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2023-04-17 15:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

提问:徽墨文化英语「徽墨文创产品」? 最佳回答如下:


问答目录概览 1、徽墨是个什么东东 2、求一篇介绍安徽文化的英语短文!急!! 3、【徽墨】的意思是什么?【徽墨】是什么意思? 4、怎样用英语介绍黄梅戏和徽墨 5、《徽州文化博物馆》求高手翻译 分数不多只有 25 倾囊相送 6、请问文房四宝分别怎么英语翻译? 徽墨是个什么东东



 亩大戚 徽墨有漆烟、油烟、全烟、松烟、净烟、咸胶、加香等品种,高级漆烟墨,是用桐油烟、麝香、冰片、金箔、珍珠粉等几十种名贵材料制成的。墨色能分出浓淡层次、似漆有光、研磨无声,落纸渗透性强,能防止虫蛀。由著名的书画家和能工巧匠合作,将名人书画雕在墨模上,制成的徽墨既是实用的,又是欣赏品,品位更高,成为特种工艺品。同时,按照造型制作出金蝉、金龟等形状的工艺品,经过描金着色,这种工艺徽墨成为人们喜爱的旅游品、纪念品,畅销国内外。




Chinese Culture

In order to learn more about the Chinese culture I decided to interview Cindy Chang, an 18 year old freshman at college. Cindy was born in China but moved to America when she was just two years old. She lives in New Jersey, in a small town called Livingston and attends Montclair State University. Cindy has a large family but lives with her mother, father, younger sister Luanne, and her grandmother. It is very common in Chinese culture to live with your extended family. Cindy lives in a traditional Chinese household. She speaks only Chinese to her parents. Chinese is not an alphabetic language. Characters generally have to parts, one that represents the meaning and the other the sound.

Cindy is not allowed to do many things that 18 year old American girls are allowed to do. When choosing a college, she had to go somewhere that she could commute to because in her culture women do not move out of their house until marriage. Also, In the Chinese culture, it is not common for women to date as American women do. This is very difficult for Cindy because like many girls her age she wants to be able to have a boyfriend. Cindy did have a boyfriend for 2 years but never introduced him to her family. She knew they would

Some common words found in the essay "Chinese Culture" are:

chinese, culture, family, people, important, american, called, father, younger, english, respect, members, children, understand, allowed, religion, things, course, elders, surplus, cultures



【早铅徽墨】的意思是:徽墨huī mò 1.  见「徽纆」。 2.  安徽旧徽州府(府治在今歙县)所产的墨。其质量装饰并佳,自宋以后即著称于世。徐珂《清稗类钞•物品·徽墨》:「徽墨,安徽徽州府所产。古人制墨,率用松烟。汉取诸扶风,晋取诸庐州,唐则易州上党。自李超徙歙,张谷徙黟,皆世其业,于是始有徽墨,以至于今。」★「徽墨」在《汉语大词典》第4515页 第3卷 1109★银配「徽墨」在《现代汉语词典》第576页★「徽墨」在《汉语辞海》的解释★「徽墨」在《重编国语辞典》的解释徽墨huī mò 1.    见「徽纆」。 2.    安徽旧徽州府(府治在今歙县)所产的墨。其质量装饰并佳,自宋以后即著称于世。徐珂《清稗类钞•物品•徽墨》:「徽墨,安徽·徽州府所产。古人制墨,率用松烟。   ▶ 汉取诸扶风,晋取诸庐州,唐则易州·上党。自李超徙歙,张谷徙黟,皆世其业,于是始有徽墨,以至于今。」

徽墨的拼音huī mò



huī mò 1. 见「徽纆」。 2. 安徽旧徽州府(府治在今歙县)所产的墨。其质量装饰并佳,自宋以后即著称于世。徐珂《清稗类钞•物品·徽墨》:「徽墨,安徽徽州府所产。古人制墨,率用松烟。汉取诸扶锋睁指风,晋取诸庐州,唐则易州上党。自李超徙歙,张谷徙黟,皆世其业,于是始有徽墨,以至于今。」

★「徽墨」在《汉语大词典》第4515页 第3卷 1109 ★「徽墨」在《现代汉语词典》第576页 ★「徽墨」在《汉语辞海》的解释 ★「徽墨」在《重编国语辞典》的解释 徽墨

huī mò 1. 见「徽纆」。 2. 安徽旧徽州府(府治在今歙县)所产的墨。其质量装饰并佳,自宋以后即著称于世。徐珂《清稗类钞•物品•徽墨》:「徽墨,安徽·徽州府所产。古人制墨,率用松烟。 ▶ 汉取诸扶风,晋取诸庐州,唐则易州·上党。自李超徙歙,张谷徙黟,皆世其业,于是始有徽墨,以至于今。」

徽墨的英语单词1.inkstick produced in huizhou


1.他通常使用徽墨来绘画, 这样的画十分逼真。



Once called "Huangmei Tune" or "Caicha Opera",Huangmei Operais one of the most famous traditional operas in China.

As a local drama in East China'sAnhui Province, Huangmei Opera actually originated in Huangmei County,Hubei Province, during the 18th century when Chinese local operas were flourishing.

After being introduced to Anhui Province, Huangmei Opera swiftly took off in Anqing City and many other neighboring provinces. Now, the opera has grown into a professional performance piece in both rural and urban areas, becoming a recreational activity for millions of people.

2)The Huizhou Ink Stick is famed for being lustrous, black, moist, strongly fragrant, mothproof and mould-proof. The ink will be spread too much on the paper nor stick to the brush. So it is perfect for both painting and calligraphy.

The Huizhou Ink Stick uses pine wood as its main raw ingredient, which is then mixed with another 20 different materials. The manufacturing procedure includes lighting the smoke, blending the materials together, pressing the ink stick, drying by airing, filling the margin and boxing. The “Super Lacquer Smoke Ink Stick” is the best quality ink stick amongst the already superior Hui ink sticks.

《徽州文化博物馆》求高手翻译 分数不多只有 25 倾囊相送

Reward points: 30 - There are 14 days away from the issue of the end of 1 hour

请高手帮忙翻译一下下面的文章最好不要用翻译工具谢谢了安徽省徽州文化博物馆乎滚是一个综合性博物馆,坐落在安徽省黄山市,占地族纯157亩,建筑面积14000平方米。 Please expert help translate what the article is best not to use the following translation tools Thank you, Huizhou of Anhui Culture Museum is a comprehensive museum is located in Huangshan City, Anhui Province, covers an area of 157 mu, building area of 14,000 square meters.

徽州文化博物馆是一个多功能建筑群,也是一座徽派风景园林。 Huizhou Culture Museum is a multi-functional buildings, but also a Huizhou landscape. 博物馆的基本陈列位兆顷咐《徽州人与徽州文化》,分为:走进徽州、天下徽商、礼仪徽州、徽州建筑、徽州艺术、徽州科技六个部分。 Museum of the basic display position "Man and Huizhou Huizhou culture", is divided into: into the Huizhou, the world Huishang, etiquette Huizhou, Huizhou architecture, Huizhou art, science and technology in six parts of Huizhou.

这里馆藏非常丰富。 Here is very rich collection. 馆内的歙砚、徽墨、新安书画、徽州文献和徽州三雕是最有特色的藏品,其中的徽州文书已成为研究徽学的重要资料,引起世界徽学专家的关注。 Museum's Inkstone, Hui Mo, Xin-painting, literature and Huizhou Huizhou three birds are the most distinctive collections, which had become the emblem of Huizhou instruments to learn important information attracted the concern of the world's emblem experts.

产自徽州的歙砚与徽墨是闻名中外的“文房四宝”之一。 Produced in Huizhou Inkstone and Hui Mo is the world-famous "four treasures" one. 歙砚是雕刻出来的,由选石、构思、雕刻、打磨等多道工序构成。 Inkstone was carved out from stone selection, design, carving, sanding, etc. constitute a multi-channel processes. 歙砚纹理非常系咪,兼具坚、润之质,被誉为“砚国名珠”。 Inkstone texture is the Department of microphones, both Caine, Run of the quality, known as "Yan country names beads." 历来是书画家喜爱的信赖的宝贝。 Calligraphy and painting has always been a favorite treasure trust. 中国古代有这样的比喻:“有佳墨者,犹如名将之有良马也。” Ancient China there is such a metaphor: "There is good Mexican who is it that you like good horses have been famous."


毛笔 Chinese brush;黑墨 black ink;宣纸 rice paper;砚台 ink stone。

文房四宝: the four treasures of the study



中国的用具,不少独具一格,它既表现了中华民族不同于其他民族的风俗, 又为世界文化的进步和发展作出了贡献。其最典型的是被称为“文房四宝”的书写工具:纸、笔、墨、砚。






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