航海家郭川挑战世界纪录 在夏威夷海域失踪

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航海家郭川挑战世界纪录 在夏威夷海域失踪

2024-07-03 11:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Chinese sailor Guo Chuan sailing in the Laptev Sea in 2015.

Chinese mariner Guo Chuan has gone missing on a solo trans-Pacific voyage that was set to break a world record. 中国航海家郭川在单人跨太平洋创纪录航行途中失踪。

Guo's support team said they not been in contact with him since 3 p.m. Tuesday Beijing time (3 a.m. ET). 郭川的队友表示,自北京时间25日下午3点起他们就与郭川失去了联系(美国东部时间凌晨3点)。

His trimaran "Qingdao China," named after his home city in eastern China, was spotted 900 nautical miles off the west coast of Hawaii -- but Guo was nowhere to be found. 郭川的三体帆船“中国青岛号”是以其家乡青岛命名的,青岛是中国东部城市。这艘船在夏威夷西海岸附近900海里处被发现,但是郭川却下落不明。

The US Coast Guard has sent out several rescue teams, including an aircraft and two ships, to search for him but has had no luck yet. 美国海岸警卫队派出了数只救援队寻找郭川,其中包括一架飞机和两艘救援船,不幸的是至今仍未发现其下落。

Guo Chuan's trimaran, seen from Coast Guard aircraft on October 26, 2016.

"Crew of USS Mankin Island has visited the boat but did not find Guo. They collected all Guo's belongings aboard for his family. They lowered the mainsail around 11.50 a.m.. Search and rescue is continuing on the sea," the latest update said Thursday. 根据27日最新更新的报道,“美国海军军舰马金岛号上的船员找到了郭川的帆船,但没有发现郭川本人。他们为郭川的家属收纳了他的个人用品。上午11点50分左右,他们降下了帆船的主帆。海上搜救仍在继续。”

14:24:11 PDT (22:24:11 GMT) start solo nonstop trans-Pacific world record attempt  — Chuan Guo (@ChuanGuo) October 19, 2016 美国时间14:24:11(格林尼治标准时间22:24:11)开始单人不间断跨太平洋创世界纪录航行 — 郭川(@ChuanGuo)2016年10月19日

Guo had 'deep love for sailing' 郭川深爱着帆船运动

Departing on October 18 from San Francisco, Guo wanted to beat the solo non-stop trans-Pacific world record. 郭川10月18日离开旧金山,希望能够打破单人不间断跨太平洋航行的世界纪录。

File Photo taken on Oct. 18, 2016 shows Chinese mariner Guo Chuan sailing his trimaran under San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, the United States.

He planned to reach Shanghai in 20 days, breaking the previous 21-day record set by Italian Giovanni Soldini. His intended route was about 7,000 nautical miles. 他计划用20天抵达上海,打破此前意大利的吉奥瓦尼•索迪尼创下的21天纪录。他的预定航线长约7000海里。

Dubbed "Chinese No. 1 Mariner," Guo is regarded as a national hero in China. 郭川被誉为“中国帆船第一人”,在中国被视为国家英雄。

Chinese sailor Guo Chuan after breaking the North East Passage World Record in September 2015.

He is the country's first-ever professional sailor with two world records: the 40ft solo non-stop circumnavigation world record (finished in 138 days in 2013) and Arctic Ocean Northeast Passage non-stop sailing world record (12 days 3 hrs in 2015). 他是首位创造了两项世界纪录的中国职业帆船手:40英尺级帆船单人不间断环球航行世界纪录(2013年,历时138天)以及北冰洋东北航道不间断航行世界纪录(2015年,12天零3个小时)。

Chinese mariner Guo Chuan sets sail in #SanFrancisco, embarking on a solo trans-Pacific world #record challenge — China Xinhua News (@XHNews) October 19, 2016 中国航海家郭川在#旧金山扬帆起航,开始挑战单人跨太平洋航行的世界#纪录   — 新华社(@XHNews)2016年10月19日

Miao Hanlin, a 24-year-old fan of Guo's who met his hero three years ago, said the sailor has a strong personality. 24岁的苗翰林(音译)是郭川的粉丝,3年前他见到了这位英雄。他说这位航海家有着坚毅的品格。

"He seemed not good at words, but I can tell he had the qualities for the great undertaking like global sailing," he told CNN. "He had deep love for sailing as well as the grit to do it." 苗告诉美国有线电视新闻网,“他看起来不善言谈,但是我看得出他具备完成世界航行这种伟大事业的品质。他深爱着帆船运动,也有勇气去挑战。”

In an official statement, the Consulate General of China in Los Angeles said that the consulate would spare no effort to push forward the search and rescue work, with assistance from both China and US government. 中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆在一份官方声明中称,领事馆将在中美两国政府的协助下,不遗余力地推进搜救工作。

Brush with death 与死神擦肩而过

During a 2011 trans-Atlantic race, Guo had a close call he later recounted to China's official news agency Xinhua. 在2011年跨大西洋的航行比赛期间,郭川经历了一次死里逃生。事后,他对中国国家通讯社新华社细述了这次经历。

"I was waist deep in the water. If hadn't grabbed the rope, I would had been thrown in the water. In that scenario, I would never catch up with the ship. My chance of survival would be none," he told Xinhua. “水已经没过了我的腰。如果没有抓住绳子,我就被抛到水里去了。在这种情况下,我是绝对追不上船的,我幸存的机会是零。”

"I fear being separated from the ship when I am sailing solo." “当我独自航行的时候,我很担心和船分开。”

Before embarking on his voyage, Guo appeared to be in high spirits. 开启此次航行前,郭川的精神看起来很好。

"I am very confident to go now. See you in Shanghai within 20 days," Guo said before he left. 郭川出发前说,“我现在很有信心,20天之内上海见。”


trimaran: 三体帆船 nautical mile: 海里(约合1852米) mainsail: 主帆 consulate: 领事馆 close call: 侥幸避免事故





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