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#造价员英文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



2、水暖造价员 用英文怎么说

Plumbing cost Rapporteur


工程造价员Cost Engineer(CE)工程预算员Construction Budget


字面翻译是“Civil engineering cost member“不过英语里有专有名词,我不知道。。


一看就是毕业论文~!!!!Engineering cost management Project cost control emphasis should be transferred to the project construction early days, is transferred to the project decision and design stage. Project cost control in construction projects throughout the entire process, the key lies in the pre construction investment decision-making with design phase, whereas in the investment decision is made, the key lies in designing. According to expert analysis: architectural design, in the preliminary design stage, design stage, construction design stage to the engineering effect were 75% ~ 95%, 35% ~ 75%, 5% ~ 35%; while in the construction phase, through the optimization of construction organization design, construction cost saving the possibility of only 5% to 10%. We should put the focus shifted to the design stage, in order to get twice the result with half the effort. Pay attention to the technical and economic optimization combination. The combination of technology with economy is most effective way to control engineering cost. China engineering fields for a long time did not do this. The lack of technical personnel economy idea, design thought is conservative, the design of the outcome of the economy are not fully reflect. Therefore, we should solve the problem is to improve economic efficiency as the goal, in the construction process, organization, technology and economy organic ground union rises. Through the economic analysis, comparative study and effect evaluation, correct processing of advanced technology and reasonable in economy between the relation of unity of opposites, strive to advanced technology under the conditions of economic rational, reasonable in economy based on advanced technology. Carry out "limitation is designed" method. To be consciously put the application of value engineering to the specific design, actively promote quota design in engineering design contract, by way of bidding. This has been proven in practice is an effective way, it is not only an economic problem, more precisely a technical and economic problems. This "limitation is designed" to effectively control the project cost. In order to make the "limitation is designed" to achieve the desired objectives, should be involved in the design personnel must be experienced skilled economic designer. Their design results must be practical, advanced and reasonable cost. Control of engineering cost on the other hand is the need for comparison, because the outcome is a process of graal improvement, and not to decide, so the comparison is a measure of its practical, advanced and economical means. Do good project cost control in the process. ( 1) compilation of economic and feasible construction scheme. Before construction, construction enterprises should be combined with the construction drawings and the actual situation at the scene, their mechanical equipment, construction experience, the management level and technical specification acceptance criteria, a set of practical and feasible construction scheme. The construction scheme is engineering implementation of the programme of action. ( 2) to technical personnel, materials, machinery and personnel staff communication and coordination. In the process of construction, construction technology, materials and mechanical personnel should cooperate closely, understand each other, to management as the core, to rece costs for the purpose of. ( 3) to the project completion settlement. Strict supervision system. Control project cost effectively, in the early phase of the project shall be subject to supervision (including cost management ) system. Through analyzing the design process of supervision, make the design more reasonable, cost control to limit the scope of, accomplish truly with the smallest investment maximize output. Strict supervision system. Control project cost effectively, in the early phase of the project shall be subject to supervision (including cost management ) system. Through analyzing the design process of supervision, make the design more reasonable, cost control to limit the scope of, accomplish truly with the smallest investment maximize output. To establish and perfect the independent project cost advisory body, cultivate a Zhi De have both engineering team. To establish a real sense of independent engineering cost consulting agencies. Through improving the laws and regulations, normative behavior, separate government functions from enterprise management, the establishment of independent business partnership, share-holding system, the limited responsibility system and other forms of organization, an instry-based, diversified services integrated project consulting company, build and development and reform the engineering cost intermediary service institutions, make construction project management of a graal transition by an independent specialized agency in charge of project cost whole process tracking management, truly between owner and contractor plays an intermediary role. To strengthen engineering cost consulting instry association construction, establish project cost consulting instry self-discipline mechanism, and constantly improve the Engineering Cost Association in engineering cost consulting instry status, to be truly representative of the interests of the majority of the instry practitioners, government and enterprises to become connection link and the bridge. At the same time to strengthen the project cost specialty in higher ecation and in service ecation. As a result of project cost management in construction projects and various economic interests are closely related, and the whole social economic activities play a very important role, it requires the cost engineering technical personnel should have different levels of knowledge, in addition to their professional knowledge and have a deep understanding, also deal with the design content, design process, construction technology, project management, economic laws and regulations have a comprehensive understanding of. Therefore, the project cost management, project cost per unit of society groups, has already obtained a cost engineer qualification personnel, in order to carry out plan, has the goal, multiple levels of continuing ecation and training, to understand and master Chinese bilateral agreements with countries project cost technology, regulations, management system and its development trend, to expand domestic and foreign exchanges, and actively participate in international or regional engineering activities, improve their professional quality, so that the current practitioners in intelligent structure, theory and working experience three aspects can meet the needs of engineering cost management. Cost engineering professionals need to strengthen their own learning, in addition to the professional knowledge to upgrade, should also work in combination with a broad understanding and master the relevant engineering and technical expertise, ecational organizations and instry regulatory bodies constitute a complete ecation system, so as to the field of engineering senior talent development to create good conditions.


会计不是按等级划分的,会计证是从业资格,再向上就是职称考试分为,初级会计师也就是助理、中级会计师、高级会计师,注册会计师是学历考试会计从业资格证书(Certificate of Accounting Profession),俗称会计证、会计上岗证,是具有一定会计专业知识和技能的人员从事会计工作的资格证书,是从事会计工作必须具备的基本最低要求和前提条件,是证明能够从事会计工作的唯一合法凭证,是进入会计岗位的“准入证”,是从事会计工作的必经之路。它是一种资格证书,是会计工作的“上岗证”,不分级,由于会计是一项政策性、专业性很强的技术工作,会计人员的专业知识水平和业务能力如何,直接影响会计工作的质量,从事会计工作的人员必须具备必要的专业知识。凡是从事会计工作的会计人员必须取得会计从业资格证书,才能从事会计工作。初级会计职称即助理会计师。担任助理会计师的基本条件是:掌握一般的财务会计基础理论和专业知识;熟悉并能正确执行有关的财经方针、政策和财务会计法规、制度;能担负一个方面或某个重要岗位的财务会计工作;报名参加会计专业技术初级资格考试的人员,除具备以上基本条件外,还必须具备教育部门认可的高中毕业以上学历。中级会计职称是会计职称的一种,会计职称分为会计初级职称、会计中级职称、会计高级职称。根据现行会计职称管理规定,通过中级会计职称考试后可以评定会计师职称。会计师指具有一定会计专业水平,经考核取得证书、可以接受当事人委托,承办有关审计、会计、咨询、税务等方面业务的会计人员,在西方国家,会计师同律师、医师、工程师一样,都是自由职业者。在中国,会计师,又是会计干部的技术职称之一。高级会计师,是指我国会计专业技术职称中的高级会计专业技术资格。高级会计师须遵守中华人民共和国宪法和法律,具有良好的职业道德,对业务能力上应具有坚实的专业理论知识,掌握国内外现代的经济管理科学方法并了解发展趋势。有较高的政策理论水平和丰富的经济工作实践经验,能够解决重要经济活动中的实际问题,提出有价值的政策性意见,在加强经济管理和提高经济效益、社会效益提供重大作用。注册会计师,是指取得注册会计师证书并在会计师事务所执业的人员,英文全称Certified Public Accountant,简称为CPA,指的是从事社会审计/中介审计/独立审计的专业人士,在其他一些国家的会计师公会,如加拿大的CGA ,美国的AICPA,澳大利亚的澳洲会计师公会, 英国特许公认会计师公会ACCA。在国际上说会计师一般是说注册会计师,而不是我国的中级职称概念的会计师。注册会计师考试科目为《会计》、《审计》、《财务成本管理》、《经济法》、《税法》、《战略与风险管理》。


建筑八大员的英文:Construction eight

Construction 读法 英 [kən'strʌkʃn]     美 [kən'strʌkʃn]    

n. 建设;结构;建筑物;建造;构造;解释


1、China is striding ahead in her economic construction.中国正在经济建设方面大步前进。

2、It is an object of simple construction.它是一个简单结构的物体。


1、construction management 施工管理

2、block construction 部件结构

3、construction plan 结构图

4、construction material 结构材料

5、composite construction 组合结构






4、constructional work和construction work都指“建筑工程”,但前者较常见;


1、construction site 工地

2、tubular construction 筒形结构

3、construction procere 施工程序

4、welded construction 焊接结构

5、mixed construction 混合结构


高级绘图员:Senior draftsman测量员:Surveyor ;measurer施工员: construction worker预算员:budgeter; budgeteer


工程造价员_百度翻译工程造价员 [网络copy] Civil Engineer; 进行更多翻译engineer_百度翻译engineer 英[ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)] 美[ˌendʒɪˈnɪr] n. 工程师,技师; (轮船的) 机师; 〈美〉(火车的)司机,; (陆军的) 工兵; vt. 设计,策划; 安排或处理; 改变百…的基因(或遗传)结构; [例句]They send a service engineer to fix the disk drive.他们派出维修人员来修磁盘驱动器。[其他] 第三人称单数:engineers 复数:engineers 现在分词:engineering过去度式:engineered 过去分词:engineered





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