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2024-07-11 14:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


229、Welcome to our construction site.

230、Glad to have you here.

231、Our job site(施工现场) is over there/here.

232、It is very simple and crude here. Do not mind, please. 这里很简陋,别介意。

233、Come in, please. Be quick. Just a minute, please. Take care.

234、I am a site engineer (director, workshop head, chief of section, foreman, worker, staff member).工地工程师(厂长、车间主任、班组长、领工、工人、职员)

235、May I introduce our chief engineer to you. (总工程师)

236、Mr.Wang is responsible for this task.负责这项工作任务

237、I am in charge of this section. 我负责这个工段。

238、Here is our engineering office (drawing office, control room, laboratory, meeting room, common room, rest room). 这是我们的工程技术办公室(绘图室、调度室、实验室、会议室、座谈室、休息室)。

239、Sit down, please. Let us have a rest.

240、Have some tea (cold drink, ice-sucker 冰棒).

241、I have some thing(question) to ask of you.

242、Would you please tell us something about this?

243、Thanks for your kindness. 感谢费心! Thanks for your help.

244、The shift will start at half past seven a.m. 早班从7点半开始。

245、We have flexible work hours during the summer. 我们在夏季的工作时间有弹性。

246、Pay attention to safety! 注意安全。

247、Put on your safety helmet, please. 请戴上安全帽!

248、Danger! Look out! Get out of the way. 危险!当心!快躲开!

249、Here is our pipe prefabrication workshop (steel structure fabrication shop, machine shop, boiler room, air compressor station, concrete mixing unit). 这里是我们的管道预制车间(钢结构制作厂、机械加工车间、锅炉房、空气压缩机站、混凝土搅拌装置)。

250、Let me show you the way. Follow me, please.

251、Would you like to see this process (machine)?你要看看这工艺方法(机器)吗?

252、Would you like to talk to the welder (inspector)? 你要和焊工(检查员)谈谈吗?

253、The factory (work hop, equipment) produces pipe fittings (spare parts, fasteners). 这工厂(车间、设备)生产管件(配件、紧固件).

254、I am sorry, do not touch this, please. 很抱歉、请勿触动!

255、Do not touch that paint, it is wet. 油漆未干,请勿触碰。

256、Smoking and lighting fires are strictly forbidden at here.这里严禁烟火。

257、Look at the sign, danger keep out. 注意标牌,危险勿进。

258、Out of the bounds for foreigners without special permission. 外国人未经特许不可入内。No admittance! 禁止入内!

259、There is a temporary facility for site brickwork.(wood work, ironwork, paintwork) 这是一个现场砖工(木工、铁工、油工)临时设施。

260、Let me show you around and meet our workers. 让我带你走一圈,并会见我们的工人。

261、We would like to know your opinion about our site work. 我们想听取你对我们现场工作的意见。

262、We have just finished the job.

263、We have not finished this work yet.

264、It will be finished under five days.这将在5天内完成。

265、That is a question, I think. No problem.

266、What is wrong with this? Something must be wrong with it. Nothing is wrong.

267、It is difficult to do so. It is easy to do. It is hard to say.

268、It is normal. It is clear. It is correct. It is all right. 正常 清楚 正确 良好

269、We shall do our best. 尽力做好。

270、Some training will fit them for the job. 经过一些训练,他们就能胜任这项工作。

271、By the end of this month, we shall have carried out our plan. 到这个月底,我们将已实现我们的计划。

272、All has gone well with our site work plan. 一切均按照我们的现场工作计划进行。

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