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1969年5月25日 遇难人数:273

The DC-10 left Chicago O'Hare on the Friday afternoon of Memorial Day weekend only for its left engine to detach from its wing and fall off, rolling the plane in the air and sending it crashing to earth just a mile from the runway. 在阵亡将士纪念日当周的周五下午,一架DC-10型客机从芝加哥奥黑尔起飞后,左侧引擎从机翼上脱落,飞机在空中翻转,撞向仅离跑道一英里远的地面。

The plane "burst into a pillar of flame and smoke that could be seen up to eight miles away," the Chicago Tribune reported at the time. All 271 people on board and two on the ground were killed in what remains America's worst aviation disaster. 《芝加哥论坛报》当时报道,飞机“瞬间蹿出火柱,浓烟在8英里外仍然可见”。机上全部271人以及地面上的两人遇难,这起事故至今仍是美国最惨重的空难。

The crash was found to be the result of a shortcut taken by removing the plane's engines for maintenance, cracking an aluminium component which held the engine to the wing. 事故的原因是,工作人员为了省事,将机上引擎卸下维修,折裂了将引擎固定在机翼上的铝制部件。

9. 伊朗空军伊尔II-76

2003年2月19日 遇难人数:275

The official report into the military aircraft that crashed in the Sirach Mountains near Kerman in Iran found that bad weather, including high winds and fog, brought the plane down, killing all on board, all members of the Revolutionary Guards. The Aviation Safety Network classifies the crash as a Controlled Flight into Terrain. 据官方报道,这家军用飞机因大风大雾的恶劣天气在伊朗克尔曼市附近的西拉山坠毁,机上全部人员遇难,遇难者均为革命卫队成员。追踪航空事件的网站航空安全网络将这次事故归类为可控飞行撞地。

8. 伊朗航空公司655号航班

1988年7月3日 遇难人数:290

In 1988, Iran Air Flight 655 from Tehran to Dubai was gunned down by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes as the Iran – Iraq war drew to a close. 1988年,两伊战争结束前,一架航班号为655的伊朗航空客机在从德黑兰飞往迪拜的过程中被美国海军“文森斯号”导弹巡洋舰击落。

All 290 on board – among them 66 children and 16 crew members, died. The Iranian government said that it was an intentionally performed and unlawful act. 机上290人,包括66名儿童和16位机组人员全部遇难。伊朗政府表示,这是一次蓄意的非法行动。

7. 马来西亚航空17号航班

2014年7月17日 遇难人数:298

Malaysian air crash investigator inspects crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 near Hrabove reuters

A similar incident took place over eastern Ukraine when a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down near the Russian border. 类似的事件发生乌克兰东部,马兰西亚航空一架由阿姆斯特丹飞往吉隆坡的波音777-200飞机在俄罗斯边境附近被击落。

All 298 on board died when the plane crashed into a field near Torez. 飞机在多列士小镇附近坠落,机上298人全部遇难。

Pro-Russian rebels are widely accused of shooting the plane down using a surface-to-air missile - they deny responsibility. 多方指控亲俄派叛军使用地对空导弹击落飞机,但他们对此表示否认。

6. 沙特阿拉伯航空163号航班

1980年8月19日 遇难人数:301

The death of all 301 passengers on board the Lockheed L-1011 on the runway at Riyadh is the world's deadliest aviation accident not to involve a crash or mid-flight break up. The flight took off from the Saudi capital airport en route to Jeddah, only to return to Riyadh minutes later for an emergency landing after a fire started in the cargo department. 沙特阿拉伯航空163号航班空难是没有发生坠机、空中解体的航空事故中死亡人数最多的一次。这架洛歇L1011-200上的301名登机乘客在利雅德国际机场跑道上全部遇难。飞机从沙特首都利雅德机场起飞,前往吉达,但数分钟后,就因为货舱起火而返回利雅德机场紧急迫降。

However, when the plane landed, instead of initiating an emergency evacuation, the pilot taxied the aircraft back towards the airport, stopping on the runway for nearly three minutes. It then took some 23 minutes to access the aircraft once the engines were stopped. 然而,当飞机着陆后,飞行员并没有开始紧急撤离,而是将飞机滑行回机场,在跑道上停了近3分钟。随后,发动机停止工作后,救援人员花了约23分钟才进入飞机。

By the time the doors were opened all on board had died from smoke inhalation. The source of the fire is believed to have been two butane stoves in the cargo. 当舱门打开时,所有机上人员都因吸入浓烟窒息死亡。据信,起火源是货舱内的两个丁烷炉。

5. 印度航空182号航班

日期:1985年6月23日 遇难人数:329

Deemed the deadliest terror attack involving a plane at the time, the Air India Boeing 747 crashed off the coast of Ireland en route from Toronto to Sahar International in India, after a bomb placed in the cargo hold by Sikh extremists Babbar Khalsa exploded over the Atlantic. 印度航空一架由多伦多飞往印度萨哈尔国际机场的波音747在爱尔兰海岸坠毁,原因是锡克教极端分子巴巴尔•哈尔萨将一枚炸弹带上飞机货舱,在大西洋上空发生爆炸。这起空难当时成为死亡人数最多的飞机恐怖袭击。

4. 土耳其航空981号航班

1974年3月3日 遇难人数:346人

1974年3月3日,土耳其航空(Turkish Airlines)981号航班由法国巴黎飞往英国伦敦途中,遇上和美国航空96号航班一样的情况,但这次爆炸性失压将所有液压管道扯断导致无法操控,飞机在巴黎郊区坠毁,机上346人全部死亡。

A design flaw on the Douglas DC-10 led an aircraft carrying 335 passengers and 11 crew to crash in the Ermenonville Forest north of Paris, after taking off from Orly Airport bound for London Heathrow, en route from Istanbul. 一架由伊斯坦布尔飞往伦敦的道格拉斯DC-10飞机从奥利机场起飞前往伦敦希思罗机场,因设计缺陷在巴黎北部埃默农维尔森林坠毁。机上搭载着335名乘客和11名机组人员。

Around 10 minutes after the plane took off from Orly, the rear left cargo door blew off owing to a problem with how the hatches latched shut, causing an explosive decompression in the cabin and severing cables linking the flight deck with the aircraft's elevators, rudder and two engines. 飞机从奥利机场起飞约10分钟后,其左后货舱门因为门锁闭合问题被吹掉,结果导致机舱内失压爆炸,切断了连接驾驶舱与升降舵、方向舵以及两个引擎的线路。

The aircraft pitched sharply nose-down and began picking up speed as the pilots lost control, before it crashed into trees travelling at around 490mph. In the wake of the accident, the locking mechanism on the cargo doors was redesigned. 飞行员失去了对飞机的控制,飞机迅速向下坠落,并不断加速。飞机撞上树林时速度约为490英里/小时。事故发生后,道格拉斯DC-10飞机舱门的锁紧装置被重新设计。

3. 查基达里撞机事件


1996年12月12日 遇难人数:349

The world's deadliest mid-air crash involved Saudia Flight 763 and Kazakhstan Airlines Flight 1907 over the city of Charkhi Dadri in northern India. 沙特阿拉伯航空763号航班与哈萨克斯坦航空1907号航班在印度北部查基达里相撞,这是世界上最严重的空中撞机事故。

The Saudia-operated Boeing 747 was bound for Dhahran from Delhi while the Kazakhstan Airlines Ilyushin II-76 was bound for Indira airport from Shymkent when they collided, killing 312 people on board the former and 37 on the latter. 沙特阿拉伯航空运营的波音747由德里起飞前往达兰,哈萨克斯坦航空的伊尔II-76由奇姆肯特起飞前往英迪拉机场,两架飞机在途中相撞,致使前一架飞机312人、后一架飞机37人全部遇难。

The crash occurred after the Ilyushin aircraft was cleared to descend to 15,000 feet, but then descended past that level to 14,500 feet while the 747 was ascending in the opposite direction. By the time the air traffic controller could warn of the proximity between the two aircraft it was too late. 事故发生前,哈航飞机获准下降到15000英尺,但飞机却下降至14500英尺以下,此时沙特航空的飞机正在反方向攀升。当空中交通管制员提醒两架飞机异常接近时,为时已晚。

2. 日本航空123号航班

1985年8月12日 遇难人数:520


The largest single aircraft accident in history was the crash of a Boeing 747 into Mount Takamagahara in central Japan. Just four survived when the aircraft spiralled out of control, its wing clipping a mountain ridge, before flipping and landing on its back, following an explosive decompression towards the rear of the plane, the result of a faulty repair job seven years earlier. 世界上死伤最惨重的单架次飞机空难发生在日本中部巢鹰山区。一架波音747的机翼撞上山脉,失去控制急速下降,迅速翻转尾部触地着陆,随后飞机尾部发生失压性爆炸,仅有4人生还。7年前的修理不当是事故原因。

A month after the crash a Japan Airlines maintenance official committed suicide, leaving a note, "I am atoning with my death". 空难发生一个月后,日本航空的一位维修部门的官员自杀,留下一句遗言,“我以死谢罪”。

1. 特内里费空难

1977年3月27日 遇难人数:583人


On March 27, 1977, two Boeing 747 passenger jets collided on the foggy runway at Los Rodeos Airport, on the Spanish island of Tenerife, Canary Islands. The crash killed 583 people, making it the deadliest accident in aviation history. 1977年3月27日,在西班牙加那利群岛特内费里岛的洛司罗迪欧机场,两架波音747客机在大雾弥漫的跑道上相撞。这起事故造成583人遇难,是航空史上最致命的事故。

Neither of the two aircraft were supposed to be at Los Rodeos, both having been diverted away from Las Palmas on the nearby island of Gran Canaria, after it transpired that Canary Island separatists planted a bomb in the airport flower shop. 两架飞机都不应该出现在洛司罗迪欧机场,但据传附近大加那利岛的极端分子在岛上拉斯帕尔马斯机场的花店安置了一枚炸弹,这两架飞机因此被转移。

The collision occurred when a KLM aircraft attempted to take-off without clearance while a Pan Am aircraft was still taxiing along the same runway, having missed its turning to leave. 事故发生时,一家荷兰航空的飞机在没有获得许可的情况下准备起飞,与此同时,一家泛美航空公司的飞机因为错过了驶离跑道的路口,仍在同一道上滑行。

英文来源:每日电讯报 翻译&编辑:董静 审校:yaning




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