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#2021年秋季央视开学第一课英语作文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【#英语资源# 导语】每年的《开学第一课》是央视九月开学季必播的一档重要节目,每年的主题不同,而且也会邀请很多的嘉宾来给我们做出现场示范与演讲,可以让我们学习到很多课外知识。以下是©无忧考网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The first lesson is a two-hour educational public welfare program. It is an educational program cooperated by CCTV and the Ministry of education in 2008. It has a profound education for contemporary primary and secondary school students. The theme of the first lesson this year is: ideals illuminate the future. The program combines the characteristics of hot current events, real feelings and advanced deeds, and better conveys the core theme through TV media, making it easier for primary and secondary school students to absorb profound teaching knowledge.

  This year is the 100th anniversary of the party and a year of great historical significance, and the first lesson of school has important educational significance in previous years. As the program unfolds slowly, it presents a picture of many ancestors following the correct leadership of the party and making sacrifices and sacrifices for the motherland. It is with so many people of benevolence and righteousness that the motherland is now prosperous. As the successor of the motherland, we should inherit and carry forward the fearless spirit of our ancestors and shoulder the responsibilities and missions given by the new era.

  Under the learning and education of the first lesson of school, I can't help falling into self thinking and self reflection. As xinshida youth, we should enrich our inner world, enrich our spiritual world, improve our personal quality and show the style of aspiring youth in the new era. I know that the prosperity and strength of the motherland today and the prosperity and peace of the country and the people are inseparable from the hard work of our ancestors and the wise guidance of the Communist Party of China. Therefore, while we cherish the great achievements of our ancestors, we should inherit the legacy and spirit of the martyrs and shoulder the responsibilities and missions given by the new era.

  A strong youth makes a strong country, and a weak youth makes a weak country. Only by making continuous efforts to study and make ourselves stronger can we make contributions to the prosperity and prosperity of the motherland. As long as we closely follow the pace of the party and follow its guidance, we will contribute our self-worth to the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the future.


  Years are silent. In the twinkling of an eye, we have said goodbye to the happy summer vacation. With happiness and excitement, we return to the beautiful campus and continue our study.

  September 1 of each year is a special and meaningful day for students. It not only marks the arrival of students' school life in the new semester, but also the broadcasting time of CCTV's large-scale educational public welfare program "the first lesson of school". It is a program with connotation. The themes presented each year are different, which makes many students feel deeply, A lot of reflection.

  In the first lesson of school in 2021, the theme of this year is ideal to illuminate the future. In the program, Zhang Guimei, Li Hongta, Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, Tang Hongbo, Gong Lijiao, Yang Qian, Li Yazhong and other guests take us to listen to the ideal story and convey different life values, so that the audience friends in front of the TV can feel the real meaning of life, It also touched the perception in the depths of the heart and filled with emotion!

  Watch the first lesson in the golden autumn of 2021. The presentation of the theme combines the current background of the times and spreads positive energy. At the same time, it can also be said that this program is the bud of our students' construction of world outlook and values. Facing the new era and the continuous development of the motherland, our primary and secondary school students should also study cultural knowledge, improve their ideological and moral character, love the motherland, love the party, establish correct ideals and goals, work hard, make positive progress, realize their life value and harvest meaningful life for the opportunity to become the talents needed by the motherland and the party in the future, Light up the bright future.

  For the first lesson of school, I believe all friends who have seen it will praise it and have a great impact on us. Therefore, this public welfare program is also an example worth learning from. Don't you agree? Let's have the first lesson and feel the true meaning of life!


  The first lesson in 2021 officially met us on September 1. As a middle school student, the first lesson in 2021 is a program I must watch every year. The theme of the first lesson in 2021 is: ideals illuminate the future. This year is the 100th birthday of our beloved party. When we celebrate the 100th birthday of the party, the program "the first lesson of school" also brings us a lot of patriotic deeds and spirit that are worth learning and paying tribute to in the development of the motherland.

  As the first class of the new semester for primary and middle school students across the country, lesson one has always brought us many thought-provoking stories. Through watching and understanding, we can not only clearly know what difficulties and obstacles our motherland has experienced in the development process, but also broaden our horizons and let us grow and learn in the future, Only in this way can we have a practical and progressive heart of learning at a young age.

  The future of a country depends not only on the construction and development of various fields, but also on a steady stream of young people; Only by constantly cultivating more talents can our motherland be built more and more beautiful. We can have today's prosperous and powerful new China, which is inseparable from the contributions and contributions of generations of Excellent Communist Party members and advanced talents. Therefore, as the heirs of the new generation of the motherland, we must learn from the predecessors of the program "the first lesson of school", learn their patriotism, and learn their sacrifice spirit of ignoring themselves and asking for nothing in return for the development of the motherland.

  Now maybe we are still very young, our small arms can't lift even the stronger branches, and our small body looks so insignificant; But we will eventually grow up, keep getting higher and stronger, until our arms can support the sky, our bodies can protect people, use our only strength, and constantly make our due contributions to the development of the motherland.

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