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2023-06-10 11:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Cold - 寒冷的天气

In Northern Europe, daytime temperatures are often quite mild, even in late autumn. The days are often misty, foggy and damp. Soon, winter arrives, with frost, icy roads and severe weather, including heavy snow. As people expect the weather to be bad, they try and keep warm so they don't freeze! Freezing weather may continue in the far north until May or even June, when the ground starts to thaw and the ice melts again.

在北欧,即使在晚秋季节,白天的气温通常也相当温和。白天常常有薄雾、浓雾和潮湿的天气。很快,冬天就会到来,带来了霜冻、结冰的道路和严寒的天气,包括大雪。由于人们预计天气会变得糟糕,他们会尽量保持温暖,以免冻伤!在更远的北方地区,寒冷的天气可能一直持续到五月甚至六月,在那时,地面开始解冻,冰雪再次融化。Mild /maɪld/ 温暖的 Mild weather is pleasant because it is neither extremely hot nor extremely cold.Misty /ˈmɪsti/ 有雾的 Foggy /ˈfɒɡi/ 雾气茫茫的

"misty" 指的是轻薄的水汽或薄雾,视野相对较好,而 "foggy" 指的是浓密的雾气,视野受到较大限制。

Damp /dæmp/ 潮湿的Frost /frɒst/ n. 霜冻Freeze /friːz/ v. 结冰Thaw /θɔː/ 融化,解冻Melt /melt/ 融化

"Thaw" 强调的是温度升高,使物体从冰冻状态变为液态, 而 "melt" 则更广泛地用于描述物质从固态到液态的转变,无论是通过加热、化学反应还是其他因素引起的。

Warm/hot weather - 炎热的天气

In a tropical climate, the weather is often stifling, muggy and humid. In other hot climates, there may be boiling hot days, and heatwaves may be common.

在热带气候中,天气通常闷热、潮湿。在其他炎热的气候中,可能会有酷热的日子,热浪也可能很常见。tropical /ˈtrɒpɪkəl/ 热带的stifling /ˈstaɪflɪŋ/ 热得难受的 Stifling heat is so intense that it makes you feel uncomfortable. You can also use stifling to describe a place that is extremely hot.muggy /ˈmʌɡi/ (天气) 闷热而潮湿的 Muggy weather is unpleasantly warm and damp.humid /ˈhjuːmɪd/ 湿热的You use humid to describe an atmosphere or climate that is very damp, and usually very hot.boiling /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ 炙热的

Something that is boiling or boiling hot is very hot.

heatwave /ˈhiːtweɪv/ 热浪Wet weather - 下雨的程度

shower -> heavy rain -> pour down / downpour -> torrential rain -> flood

shower /ˈʃaʊə/ 阵雨This rain won't last long; it's only a shower.heavy rain 大雨

There was quite heavy rain during the night. / It rained heavily during the night.

downpour (A downpour is a sudden and unexpected heavy fall of rain.) 瓢泼大雨

There was a real downpour. / It was absolutely pouring down yesterday.

torrential /təˈrenʃ(ə)l/ (Torrential rain pours down very rapidly and in great quantities.)(雨水) 倾盆的In Malaysia there is usually torrential rain most days, and the roads sometimes get flooded.flood 为水所淹; 淹没

There are sometimes floods on the roads.

overcast /ˈəʊvəˌkɑːst/ 阴天的If it is overcast, or if the sky or the day is overcast, the sky is completely covered with cloud and there is not much light

The sky's a bit overcast; I think it's going to rain.

Wind - 大风的天气breeze /briːz/ 微风There was a gentle breeze on the beach, just enough to cool us.Strong / high wind 强风There was a very strong/high wind and my umbrella blew away.gale /ɡeɪl/ n.大风,狂风 (复数 gales)There was a gale that day, so we didn't go sailing.hurricane /ˈhʌrɪkən/ n.飓风

People stayed indoors because there was a hurricane on the way.




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