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32 华南理工大学学报(社会科学版) 第25卷

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Spillover Risk and Regulatory Thinking of Multidomain Diffusion

of Braincomputer Interface Technology

ZENG Rui HE Lunfeng

(School of Public Administration,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,Fujian,China)

Abstract:Through the application and observation of the multifield diffusion of braincomputer

interface technology,we looked back at the growth logic of its spiritual separation from the body,the

“remote control”of actions by thoughts,and the transcendence of physical properties over spirituality.

In the process of technology diffusion,the risks of leakage of brain privacy data,malicious

manipulation of brain consciousness,monopoly of brain algorithm capital,and barriers to personal

information circles spill over. In this regard,it is necessary to combine the core value orientation of

anchoring braincomputer interface technology on the basis of seeking technical regulation theory

support,build a legal protection framework for “neural rights”,limit the practical application scenarios

of braincomputer interface technology,prevent the risk of capital monopoly of braincomputer

interface technology,and give adequate times response to these legal regulations.

Key words:braincomputer interface;technology diffusion;neural rights;brain algorithm




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