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2024-07-16 08:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

看经济学教材的时候,在想这些复杂又清晰的图是怎么绘制的。于是上网搜了一下,根据网上的信息,在 LaTeX 中使用 TikZ 包进行绘制是一个不错的选择,所以这两天花点时间学习了一下。

这篇推文算是学习笔记,共分为三部分:首先,从最熟悉的供求均衡入手,通过带有详细注释的代码,熟悉基本用法;虽有,尝试做一个用阴影表示消费者剩余变化的练习题,这部分我还用 Stata 画了图对比;最后,从其他资料中附上其他示例。

供求均衡代码语言:javascript复制\documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{tikz} % 引入tikz宏包 \usetikzlibrary{calc} % 计算坐标轴 \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[domain=0:5,scale=1.5,thick] % scale 实现缩放,所以不必担心绝对坐标的问题 % 定义供给曲线和需求曲线的参数 \def\dint{4.5} %需求曲线Y轴的截距 \def\dslp{-0.5} %需求曲线的斜率 \def\sint{1.2} %供给曲线Y轴的截距 \def\sslp{0.8} %供给曲线的斜率 %定义供给曲线和需求曲线 \def\demmand{\x,{\dslp*\x+\dint}} \def\supply{\x,{\sslp*\x+\sint}} % 标记坐标点 \coordinate (ints) at ({(\sint-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)},{(\sint-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)*\sslp+\sint}); %均衡点 \coordinate (ep) at (0,{(\sint-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)*\sslp+\sint}); %均衡价格纵坐标 \coordinate (eq) at ({(\sint-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)},0); %均衡数量横坐标 \coordinate (dint) at (0,{\dint}); \coordinate (sint) at (0,{\sint}); % 绘制坐标轴 \draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,6) node[above] {$P$}; \draw[->] (0,0) -- (7,0) node[right] {$Q$}; % 绘制供给和需求曲线 \draw[thick, color=blue] plot (\demmand) node(right) {$D(p)={45}-5p$}; % 需求曲线 \draw[thick, color=red] plot (\supply) node(right) {$S(p)=12+8p$}; % 供给曲线 \draw[dashed] (ints) -- (ep) node[left] {$p^*$}; \draw[dashed] (ints) -- (eq) node[below] {$q^*$}; % 标示均衡点 \fill[purple] (ints) circle (2pt); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}消费者剩余变化



。当价格从 2 上升至 3 时,相应地,消费者剩余的变化是多少?并通过图形表示。

Stata 绘制代码语言:javascript复制clear set obs 200 gen q = _n gen p = (20-q)/2 keep if p >0 gen p1 = 2 gen p2 = 3 line p q || (rarea p p1 q if q ,dashed] ($(c)+(0,0.15)$) -- ($(c)+(-.7,0.85)$); \draw[->,dashed] ($(c)+(0.15,0)$) -- ($(c)+(0.85,-0.7)$); \fill[blue] (0.5,1.5) node {Elastic}; \fill[blue] (1.6,0.5) node {Inelastic}; \draw[->] (1.5,1.5) node[label=above:Unitary Elastic] {} -- ($(c)+(.1,.1)$); \end{tikzpicture}征税代码语言:javascript复制% TikZ code: An excise tax \begin{tikzpicture}[domain=0:5,scale=1,thick] \usetikzlibrary{calc} %allows coordinate calculations. \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing} %allows drawing curly braces. % Define linear parameters for supply and demand \def\dint{4.5} %Y-intercept for DEMAND. \def\dslp{-0.5} %Slope for DEMAND. \def\sint{1.2} %Y-intercept for SUPPLY. \def\sslp{0.8} %Slope for SUPPLY. \def\tax{1.5} %Excise (per-unit) tax % Define Supply and Demand Lines as equations of parameters defined above. \def\demand{\x,{\dslp*\x+\dint}} \def\supply{\x,{\sslp*\x+\sint}} \def\demandtwo{\x,{\dslp*\x+\dint+\dsh}} \def\supplytwo{\x,{\sslp*\x+\sint+\ssh}} % Define coordinates. \coordinate (ints) at ({(\sint-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)},{(\sint-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)*\sslp+\sint}); \coordinate (ep) at (0,{(\sint-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)*\sslp+\sint}); \coordinate (eq) at ({(\sint-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)},0); \coordinate (dint) at (0,{\dint}); \coordinate (sint) at (0,{\sint}); \coordinate (teq) at ({(\sint+\tax-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)},0); %quantity \coordinate (tep) at (0,{(\sint+\tax-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)*\sslp+\sint+\tax}); %price \coordinate (tint) at ({(\sint+\tax-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)},{(\sint+\tax-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)*\sslp+\sint+\tax}); %tax equilibrium \coordinate (sep) at (0,{\sslp*(\sint+\tax-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)+\sint}); \coordinate (sen) at ({(\sint+\tax-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)},{\sslp*(\sint+\tax-\dint)/(\dslp-\sslp)+\sint}); % DEMAND \draw[thick,color=blue] plot (\demand) node[right] {$P(q) = -\frac{1}{2}q+\frac{9}{2}$}; % SUPPLY \draw[thick,color=purple] plot (\supply) node[right] {Supply}; % Draw axes, and dotted equilibrium lines. \draw[->] (0,0) -- (6.2,0) node[right] {$Q$}; \draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,6.2) node[above] {$P$}; \draw[decorate,decoration={brace},thick] ($(sep)+(-0.8,0)$) -- ($(tep)+(-0.8,0)$) node[midway,below=-8pt,xshift=-18pt] {tax}; \draw[dashed] (tint) -- (teq) node[below] {$Q_T$}; \draw[dashed] (tint) -- (tep) node[left] {$P_d$}; \draw[dashed] (sen) -- (sep) node[left] {$P_s$}; \end{tikzpicture}短期单位成本曲线代码语言:javascript复制\begin{figure} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8] \tiny \draw (0,0) -- (8,0) node [below] {Quantity, units}; \draw (0,-0.5) -- (0,5) node [above] {Cost per unit, \$}; \draw (0.2,5) to [out=270,in=172] (2.6,0.4); \draw (2.6,0.4) to [out=350.5,in=178] (7,0.1); \node [right] at (7,0.5) {$AFC$}; \draw (0.3,5) to [out=280,in=150] (2,2.1); \draw (2,2.1) to [out=330,in=200] (7,2); \node [right] at (7,2.3) {$ATC$}; \draw (0,2) to [out=340,in=200] (7,1.8); \node [right] at (7,1.8) {$AVC$}; \draw (0,2) to [out=315,in=240] (7,5); \node [right] at (7,5) {$MC$}; \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Short-run unit cost curves} \end{figure}斯勒茨基分解代码语言:javascript复制% Slutsky Decomposition \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing} \begin{figure} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2] \draw [thick] (0,0) -- (8,0); \draw [thick] (0,0) -- (0,5); \node [right] at (8,0) {$x_1$}; \node [above] at (0,5) {$x_2$}; \draw [thick] (1.7,4.2) to [out=310,in=160] (5.4,1.5); \draw [thick] (0.6,4) to [out=295,in=165] (3.5,1); \draw [thick] (1.4,3.2) to [out=290,in=155] (3.5,1.3); \node [right] at (6.5,0.9) {$C$}; \draw [thick] (0,4.6) -- (7.5,0); \draw [thick] (0,4.6) -- (3.15,0); \draw[dashed](1.4,2.5)--(1.4,0); \draw[dashed](3.4,2.5)--(3.4,0); \draw [thick] (0,3.4) -- (5.4,0); \draw[dashed](2.4,1.9)--(2.4,0); \node [above] at (2.4,2) {$x^B$}; \draw[fill] (2.4,1.9) circle [radius =0.06]; \node [left] at (1.3,2.5) {$x^A$}; \draw[fill] (1.4,2.5) circle [radius =0.06]; \node [right] at (3.2,3) {$x^C$}; \draw[fill] (3.4,2.5) circle [radius =0.06]; \node [right] at (0.5,4.6) {$C$}; \node [right] at (-0.1,4) {$A$}; \node [left] at (2.9,0.2) {$A$}; \node [right] at (4.3,0.2) {$B$}; \node [right] at (-0.1,3.1) {$B$}; \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=4pt, mirror},xshift=0pt,yshift=-3pt] (1.4,0) -- (2.4,0) node [black,midway,yshift=-.5cm] {\footnotesize $SE_1$}; \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=4pt, mirror},xshift=0pt,yshift=-3pt] (2.4,0) -- (3.4,0) node [black,midway,yshift=-.5cm] {\footnotesize $IE_1$}; \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Slutsky decomposition} \end{figure}参考资料








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