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2024-07-05 06:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


张建中,云南昆明人。擅长油画、中国画。1959年毕业于四川美术学院附中,1964年毕业于云南艺术学院美术系油画专业。历任云南美协副主席,云南画院副院长,云南艺术学院院长,1 级美术师。作品《难民图》获全国美展三等奖并被中国美术馆收藏,《金色的旋律》入选第七届全国美展,《峪之魂》入选首届全国中国画展,《景颇山上》、《5 好社员》、《离》入选全国美展等。出版有《张建中画选》、《张建中和他的艺术》等。

Introduction to the artist

In Zhangjian? Yunnan Kunming person. Be good at canvas, China drawing. Was graduated from attached middle school of Sichuan academy of fine arts 1959, was graduated from art of Yunnan art institute to fasten canvas major 1964. Have successively held the posts of Yunnan beauty assist vice-chairman, assistant dean of Yunnan imperial art academy, yunnan art prexy, division of one class art. Work " the refugee pursues " obtain the whole nation to the United States exhibits third class award and be collected by Chinese art gallery, " aureate air " selected beauty of the 7th whole nation is exhibited, " the fetch of valley " selected art exhibition of China of first whole nation, " scene quite on hill " , " 5 good commune members " , " from " beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited etc. Publish have " the picture in Zhangjian is chosen " , " Zhang Jianzhong and his art " etc.

美术标签: # 张建中、# 张建中官方网站、# 张建中作品价格、# 艺术家张建中、# 美术网张建中、# 张建中联系方式、# 张建中书画网、# 张建中美术馆、# 张建中油画家、# 画家张建中、# 张建中作品图片、




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