双重差分模型进行平行趋势检验(Parallel Test)的方法 – Chi's blog

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双重差分模型进行平行趋势检验(Parallel Test)的方法 – Chi's blog

2024-07-11 06:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

双重差分模型进行平行趋势检验(Parallel Test)的方法 23 Feb 2020

Reading time ~3 minutes

Shen, Chi

Feb 23 2020, New Haven, CT







import pandas as pd import numpy as np panel = pd.read_stata("http://dss.princeton.edu/training/Panel101.dta") panel.head() country year y y_bin x1 x2 x3 opinion op 0 A 1990 1.342788e+09 1.0 0.277904 -1.107956 0.282554 Str agree 1.0 1 A 1991 -1.899661e+09 0.0 0.320685 -0.948720 0.492538 Disag 0.0 2 A 1992 -1.123436e+07 0.0 0.363466 -0.789484 0.702523 Disag 0.0 3 A 1993 2.645775e+09 1.0 0.246144 -0.885533 -0.094391 Disag 0.0 4 A 1994 3.008335e+09 1.0 0.424623 -0.729768 0.946131 Disag 0.0


panel["time"] = np.where(panel["year"] >= 1994, 1, 0) panel["treated"] = np.where(panel["country"].isin(["E", "F", "G"]), 1, 0) panel["did"] = panel["time"] * panel["treated"] 2)作图法



import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[10, 6]) sns.lineplot(x="year", y="y", hue="treated", estimator="mean", marker="s", ci=None, data=panel, ax=ax) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(1990, 2000, 1)) ax.axvline(x=1994, linestyle='--', color='black', linewidth=1) sns.despine()



\[y_{it} = \lambda_i + \delta_i + \beta_1 \cdot Treat_{it}*Pre_2 + \beta_2 \cdot Treat_{it}*Pre_1 + \beta_3 \cdot Treat_{it}*Current + \beta_4 \cdot Treat_{it}*Post_1 + \beta_5 \cdot Treat_{it}*Post_2 + \epsilon_{it}\]


$\lambda_i$ 表示个体固定效应,$\delta_i$ 表示时间固定效应,Pre、Current和Post表示指示相对于干预年份的dummy变量,$Treat_{it}$ 表示干预的指示变量。这里需要考虑是否要放入控制变量2




panel["period"] = panel["year"] - 1994 vars_pre = ["pre_" + str(i) for i in np.arange(4, 0, -1)] vars_post = ["post_" + str(i) for i in np.arange(1, 6, 1)] for i, vars in enumerate(vars_pre): panel[vars] = np.where(panel["period"] == (i-4), 1, 0) * panel["treated"] for i, vars in enumerate(vars_post): panel[vars] = np.where(panel["period"] == (i+1), 1, 0) * panel["treated"] panel["current"] = np.where(panel["period"] == 0, 1, 0) * panel["treated"]



import statsmodels.formula.api as smf formula = "y ~ " + " + ".join(vars_pre) + " + current + " + " + ".join(vars_post) + "+ C(year) + C(country)" did = smf.ols(formula, data=panel).fit(cov_type="cluster", cov_kwds={"groups" : panel["country"]}) did.summary()


OLS Regression Results Dep. Variable: y R-squared: 0.538 Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.292 Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 2.117 Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2020 Prob (F-statistic): 0.194 Time: 22:17:18 Log-Likelihood: -1599.7 No. Observations: 70 AIC: 3249. Df Residuals: 45 BIC: 3306. Df Model: 24 Covariance Type: cluster coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975] Intercept -1.004e+09 1.44e+09 -0.697 0.486 -3.83e+09 1.82e+09 C(year)[T.1991] 1.003e+09 2.52e+09 0.398 0.691 -3.94e+09 5.94e+09 C(year)[T.1992] 4.278e+08 1.57e+09 0.273 0.785 -2.65e+09 3.5e+09 C(year)[T.1993] 4.003e+09 2.01e+09 1.995 0.046 7.03e+07 7.94e+09 C(year)[T.1994] 4.616e+09 2.18e+09 2.115 0.034 3.38e+08 8.89e+09 C(year)[T.1995] 5.214e+09 1.87e+09 2.788 0.005 1.55e+09 8.88e+09 C(year)[T.1996] 3.412e+09 1.37e+09 2.494 0.013 7.31e+08 6.09e+09 C(year)[T.1997] 4.195e+09 1.55e+09 2.700 0.007 1.15e+09 7.24e+09 C(year)[T.1998] 3.075e+09 1.51e+09 2.031 0.042 1.07e+08 6.04e+09 C(year)[T.1999] 1.376e+09 2.78e+09 0.495 0.620 -4.07e+09 6.82e+09 C(country)[T.B] -1.514e+09 2.635 -5.75e+08 0.000 -1.51e+09 -1.51e+09 C(country)[T.C] -3.835e+08 nan nan nan nan nan C(country)[T.D] 1.912e+09 nan nan nan nan nan C(country)[T.E] -1.067e+09 nan nan nan nan nan C(country)[T.F] 1.769e+09 nan nan nan nan nan C(country)[T.G] -8.405e+07 2.583 -3.25e+07 0.000 -8.4e+07 -8.4e+07 pre_4 2.141e+09 1.71e+09 1.253 0.210 -1.21e+09 5.49e+09 pre_3 1.241e+09 2.43e+09 0.510 0.610 -3.53e+09 6.01e+09 pre_2 2.651e+09 6.91e+08 3.835 0.000 1.3e+09 4.01e+09 pre_1 2.618e+08 2.28e+09 0.115 0.909 -4.21e+09 4.73e+09 current -9.168e+07 1.84e+09 -0.050 0.960 -3.71e+09 3.52e+09 post_1 -6.432e+09 2.91e+09 -2.211 0.027 -1.21e+10 -7.31e+08 post_2 -1.9e+08 1.56e+09 -0.122 0.903 -3.25e+09 2.87e+09 post_3 1.035e+09 1.17e+09 0.887 0.375 -1.25e+09 3.32e+09 post_4 -2.716e+09 3.4e+09 -0.798 0.425 -9.38e+09 3.95e+09 post_5 2.718e+09 2.4e+09 1.134 0.257 -1.98e+09 7.42e+09 Omnibus: 1.113 Durbin-Watson: 1.836 Prob(Omnibus): 0.573 Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.541 Skew: -0.144 Prob(JB): 0.763 Kurtosis: 3.320 Cond. No. 9.40e+15

Warnings:[1] Standard Errors are robust to cluster correlation (cluster)[2] The smallest eigenvalue is 9.79e-31. This might indicate that there arestrong multicollinearity problems or that the design matrix is singular.

画coef plot

为了更为直观的观察各年份虚拟变量交互项是否具有统计学意义(即是否包含0),可以将上述回归模型的系数作图,通常称为coef plot,stata和R中均有相应的package,都名为coefplot,操作十分简便。

以下为通过python自定义的coef plot函数3。


def coef_plot(fit, vars, label, ax): '''ploting the coef of a fit''' # extract coef and ci from a model coef_ci = pd.DataFrame({"vars" : fit.params.index.values[1:], "coef" : fit.params.values[1:], "lower" : fit.conf_int().iloc[1:, 0], "upper" : fit.conf_int().iloc[1:, 1]}) coef_ci["err"] = coef_ci["coef"] - coef_ci["upper"] df = coef_ci[coef_ci["vars"].isin(vars)] # plot df.plot(x="vars", y="coef", kind="scatter", color="black", yerr="err", marker="s", s=80, legend=False, ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel("") ax.set_ylabel("Coefficient", fontsize=16) ax.axhline(y=0, linestyle='--', color='black', linewidth=2) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') ax.set_xticklabels(label, rotation=0, fontsize=16) vars = vars_pre + vars_post vars.insert(4, "current") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[12, 8]) coef_plot(did, vars, vars, ax)

https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/160359/difference-in-difference-method-how-to-test-for-assumption-of-common-trend-betw/160361#160361 ↩

关于是否需要加入控制变量,没有找到统一的说法,个人理解为基准模型中不需要加入控制变量,如果基准模型显示干预前年份的交互项有统计学意义,则可考虑加入控制变量 ↩

自编函数参考并修改自https://zhiyzuo.github.io/Python-Plot-Regression-Coefficient/ ↩

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