present. In the Tang Dynasty, Lu Yu once wrote the "Tea Classic", which became the pride of the people of Zhejiang Province. Today, Teacher Hu mysteriously took out a box of white tea from somewhere and said, "Today, lets observe white tea together!" After listening, the students discussed and were extremely excited, like little sparrows. We waited for Teacher Hu to pick up the white tea and rushed up together to start todays activity.

  A classmate took out a tea leaf and observed that its leaf tip was pointed and rolled up, like a green sword. These tea leaves have all been stir fried, with different colors, dry and small in appearance, like a withered leaf, and even bitter in taste. My liking for white tea immediately disappeared. I picked up a plastic cup, put tea into it, and then poured a cup of hot water. The sound of gurgling was very pleasant, like a Waltz. White tea floats in the water, some sink, and a piece of tea rotates in the water, playing games happily. They spread out under the nourishment of water, embracing warmth, and the water turned pale yellow, emitting a faint fragrance. I took a sip, pursed my lips, and tasted the bitterness first. Later, after savoring it carefully, it turned into a sweet taste! This is to drink bitter wine first and then sweet. I suddenly realized that hard work in life is equivalent to the bitterness of tea in the beginning, and when compared to hard work, the sweetness of harvest is the sweetness that comes later!

  Tea is an important puzzle in History of China, and we should pass it on. Tea has many benefits.




  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 10

  In todays composition class, Mr. Hu took out a pot of tea and wrote three big characters "Tea culture" on the blackboard. I can tell at a glance that what were talking about today must be related to tea.

  The "Seven Things to Open the Door" of ancient Chinese people were firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea. Tea is one of the traditional Chinese cultures.

  The teacher first asked us to observe the tea. Our classmates were very happy, and someone started discussing and said, "This is clearly green tea, where is white tea?" I heard it and thought it made sense. Later, after listening to the teacher, I realized that there were some white fluff on the white tea.

  I looked and saw that it was needle shaped, with leaves rolled up like a snails shell. When soaking in water, everyone rushed up in a swarm, with a sweet and melodious sound. The originally dry tea leaves suddenly stretched out, like soaking in a hot spring, extremely comfortable! Smell the fragrance of tea, as if you are in a tea garden. When brewing tea, the tea leaves spin around like a tornado. After the water is poured, some tea leaves begin to sink, while others swim around like small fish. When they fall, they spin in circles, which reminds us of beautiful dancers. I touched the wall of the cup and it was very hot. But due to my impatience, I took a sip and burned my tongue. I found out who was originally clear began to turn green. Take a taste, its bitter, but adding a little cold water is still good, so I drank it all in one gulp.

  Today, I learned Tea culture. I not only tasted delicious tea, but also learned some principles, such as: be patient in everything, just like waiting for tea.






  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 11

  Chinas Tea culture has a long history. In the composition class, Mr. Hu specially brought a cup of Anji bai cha. It turned out that he really wanted us to taste tea! My classmates are all looking forward to it.

  Teacher Hu placed the white tea in a plastic cup and gave each of us a cup. He said, "Today I opened a tea shop, and you are my customers. You can observe it first." I picked up a piece of tea and observed it carefully. The tea leaves are green and long, like a shy little girl, curling up her body. Suddenly, someone said, "Teacher, didnt you say this is white tea? But why is it green?" Teacher Hu said, "There are some white hairs on the back of the tea." The teachers answer made me feel dizzy.

  I dont know when Teacher Hu took out the thermos and poured the water one by one. These "little girls" start spinning around as soon as they encounter hot water, as if dancing. The splashing sound of pouring water is busy accompanying them! Finally, they stopped above the water, and I immediately picked up the cup, but it was too white to see. I smell it, wow! A faint fragrance wafted into my nose, and I was about to pick it up and drink it all in one gulp, but it was blocked by the heat.

  After more than ten minutes, I took a sip of tea, and the taste of tea immediately poured into my body. The slight bitterness seemed to add a essence to the tea. I picked it up and drank the essence in one gulp. I really want to have another cup!

  I cant help but think that tea must be brewed with hot water, and waiting for the hot water to cool down is also necessary. Tea can cultivate patience, and when good tea is tasted, the previous waiting is also taken for granted. Tasting tea is like experiencing bitterness before sweetness in life.

  Chinese tea culture is really broad and profound!







  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 12

  In China, there is a culture with a strong aroma - tea. Today, I came to the tea house and embarked on my journey of brewing tea.

  When I arrived at the tea house, I randomly chose a seat and sat on a cane chair. I saw a young and beautiful sister walking over, smiling and saying, "Hello!" and sitting across from me. I looked at the table, and there were some strange things placed on the wooden tea table, all painted with patterns of tea leaves, which really echoes this teahouse.

  Sister slowly lifted her slender hand, Pointing to the tea set on the table, I said, "Little sister, look at these wooden tweezers, which have artistic characteristics. These are covered bowls, fair cups, filter cups, and tea tasting cups. Of course, the most important ones are tea and hot water." I touched my head and asked, "Why are the most important things tea and hot water?" My sister replied with a smile, "How can tea be brewed without tea or hot water?" I quickly replied: I understand, sister, please teach me how to make tea

  She gently tore open the "jacket" of the tea bag, and what caught her eye were tadpole like tea leaves, some long and some short, all in a mess. I gently pinched it and it split in half with a "click" sound, its really crispy! Putting it back into my mouth, a faint bitter taste emanated from my mouth, reminding me of the bitter and thick traditional Chinese medicine. Upon closer inspection, there was a faint fragrance. Next, my sister said while making tea, "When making tea, you must first wash the tea because there is dust during the production process, so as to ensure the taste

  She poured the tea into the poisoned bowl, and the sound of "jingling" was soft and melodious, with a hint of rhythm! She held a hot kettle in her hand, pressed the lid, and poured it in. The water slowly flowed in like a long stream, and suddenly, a fragrance of tea came to her nostrils. I saw tea lazily floating on the water surface, some lying down to sleep. The tea sucked in enough water and stretched out like fat dolls. After a while, a fair cup and a filter cup appeared, and the tea in the cover bowl was poured into the fair cup through the filter cup. At this point, the tea turned brown, and upon closer inspection, it looked like a bowl of rich oil. My sister took the first sip of tea to wash the tea cup, and immediately the cup left a tea aroma, which ensured the taste of the tea after tasting. Then, the older sister followed the original steps and poured hot water again to soak it. This time, the tea leaves were even more relaxed in the water, like a sleeping baby, feeling very energetic.

  At this moment, the strong aroma of tea permeated the entire teahouse, making people ecstatic. Watching my sister pour me the tea, I couldnt wait anymore. I picked up the cup with both hands and took a gentle sip, wow! This taste is really wonderful, with a slight bitterness in the mouth, followed by a sweet aftertaste, and then the aroma of tea permeates the mouth, leaving a lasting aftertaste. My sister smiled and said to me, "Thats all for making tea this time. The rest of the time is up to you

  This time, tasting tea made me understand that the path of life is not like this tea? There are both bitter and sweet. Simple tea leaves are much more interesting.








  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 13

  Chinese tea began during the Three Kingdoms period. Until now, drinking tea is still a habit of Chinese people. The Tang Dynasty was the beginning of the prosperity of tea production and trade. Tea has been popular among people in the Yangtze River Basin and its southern regions since the mid Tang Dynasty, and has been transmitted from the south to the Central Plains, and then to border ethnic minority areas. In the Tang Dynasty, tea from other dynasties became even more famous!

  Tea drinking became increasingly popular in the Song Dynasty. The Tea culture of the Song Dynasty continued to develop and deepen on the basis of the Tang Dynasty and formed a unique cultural taste. With the change of the Tang and Song dynasties, Tea culture began to flourish with the development of tea.

  In history, the Yuan Dynasty was an ordinary dynasty. But this dynasty did a lot of research on Puer tea. Puer tea in Yunnan is a kind of big leaf tea, which is also made from Chaqing, the most original kind of tea.

  In the late Qing Dynasty, there was an astonishing development in the development of tea, with a significant increase in planting area and yield, and a more prosperous circulation field

  The origin of Chinese tea is really amazing!






  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 14

  Since I started my major in the tea culture of ChinaI have been deeply impressed by its sophistication and beauty.I would like to share some fascinating aspects of the tea culture of China.

  In a country with the history of five thousand yearsthe Chinese tea drinking habit dated back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907AD).It became a national tradition and led to development of a delicate tea drinking ritual.Over the centuriespoets and artists in China wrote many marvelous masterpiecesin appreciation of tea and Chinese people’s constant love of tea drinking .One of the best-known writers is Lu Yuwho was regarded as the “Tea Sage ” for he composed the first book on tea.In his classic bookhe detailed his studies of teasuch as the origin of teatea toolstea pickingtea cookingtea ceremony and well-known areas where tea was grown.And the valuable knowledge he recorded has laid foundation for modern tea culture development.

  based on ways in which tea leaves are processedthere are five distinct types of tea.They are as follow:the green teathe black teathe Wulong teathe compressed tea and the scented tea.Among themmay foreigners are familiar with the green tea.The Longjing teaof the green typehas a reputation.




  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 15

  I have been influenced by Tea culture since childhood. I dont know much about tea, but I really love it because I like the light bitterness of tea and the fragrance left in my mouth after tasting. After careful consideration, isnt tea the epitome of life?

  Take out a little tea leaves, place them in a cup, pour boiling water into them and wash them. We come to this world to accept the baptism of difficulties and setbacks. At first, it will be very painful, and then the withered tea leaves will toss up and down in the boiling water, gradually returning to green and spreading out, releasing the charm of the four seasons. All sentient beings in the world, why is it not this tea? After experiencing difficulties, one often becomes more vibrant and strong, but dont be complacent because of it. The tea that floats on the water often gets drunk. And the tea leaves that sink at the bottom still emit a tea fragrance until they are poured out, just like those ancient and fragrant great people.

  The meaning of life lies in experience. As long as we have experienced it, the meaning of our arrival in the world becomes clearer. People who have experienced strong winds and waves often see life very thoroughly, while those who are mediocre and avoid difficulties everywhere are like brewing tea in cold water, which is difficult to emit a fragrance.

  After each experience, some people suddenly fall down, while others stand even straighter. Only those who can withstand the test can emit a refreshing fragrance. I think the rise of tea ceremony is probably due to the incomparable quality of tea sets compared to other drinks.

  Many great people from ancient and modern times, both in China and abroad, have had unfortunate lives. Russian writer Dostoevsky has been struggling from a young age and suffers from congenital epilepsy, but we can see his famous works: "Idiot", "Crime and Punishment", "Dead Room Notes"; Beethoven and Edison both had disabilities in their ears, but the former composed magnificent movements, while the latter brought about over two thousand inventions. We should not only marvel at their strength, but also examine our own shortcomings. Im not sure if they have ever experienced tea, but Im sure they must have experienced a tea like life. Presumably, if they had seen tea, they would have been impressed and shocked by the philosophical leaves. The way of tea is to experience everything and finally savor everything.

  Why do we always serve guests with tea? It must be a hope for our friends. The traditional Chinese virtue of hard struggle may have been passed down by a generation who understood the morality of tea.

  I tasted the tea and savored everything I had experienced. Although it was slightly bitter, it still had an endless aftertaste and was fragrant and tempting.








  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 16

  Tea is mellow and intoxicating. People who like to drink tea know that it is slightly bitter, with a strong aroma in the mouth, but it still cannot conceal the bitterness of tea.

  I once asked an elder who loves tea, why does he have such a strong affection for tea? He replied, "Tea is bitter at the beginning, but after drinking it, it has a fragrant sweetness that is memorable!" "Tea is like life, first bitter and then sweet, leaving endless memories." Perhaps it was because he was young at the time and did not understand what his elders said.

  But as time passed and time flew by, I unconsciously fell in love with drinking tea. At first, I only heard that drinking tea can refresh my mind and make me less drowsy after drinking. Indeed, tea is so bitter that its difficult to feel sleepy. I still remember the days before the high school entrance examination when I was accompanied by tea. I belong to a prone to drowsiness constitution. I always fish and doze off during class in the afternoon and afternoon, which makes the teachers wonder if I stay up late to study every day and dont sleep during my lunch break, just focusing on striving. Sometimes they even insinuate to me not to harm my body for the sake of learning. I silently mocked myself in my heart: Oh, youre too kind to me, right! Actually, I just havent slept enough. When the teacher cared about me, I was a little embarrassed. In a popular phrase on the Internet, is your conscience hurt when you treat the teacher like this?

  Later, in order to reassure my teachers and family, I silently held my familys tea and drank two large cups of tea every day to refresh my mind. But during that time, it was really difficult. The tea was called bitter, and the feeling was like a mute eating Huanglian - there was no telling the bitterness. I thought that after the high school entrance examination, I would be able to stay away from the terrifying beverage of tea. Unexpectedly, I fell in love with this taste, which was mellow and fragrant. Although it tasted slightly bitter at the mouth, it could bring a refreshing aroma to my stomach, sometimes even with a hint of sweetness. Although I like tea now, I dont pursue it as crazily as I did during the high school entrance examination. I just sit in my living room every once in a while, boil a pot of boiling water, brew some tea, and taste it carefully.

  The tea ceremony is also the way of life, first bitter then sweet. As Wakin Chau said in his song "True Heroes", "How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?" This is also like Mencius "Born in distress, died in peace", which said: "When heaven is going to take on a great task for people, we must first work hard on their minds, work hard on their muscles and bones, starve their skin, empty their bodies, and act disorderly, so we must be patient and strengthen their abilities."

  The three years of hard work in junior high school have finally paid off. Now, I have entered my beloved Agricultural Reclamation Experimental Middle School and look forward to taking off here!







  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 17

  The Chinese people regard Tao as a complete system of thought and theory, which is the law and law of the universe and life. Therefore, the Chinese people are not easy to talk about it. Unlike Japanese tea, there are tea ceremony, flower ceremony, fragrance ceremony, sword ceremony, chain wrestling and boxing, there are also judo and Taekwondo. The tea ceremony is the only one that can rise to the level of "Tao" in Chinese food and entertainment activities.

  The other day, I heard a 15 year old student talk about Chinas Tea culture. He gave a clear performance, and sometimes a sense of pride appeared on his face, which really shocked and moved me. Surprisingly, young people nowadays are playing PSP, street dance, roller skating, and listening to R&B, looking for fashionable and avant-garde individuals to play with. There is even such a child silently learning traditional Chinese things; Moved by the proud and confident expression on the childs face while speaking, I believe this is the inheritance of culture.

  Mr. Wu Juenong believes that the tea ceremony is "treating tea as a precious and noble beverage, and drinking tea is a spiritual enjoyment, an art, or a means of cultivating ones character." I think those who truly taste tea will regard tea as a process of cultivating ones character, as a spiritual enjoyment. Sitting beside the balcony, opening a book you like, tasting a cup of Tieguanyin, saying goodbye to all the troubles in life, and only enjoying what tea and books bring to us at this moment

  Mr. Zhuang Wanfang believes that the tea ceremony is a ritual of educating the people on etiquette and moral cultivation through drinking tea. Mr. Zhuang Wanfang also summed up the basic spirit of the Chinese tea ceremony as: "honesty, beauty, harmony and respect". He explained: "honesty and thrift foster morality, beauty and honesty, honesty and happiness, honesty and respect." I think people who drink more tea must be filial to their parents, friendly, kind-hearted and open-minded.

  Mr. Chen Xiangbai believes that Chinese tea ceremony includes seven kinds of principles, namely, tea art, tea virtue, tea ceremony, tea theory, tea sentiment, tea theory, and tea ceremony guidance. The core of Chinese tea ceremony spirit is harmony. The Chinese tea ceremony is to guide individuals to complete character cultivation in the process of enjoying beauty to achieve harmony and happiness for all mankind through tea as a process. Mr. Chen Xiangbais theory of tea ceremony can be abbreviated as "Seven Arts and One Heart". The core spirit of the tea ceremony is also the harmonious society advocated by society today!

  Mr. Zhou Zuoren spoke more casually, and his understanding of the tea ceremony was: "The meaning of the tea ceremony, in ordinary words, can be described as taking time off from work, enjoying a little beauty and harmony in incomplete reality, and experiencing eternity in an instant." What a good explanation, lets take time off from work and enjoy that little beauty in incomplete reality! Thank you to 15-year-old children for giving more people the idea of inheriting culture.







  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 18

  Tea culture is a representative kind of traditional etiquette. My hometown is in picturesque Hangzhou with four seasons. West Lake Longjing is one of the top ten famous teas in China, produced in the areas of Shifeng, Longjing, and Hupao in West Lake of Hangzhou. Browsing the beautiful scenery of West Lake and sipping tea on the Longjing of West Lake brings visitors a fragrant enjoyment, which is also the pride of us in Hangzhou.

  On a scorching summer day, our small journalists came to the Tea Museum and became small tea artists, learning how to brew, appreciate, and taste tea.

  Before tasting tea, the senior teacher from the Tea Museum taught us about various exquisite tea sets, letting us know their placement and various functions. In the tea ceremony group, there are teaspoons, tea needles, tea clips, and tea cups, which are placed in the upper left corner of the tea tray; The tea pot is placed next to the tea ceremony group; The tea box is for guests to enjoy tea; The water filled lifting beam kettle is placed on the far right side of the upper row; The tea vat for storing waste is placed below the tea ceremony group; Then place the tea cup and tea towel in sequence. The arrangement of tea sets follows the order from left to right and from top to bottom, which reflects a reasonable layout and rich sense of hierarchy. Next, the teacher explained a method of water injection to us - Phoenix nodded three times, repeatedly filling the lifting beam pot from high to bottom three times, as if Phoenix nodded lightly three times. It is a traditional etiquette in the tea ceremony and also expresses the hosts respect for the guests.

  We savored the refreshing and sweet taste of West Lake Longjing while listening to the teachers detailed explanation. Through observation and tasting, we learned to distinguish the types of tea. Under the patient guidance of the teacher, we also tried to learn how to brew scented tea: the first step is to arrange the props (except for the tea appreciation box) one by one (issue); The second step is to scrape the tea leaves with a teaspoon and place them in a tea appreciation box, and then pick them up for the guests to watch. Then, clean the tea cup (warm cup sanitary ware) with water; Then pour in the tea leaves, blanch them with water and gently shake them for a few laps (until fragrant); Finally, by using the method of high flushing and low pouring, a cup of fragrant and pleasant scented tea was presented to us.

  We have stored the knowledge of Tea culture and watched the exquisite performance of tea artists. Its our turn to show off! We were all in high spirits, dressed in the clothes of a tea artist, and our hair was neatly combed and shiny. I calmed down and silently recited every detail of making tea in my heart. The refined tea performance of my classmates was deeply imprinted in my mind, and I was not willing to be outdone. I completed the entire process of brewing tea steadily and orderly. Through these days of study and hard work, we have all received the honor certificate of Little Tea Artist.

  Tea has tender buds, green leaves, and a mellow taste. Making friends with tea - enhancing friendship, composing poetry with tea - enjoying art, and exercising with tea - beautifying life. I want to be a true little tea artist. After my parents have been working hard for a day, I will brew them a cup of fresh and fragrant green tea to relieve fatigue and prolong life. Lets study and taste tea together!







  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 19

  Dispel the strands of steaming white mist and hold up the tea cup. Smell the fresh aroma of tea; Appreciate the orange and bright tea soup; Taste, the fragrant Tieguanyin. At the entrance, a pure fragrance lingers between the lips and teeth, lingering for a long time. The slightly hot tea soup stimulates every taste bud. Firstly, it is bitter, but the aftertaste is incredibly sweet.

  Look at the delicate and tender tea leaves floating in the teapot, like swaying notes, swimming in the cup, stretching and plumping. It is these small pieces of tea that have given me a comfortable and comfortable afternoon.

  My grandfather loves drinking tea and often pours it out in the garden outside. I used to drink tea with my grandfather when I was still a little bit young. At that time, I didnt know how to taste tea, but I didnt think it was delicious at all, bitter and astringent. I dont understand why my grandfather enjoyed his tea so much, how could this tea be so delicious? My grandfather probably saw my puzzled expression, so he smiled and rubbed my little head. He said to me, "This batch of tea needs to be savored carefully, not to appreciate the quality of tea, but to appreciate the taste and charm of tea. Do you understand?" As a young man, I nodded in confusion and shook my head. My grandfather saw that I still had a vague understanding, so he said to me, "Youre still young now. When you grow up, youll naturally understand

  Looking back now, I probably know why my grandfather knew so much about tea - this tea has been with him for most of his life, and has long been his silent confidant. No matter what your mood is, drinking a cup of fragrant tea always calms you down. Tea, waiting for my grandfather to pass away countless lonely moments. And tea also took me away a lot of boring time. Whenever I get tired of studying and reading, I make a pot of tea by the bed and play the song "High Mountains and Flowing Water". While listening to the melodious guzheng music, I enjoy the fragrant tea, which is really very comfortable, comfortable, and leisurely.

  Nowadays, my understanding of the charm of tea is not as deep as my grandfathers, but I have indeed gained some insights of my own. Tea, like life, is bitter and astringent, yet clear and lingering. The bitterness lingers on the aftertaste, but it lingers on the lips and teeth, produces saliva on the tongue, and has a lingering charm. Tea can clear the heart, with a faint fragrance, a gentle mist, and a warm and genuine feeling. The fragrance, elegance, and purity are all savored in a peaceful way, reflecting the principles of life.

  Scholars and literati love to drink tea and write poetry, leaving behind countless beautiful stories and masterpieces. And these famous sayings are nothing more than a tea like and indifferent nature of mind. As long as you have free time, its best to brew a pot of fragrant tea, and then watch the tea floating, stretching, and sinking in the cup, relaxing your tired body and mind. Raising a glass to taste tea, the aroma is fragrant, and the tongue feels the bitterness of the teas aroma slightly. Taste it carefully, and the aftertaste is slightly sweet. Experience the principles of life and the charm of tea from it.







  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 20

  Tianci fragrant leaves, with the warmth of heat, the warmth of the moon, the agility of the wind, and the mellow fragrance of rain, are considered tea. There is the Shennong clan in the world, and they drink it, so there is an additional refreshing fairy dew in the world.


  Dad is a good tea enthusiast. Although he cannot compose poetry like those literati, his understanding of tea is countless. On weekends, there are always wisps of tea fragrance floating in the house, fragrant and refreshing. In this way, unconsciously, I aroused my love for tea.

  China is the hometown of tea and the earliest country in the world to cultivate and utilize tea. Tea has gone through a long time with the ancient Chinese nation. Opening up the 5000 year cultural development history of China, the fragrance of tea can be smelled from almost every page. Tea is not only a drink, but also a profound culture. Tea culture is an important part of Chinese traditional culture and a bright pearl of Chinese civilization.

  In the Chronicles of Huayang written by Chang Qu of Jin Dynasty, it is recorded that "King Wu of Zhou of Zhou conquered Zhou, and he really got the teacher of Bashu... tea honey... all paid tribute." The time when King Wu conquered Zhou was around 1066 BC, so it can be seen that China has a clear record of tea activities for at least 3000 years. As early as the Northern Song Dynasty, tea was regarded as a commonly used beverage by people and was loved by high-ranking officials and the common people.

  Tea is an excellent tree in southern China, with a height of about 30-70 centimeters and some even reaching tens of meters. The types of tea are also diverse and diverse. In addition to Tieguanyin, black tea, green tea, Oolong, which we usually know, there are many kinds of tea that we do not know. The tea sets used for drinking tea are all different, and this type of tea is used for drinking. It is precisely because of this that the fragrance of tea can be more easily emitted, and it also makes it easier for people to taste the charm of tea.

  With the cultural exchange since ancient times, Chinese tea has developed to all parts of the world and has an impact on many places. In the Tang Dynasty, Japan sent Tang envoys to China to study Buddhism. When they returned to China, they brought tea seeds home to plant. At the end of the 16th century, Sen no Rikyū, the integrator of Japanese tea ceremony, absorbed and inherited the spirit of tea ceremony in previous dynasties, and formally founded Japanese tea ceremony. Japanese tea ceremony aims at "harmony", "respect", "purity" and "quietness", which are concise and rich in content and pay attention to etiquette. The Korean tea ceremony stresses the true meaning of the four words "pure, quiet, harmonious and happy". I hope that all the troubles and unhappiness can be forgotten after drinking the carefully brewed tea. The tea ceremony in South Korea is the Five Elements Tea Ceremony, which is a tribute ceremony held in honor of the Shennong clan. These are all modeled after the Chinese tea ceremony.

  Chinese tea has not only spread to Japan and South Korea, but also drifted across the ocean to Britain. In Britain, enjoying Chinese tea was once a symbol of status.

  Chinese tea first entered the British world in the 17th century. Due to the constraints of science and technology at that time and the backward navigation technology, the price of Chinese tea in Britain sometimes exceeded that of gold. In Britain at that time, only the upper class could enjoy tea from China, so Chinese tea became a symbol of status and status. The life of British people cannot do without tea, whether it is now or in the past. Starting from "breakfast tea" to the last "evening tea" for dinner, at least 4 times of tea should be consumed in a day. The Chinese dont drink tea so many times a day. It seems that Chinese tea has a great impact on the British people!

  In ancient times, there were no literati who did not want good tea. Some literati used their pens and wisdom to write poems about tea. Tea Saint Lu Yu wrote "Six Envy Songs" to express his feelings for tea.

  Pour lightly and drink slowly, meeting God. In the deep palace, the rulers were brewing fragrant tea, the fragrance of which was like wisps of smoke, making people feel relaxed and happy; The incense burner is lit with spices, consistent with the fragrance of tea, and listening to the deep music played by the guqin creates a sense of tranquility without realizing it. Isnt this what many reclusive literati in the mountains and forests think?

  On the surface, its just a refreshing awakening, but in fact, its already drunk, and everything around me is ethereal. This is tea, a kind of fairy dew that can taste the truth of life.













  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 21

  I think Tea culture must have a place in Chinas more famous culture. Tea, this is a unfamiliar and appropriate term for ordinary people. In China, it is a household name, and in the world, its popularity was no less than that of any major star on television. Most importantly, as long as someone truly loves tea, they will never have a three-minute enthusiasm mentality. What is the charm of tea?

  Most peoples values of tea are: bitter, astringent, and not as good as plain water, while a small number of people drink tea for reasons that make people laugh and laugh: losing weight, reducing fat, and recently there has been a saying about digestion. Only those who truly love tea will understand that what truly has value is not the tea itself, but the process of drinking tea. For example, as we all know, most masters with deep knowledge of tea art do not usually say "drinking tea", but rather "tasting tea". What is the difference between the two? One clear sentence: Drinking tea is just a small stage of tea tasting.

  Seeing a doctor is expected, smelling, asking, and cutting, while tasting tea involves smelling before drinking. Take a sip of tea fragrance and feel calm; Sigh at the turbid qi, and your mind and body are relaxed; Take even a sip of tea, and the whole person will be calm and ethereal.

  Tea is not only popular in China, but also attracts attention from the outside world. As early as the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea drinking habits had already spread to Japan and gradually developed into tea ceremony in Japan. Although I dont like Japan, I still yearn for the tea ceremony. Unfortunately, there are very few people in China who truly understand tea nowadays. On the contrary, it is the foreign goods such as red wine that are highly sought after. It is regrettable that Chinese people, despite their cultural treasures, have arrogantly pursued the so-called high-end, trendy, and instead of tasting tea, they have gone to taste wine. Its not that foreign wine and tea cannot be compared, its just that they despise those who follow the crowd and ignore national treasures.

  I hope that one day Chinese people will wake up to the fact that Tea culture is what they should cherish.






  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 22

  Tea culture has a long history in China. Since the Tang Dynasty, it has become a treasure of Chinese culture step by step. The green and oily leaves, tempting fragrance, and bitter with a sweet taste are tea.

  Tea is one of Chinas national treasures. "When chewing tea cakes, they are fragrant to the teeth, and when the water sinks, the smoke condenses." This seemingly insignificant tea cake is almost fragrant to the teeth when chewed. When tea is boiled, it has a rich and fragrant aroma, as fragrant as orchid and sweet as rain. As the tea slowly flows down your throat, the scent of the orchid is carried in together, leaving a lingering fragrance on your cheeks and a lasting aftertaste. From that sweet taste, one can taste the scenery of mountains and rivers and the spirit of nature, eliminate troubles and worries, and return the soul to purity and beauty.

  When it comes to the types of tea, there are really countless. There are green tea, black tea, yellow tea, scented tea, and so on. The brands also include Tieguanyin, Longjing tea, Biluochun, and so on. At least there are more than a thousand kinds of them. They are really diverse. But I like white peony tea. He has a unique color - silver white, which is why he was given the nickname - White Peony! Throw the tea into the boiling water, the green leaves supporting the tender buds, resembling flowers that float up and bloom after being put into the water, like buds blooming at the beginning and like lotus flowers, like a graceful little girl who says to us, "Drink it, our tea smells refreshing, and after drinking it, it is refreshing and refreshing. Unable to resist their temptation, I took a sip. Wow, that tempting aroma, that mellow and sweet taste! Only with the words the green clouds are heavy and the feet are broken, and the fragrance is fragrant and the milk flowers are light can he describe his tea ou fragrant seal seal small curtain long.

  Such sweet tea, such fragrant tea, such elegant tea, make me ecstatic!





  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 23

  Tea is the pride of our country, the self-esteem, confidence, and pride of the nation.

  Today, we studied in Huizhou and learned about the classification of tea and the basic knowledge of Tea culture. The teacher of the Tea Museum was enthusiastic and told us that the tea of Huangshan Maofeng is divided into first, second and third class tea; Chinas six major tea categories refer to the six major categories of tea produced in China: black tea, green tea, Oolong (green tea), yellow tea, black tea, and white tea; Among the top ten famous teas in China, Huizhou tea accounts for two types

  In the morning, we picked Huangshan Maofeng and learned how to make Huangshan Maofeng. So how do you pick it? The teacher told us that every piece of tea picked must have a tender bud and a tender leaf. I picked a lot of tea with two classmates because tea is not difficult to find. After picking the tea leaves, it will be spread green. Due to time constraints, we have omitted the step of spreading green and directly killed it. Shaqing refers to placing the freshly spread tea leaves in a large iron pot and letting them naturally evaporate the water. Then its kneading., Rubbing is the process of evenly placing freshly brewed tea leaves on a bumpy board, then gathering the tea leaves into a "tea" ball, and then kneading the "tea" ball on the board with a light, then heavy, and then light force. The final step is baking, which involves placing the rolled tea leaves into a container and allowing the high temperature to evaporate their moisture to less than 6% of the original amount.

  Tea picking, tea making, tea tasting and tea etiquette are Tea culture. Tea culture is not only the pride of our country, but also the greatness of our nation.





  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 24

  Chinese tea culture is the culture of making and drinking tea in China. As one of the seven things to open the door (firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea), drinking tea was very common in ancient China. Chinas Tea culture is very different from Europe, America or Japans Tea culture. The Chinese Tea culture has a long history, broad and profound, not only including the level of Material culture, but also contains a profound level of spiritual civilization.

  The Tea Classics of Lu Yu, the tea sage of the Tang Dynasty, sounded the horn of Chinese Tea culture in history. For thousands of years, China has not only accumulated a lot of Material culture about tea planting and production, but also accumulated a wealth of spiritual culture about tea. This is Chinas unique Tea culture, which belongs to the category of culturology.

  China is the hometown of tea. Tea making and drinking have a history of thousands of years. There are many famous products, including green tea, black tea, Oolong, scented tea, white tea and yellow tea.

  China is the hometown of tea and the earliest country in the world to discover, utilize, and cultivate tea trees. The origin of tea trees has a history of at least 60000 to 70000 years. Tea has been discovered and utilized by humans for approximately four to five thousand years. According to relevant literature records such as the Book of Songs, in early history, "tea" generally referred to various types of bitter wild plant-based food ingredients.

  The history and development of Chinese tea is not only the process of forming a simple diet culture, but also reflects the spiritual characteristics of a nation with a history of 5000 years.






  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 25

  Chinas traditional culture is rich and colorful, including antithetical couplets, dragon boat racing on the Dragon Boat Festival, eating pancakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival, making dough figurines on the Spring Festival and Ghost Festival.

  One of the most famous is Chinas Tea culture! Tea has a history of about 5000 years and has now become a traditional culture in China.

  Legend has it that when Shennong tasted a hundred herbs, he discovered a very magical grass and tasted it. Although it was a bit bitter, it could make people feel refreshed, so he named this grass "tea".

  Tea has gradually become familiar to everyone, and many people have repeatedly improved it to become the tea we all taste now. So tea has its current flavor, which is the result of generations of hard work.

  There are very long records of tea drinking in History of China, but there is no way to find out exactly when it was.

  In many countries around the world, drinking tea and planting tea leaves are directly or indirectly passed down from China.

  The first person in China to promote tea art is Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty, who wrote the book "The Classic of Tea". Later, people who engaged in tea industry referred to him as "tea".

  Look, how grand our Tea culture is! There are so many mysteries in the traditional culture! I also need to learn more about the vast treasure trove of ancient traditional culture.









  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 26

  Every ethnic group and place has their own unique customs, customs, and religious beliefs, while Minnan has its own traditional culture. What I want to introduce to you today is the Tea culture in southern Fujian.

  The ancients once said: "If you can drink less than the name, you should believe that the tea in the village is more fragrant than the wine." In southern Fujian, people generally like to taste "Tieguanyin". "Tieguanyin" is like Canarium album. It is slightly bitter and astringent in the mouth, but there is a trace of sweetness in the bitterness. After a mouthful, the stomach and intestines suddenly become clear, as if they were washed clean. How can this series of sweetness not be memorable?

  Dont just talk about tea, knowing how to choose, brew, and taste tea is also crucial. Look, the opportunity has come. Once, my father was planning to go to a good friends house to brew tea, and that friend was still someone who knows tea. I was so excited that I jumped three feet tall and rushed to follow him. These days, I have been reading books about "tea" and have already felt tired of those articles. Its better to truly "read" with my tongue!

  When we arrived at my uncles house and began to make excellent "Tieguanyin", Uncle Wang boiled water and told us the process of making tea. Firstly, pour the tea leaves into the hot washed tea set and use a few spoons of boiling water to wash away the dust on the tea body. "As he spoke, Uncle Wang really washed the tea leaves once and then filled the tea set with boiling water. The originally curled tea leaves slowly spread out, imitating the young girl who had just taken a bath.

  Uncle Wang continued, "Pouring tea is also very meticulous." Then he closed the tea lid, gently pressed his index finger against the tea lid, and flipped it 90 degrees. The process of brewing tea can gently shake the tea, allowing the sweetness of the tea to spread out better

  After about three minutes, Uncle Wang filtered the tea in the tea set and poured it into everyones cup. I could not help but smell the fragrance of "Tieguanyin" and took a sip. As the book said, "If you can drink less than the name, you should believe that village tea is more fragrant than wine."

  This experience let me see the extensive and profound Tea culture in southern Fujian, but we people in southern Fujian are not as diligent and hardworking as "Tieguanyin"? Minnan people integrate the essence and spirit of this kind of tea into their own lives, which is undoubtedly a splendid flower in Chinas rich Tea culture.








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  Located on the west side of the West Lake, it passes through Lingyin Temple, through the newly opened Meiling Tunnel, and then comes to the origin of Longjing tea in the West Lake, my hometown Meijiawu. You walked straight along the road, with rows of tea trees arranged in a stepped pattern, winding from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and the scenery was very pleasant. The mountaintop is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, making it particularly suitable for the growth of tea trees. When the sun comes out in the morning, the sunlight spreads through the mist on the tea trees, crystal clear and shining, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

  There is a saying that goes, The mountains drink from the West Lake, and the mist grows from the Dragon Well.. This sentence vividly summarizes the growth environment and natural conditions of Longjing tea. It is good mountains and water that produce good tea. This unique condition gives rise to the unique quality of West Lake Longjing tea. It has a green color, a flat shape, a sweet and mellow taste, and a rich aroma, making it one of the top ten famous teas in China. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China (AQSIQ) has announced on October 26, 2001 that since the date of the announcement, Longjing tea in 14 villages, including Meijiawu, has implemented geographical protection of its origin, and has issued the anti-counterfeiting logo of West Lake Longjing tea to tea farmers here.

  The development of Longjing tea in Meijiawu is the result of great efforts. Premier Zhou paid close attention to the production of Meijiawu tea during his lifetime. He came to Meijiawu five times to help and guide the production of tea farmers. The Premiers actions drove the enthusiasm of tea farmers. At that time, the area of Meijiawu Longjing tea expanded to more than 1000 mu, making it the largest Longjing tea production base in West Lake Township. World leaders such as Sihanouk also visited Meijiawu for inspection.

  Today, Meijiawu has developed into a resort, with an endless stream of people coming for leisure and vacation. Even overseas tourist groups often come to Meijiawu as guests. Friends, we sincerely welcome you to Meijiawu to taste and buy good tea.





  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 28

  Chinese traditional culture includes Bingtanghulu, ancient Chinese calligraphy, exquisite Paper Cuttings, and lively dragon and lion dancing... My favorite is the ancient Tea culture of China.

  Do you know the history of tea? Tea was first used as food, especially in the Urgesellschaft where materials were scarce. Later, with the development of human civilization, eating tea has gradually become a custom, and even a Tea culture has been formed in some areas. After tea is consumed, its medicinal effects are gradually discovered and recognized by people, and tea is subsequently transformed into a good recipe for health preservation and disease treatment. During the process of consuming tea and using it as a medicine, people gradually discovered that tea has weak medicinal properties but has a certain stimulating effect, so tea began to be converted into a beverage. It was not until the Han Dynasty that drinking tea became a new trend that permeated various social classes. The Three Kingdoms period was the enlightenment of Tea culture, the Northern and Southern dynasties of the Jin Dynasty was the embryonic period of Tea culture, the Tang Dynasty was the prosperous period of Tea culture, the Song Dynasty was the prosperous period of Tea culture, the Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties was the primitive period of Tea culture, the Ming and Qing Dynasties was the popularization period of Tea culture, and the modern era is the development period of Tea culture.

  Chinese tea has 2000 varieties in six categories: red, green, green, yellow, black and white. Different teas have different origins and different cultures. As long as you have a careful experience and consult more, you can get more knowledge of Chinas ancient Tea culture.




  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 29

  The tea leaves in Yushan are very beautiful, and the tea making is also very fragrant. City people must have never seen tea trees, and they should not know that tea can still be sold for money. There are various varieties of tea in Yushan. Valuable varieties include: Longjing tea, Biluochun tea, etc., but the most famous is "Wuzhou Dongbai".

  There is a well-known story about "Dongbai in Wuzhou" among the people of Yushan. According to legend, during the Jin Dynasty, tea farmers in Yushan lived a difficult life of "planting tea for half a year, picking salt for half a year, and having no rice for the New Year". One day, Taoist Xu Xun traveled here to spread Taoist culture, drinking the local mellow mountain tea and lingering on. He saw tea trees scattered throughout the mountains and fields, but the tea farmers were worried about not being able to sell their tea. He settled down and compared tea making techniques with the farmers, finally producing the "Wuzhou Dongbai". Xu Xun also sent Taoists to bring tea to various places. From then on, tea merchants from all over the world came one after another, and the reputation of Yushan ancient tea "Wuzhou Dongbai" rose, selling well in various places. In the Tang Dynasty, Lu Yus monograph "The Classic of Tea" recorded that as a famous tea, Dongbai in Wuzhou was listed as a tribute tea, ranking tenth. Adhering to the technological characteristics of the Tang Dynasty tribute tea "Wuzhou Dongbai", Yunfeng Famous Tea was developed in 1979 in Panan. The historical famous tea "Wuzhou Dongbai" achieved a magnificent transformation after a thousand years. Yunfeng tea set has a straight and sharp appearance, with tender buds and leaves, and a bright green color; The endoplasmic leaf base is tender green and blossoming, the soup color is bright apricot green, the taste is mellow and fresh, the aftertaste is sweet, and the aroma is clear and long-lasting. After the release of Yunfeng tea, it sold well across the country.

  Green tea: Tea is non fermented tea, which means that fresh leaves are spread and dried before being directly fried in a hot pot at one to two hundred degrees Celsius to maintain its green characteristics.

  There are also many ways to make tea. Below, I will introduce beginners to make tea. The first step in brewing tea is to choose the right tea set in order to brew it well. Tea has different materials, generally divided into porcelain, pottery, purple sand, and glass; Tea sets also have different shapes, including small pots, large pots, covered bowls, and cups. To make good tea, you need to learn how to make tea. There are various ways to make tea, and here is a relatively simple and suitable method for beginners.

  However, drinking too much tea can also have drawbacks, such as making teeth black. In daily life, it is common to see many people with black teeth, which is likely caused by drinking too much tea. Therefore, it is necessary to exercise more control. Drinking too much tea or too much tea can cause teeth to appear black, leaving some traces of tea on both the inside and outside of the teeth. This not only affects the appearance of black teeth, but also makes them very unhealthy. Therefore, it is necessary to exercise more control.

  So dont drink too much tea. Did you envy me after reading my introduction to tea?







  中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文 30

  China is the hometown of tea. Drinking tea is quite popular in China. Visiting and receiving family and friends at the door, a cup of tea can fully express sincere feelings. It can be said that Tea culture is the most popular traditional culture in China.

  What I like most is Tea culture. After dinner, I sat around the table with my father and mother, drinking the fragrant tea I had personally brewed. Dont be too happy! "Learning Tea culture can carry forward the traditional culture of the motherland", which is often said by our tea art teachers. In the Tea culture class, I learned a lot of knowledge and many interesting stories about tea.

  Tea has a long history. It is said that in ancient times, the ancient tea god of China, Shennong, personally tasted hundreds of herbs in order to understand the medicinal properties of each plant. One day, after tasting a few types of grass, he felt a bit poisoned, but after eating a green and oily leaf, he didnt feel so uncomfortable anymore. This is the origin of the green beverage we often drink - tea.

  There are many etiquette and delicacies in drinking tea. Nowadays, people mainly drink tea. The method is very simple, which is to put tea leaves in a cup and brew them with boiling water to drink. In ancient times, the process of drinking tea was very complex. Among them, there is also an interesting competition: tea fighting, also known as ordering tea during the Song Dynasty. It is using a tool like a bowl brush to foam tea, and whoever beats more wins. The Tang Dynasty used the "boiling method" to boil tea leaves with water; The Ming Dynasty used the "soaking method", which is our current method.

  The "sage" of tea was Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty. His work "The Classic of Tea" detailed the origin of tea, tea utensils, tea making, tea utensils, tea brewing, tea drinking, tea affairs, tea production, tea strategies, and tea maps. It is easy for future generations to understand.

  The classification of modern tea mainly includes: black tea, green tea, green tea, yellow tea, white tea, and black tea. There are also reprocessed tea, including scented tea, Compressed tea, extracted tea and fruit tea. Finally, there are health tea and tea containing beverages.

  I remember last Mothers Day, during the "Mothers Love Like Tea" tea tasting organized by the school, I designed a "Red Drunken Sunset" tea with black tea and thousand day saffron as the main ingredients, paired with a piece of sugar and poured with boiling water. Immediately, the clear water in the cup turned a beautiful red color and emitted a strong aroma of tea and flowers... Many people came to taste my tea, praising my smile for its sweetness, just like my tea.

  There is a lot of knowledge about tea, and I have a lot to learn. Not only do I need to learn the methods and etiquette of making tea, but I also need to understand the connotation and essence of drinking tea. Drinking tea enables people to experience a spiritual pleasure and cultivate good character. I love Tea culture, I love tea ceremony.









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