
您所在的位置:网站首页 很时尚的英文名字 励志传记(当今奇人周兴和)第八章第四节


#励志传记(当今奇人周兴和)第八章第四节| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Strange middleman


Dr. Nunu was really a scholarly and serious scientist involving in years of research; after coming to the work site, he spent half a day, not only looking at all buildings and products displayed in the testing ground of Xinghe Company, but also from the raw materials to every production procedure, from the operation of machinery and equipment to the workers, from the product forming to the final test, he didn't miss any clue, and checked carefully.


"Your products are really superior to the German products in all aspects of performance." As the sun moved west, Dr. Nunu emerged from the warehouse, with his face solemnly. He thought for a long time and said frankly to Zhou Xinghe, "Now, it seems that I may leave disappointed. But, of course, since I came from so far away, I am not reconciled to it. Can you run two more tests in front of me?"


"No problem. You see, what two tests do you want to do?"


"Ultimate load-bearing test and ultimate fire-resistance test." Nunu replied.


"For the ultimate load-bearing test, you have actually seen that the weight placed on the top of the small house in our test field is nearly 20,000kg. It has been three years. Have you ever seen any deformation on any building material? But we can do it again in front of you. As for the ultimate fire-resistance test, we can show you again too."


As the test began, Dr. Nunu kept his eyes fixed on the field. Gradually, after a series of experiments began, he was a little dizzying; as the experiment went on, he looked dumbfounded; in the end, he could not help but be overjoyed!


A truck repeatedly ran over a low bridge made of floor boards which did not even move a little; a wall board nearly 5 meters long, suspended above the ground, carried 25 workers without any deformation or crack. The fracture load of the wall board of Xinghe Company inspected by the state was 7.32 times of the dead weight, which wais 10 times higher than the national standard of 0.75 times. A random partition board was then doused with petrol and set alight, burning for more than 30 minutes in a raging fire. When the fire went out, the workers wiped away the smoke marks on the boards with a rag, and the partition board remained intact without any marks of being burned by the fire. Then one of the workmen pulled up an air gun and cut a piece of I-steel into two pieces with ease, but the burned partition board was not hurt at all by the air gun!


"Time is limited, so we can only go so far." Zhou told Nunu, "The fire resistance of reinforced concrete is no more than 850 degrees, while our product has a fire resistance of 1,400 degrees and a fire resistance limit of 188 minutes."


"This is amazing, unbelievable!" Dr. Nunu could hardly believe his eyes and ears. He thumbed up and said to Zhou Xinghe, "You are a true inventor! Your product is the world's number one, absolutely the world's number one!"


"Mr. Nunu, did I deceive you when I said that you were not yet eligible for our company's reward?" Zhou Xinghe said to Dr. Nunu with a smile.


"Indeed, Mr. Chairman, you did not deceive me." Dr. Nunu shrugged his shoulders and waved his hand. "I am absolutely subject to the truth. The present situation really convinced me that I should not have received the reward - but I would like to make a request to you, and I wonder if you could grant to me?"


"Go ahead." Zhou Xinghe paused and then said, "We should thank you first of all for coming from abroad to verify our products. I promise you anything I can do."


"I've seen your products, I've seen your tests, I believe in my vision, and I believe in my wisdom and my ability." Dr. Nunu paused and then said, "I would like to be a middleman for your products and sell them to the world, just..."


"On what terms, Dr. Nunu, please tell me, and do not hesitate."


Dr. Nunu thought for a moment and, rather sheepishly, uttered a string of English words.


"He said that he had come all the way from Sweden and that it was a pity that he had not received your bonus." Yao translated, "Chairman Zhou, he asked if you could consider reimbursing him for his airfare, living expenses and accommodation fees."


"Haha, Yao, tell him, we have an old saying in China, it is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar." Zhou Xinghe laughed again. "That's no problem. We welcome him if he is willing to be a middleman for our company. We'll give him a pro rata commission in accordance with company rules when he promotes our products. And we will reimburse him for all the travel expenses incurred in his trip to China."


When Yao passed on Zhou Xinghe's words to Nunu, the old man turned from disappointment to relief and then smiled with a brilliant face.


"Yao, please tell him that he came from so far away. I will give him a special reception tonight and invite him to eat authentic Chinese Sichuan cuisine."


"Thank you, Chairman." The old man was serious again, "To be the middleman of your products, it needs to discuss further, and we shall sign an agreement."


"Of course, absolutely." Zhou Xinghe said with a smile, "I invite you to dinner, just to do the honors, not to bribe you. You can rest assured!"


After he left China, Dr. Nunu seemed to be fascinated by the products of Xinghe Company, carrying the samples and publicity materials of Xinghe. Like a migratory bird, he flew to many countries of the world at his own expense, sparing no effort to promote the products of Xinghe Company.


It’s said that when Dr. Nunu traveled to other countries, his first product recommendation to local architects and builders was: Do you want the pennies from the heaven? That is China's Sichuan Xinghe Building Materials Company freely rewarding you $5 million! This made the architects and builders laughing and wondering, and aroused great interest in Nunu's products. When he saw a building or sculpture in another country, his first word was "FGC". "F" stands for "five-proof", "G" stands for "green", and "C" stands for "composite material" (English acronym). Later, we heard from his wife that he was obsessed to say that this dish was made by "FGC" even when he had a meal.


Dr. Nunu's hardwork was not in vain, and he successfully marketed many of Xinghe's products in more than a dozen countries around the world. Not only has he become the best witness and middleman for Xinghe's products, but he also has received nearly US$1 million of commissions from Xinghe's product promotion to date.




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