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2024-07-09 20:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

It’s that time of the year again - the time of year where our obligations seem to be calling our name from all directions. Thankfully, Stress Awareness Month is April, which increases awareness of the causes and remedies for stress. As workers, it’s often difficult to manage our stressors because of the various distractions that consume our thoughts. With that said, here are five tips to help manage stress more effectively in the workplace.又到了同一个时候了——一年中我们的义务似乎从方方面面召唤着我们。值得庆幸的是,“压力宣传月”是四月份,可以唤起大家对压力的来源与治疗方法的意识。对于工作者来说,我们常常由于各种消耗思维的干扰而感到难以处理压力源。由此,下面为大家介绍5个小诀窍,帮助我们在职场中更有效地调节压力。

1) Acknowledge feelings of stress.1)承认压力情绪。

A constant feeling of being overwhelmed, health problems ranging from abnormal heart rate to hair loss, or racing thoughts running a hundred miles an hour in your head ― stress can manifest in a number of ways that harm your emotional and physical wellbeing. The first step to eliminating these negative effects is to acknowledge your stress and be willing to find ways to manage it. Feeling constantly overwhelmed or under pressure doesn’t make you weak or incapable, but it is a sign that you need to make your mental and physical health a priority.常常感觉情绪崩溃,从心律异常到掉头发的健康问题,或者脑海里各种想法之间的较劲——压力可以有许许多多的表现形式,损害着你的身心健康。消除这些负面影响的第一步就是承认自己的压力并且敢于寻找调节方法。常常感到情绪崩溃或压力巨大并不会使你变弱或者失去能力,但确是一个驱使你把身心健康当作首要的信号。

2) Identify the stressors in your life.2)辨识生活中的压力源。

Although this may seem obvious, it’s much harder than it appears. Usually we get stressed because of the various projects, assignments, or tasks that are due. However, pinpointing the exact source of stress such as a particular work project or a personal challenge is crucial to reducing or even eliminating stress. So, prioritize a time to sit down and identify the primary cause of your stress, and work on reducing that stress one step at a time.虽然这么做可能是显而易见的,但是辨识它比等它出现似乎更加困难。通常我们会因为各种各样的项目任务或者到期的任务而感到压力大。然而,准确找出确切的压力来源,比如某一特定的工作项目或个人挑战,对于减缓或消除压力来说都是至关重要的。所以,给自己优先安排一个时间段,坐下来,辨识出你的压力最主要的来源,然后一次一步地逐步消除压力。

3) Strike a balance.3)寻求平衡点。

According to WebMD, stress is often induced by taking on a lot of responsibility at work or having a high workload. Because our minds tend to be consumed by work-related tasks which consume time, we put the “excess” things, like our personal lives, on the back burner. Finding that balance, and taking the time enjoy activities, like spending time with loved ones or going for a run, helps reduce the perceived salience of the stressor. When we actually take that minute to recognize and indulge in important life events, we become happier, and as a result, less stressed.根据美国WebMD医疗服务网站的报告显示,压力的来源常常是承担了与工作相关的责任或者巨大的工作量。由于我们的精神通常都会投入到耗时的工作任务当中,我们把那些“额外”的事情,比如我们的私人生活,晾在一旁。找到工作和生活中的平衡点,花点时间享受空余活动,比如与心爱的人一起或者去跑跑步,都能够舒缓明显的压力情绪。当我们真的能够腾出时间意识并投入到重要的生活事情当中,我们就会越来越快乐,最终就会越来越少压力。

4) Talk therapy.4)谈话疗法。

Share the burden. According to Experience Life, the effects of bottled-up stress are decidedly negative and reduce our long term well-being. By discussing the problems with a friend, relative or registered therapist, we can confide and share concerns. Talking to someone who can also relate to the issues is a large part of coping with stress; usually speaking to a similarly situated coworker or someone in the same field has proven more helpful than someone dissimilar.分享你的负担。根据《体验生活》杂志的研究,抑制已久的压力的影响绝对是负面的,而且会损害我们长久的健康。通过与朋友、亲人或注册治疗师探讨自己遇到的问题,我们可以吐露心事和表达自己的担忧。如果跟相关人士交谈,你可以很大程度地缓解压力,因为通常与处境相似的同事或者在同一领域的某个人聊天,早已有证据证明会比与门外汉交谈更奏效。

5) Exercise. 5)体育锻炼。

Walk, run, jog, swim, cycle, do yoga ― do anything. Scientifically speaking, exercise releases endorphins which make us feel happier, or in a better mood. If our spirits are lifted, we’re more productive and do not associate negative feelings with the workplace. Additionally, exercise is a great time for reflection.散步,跑步,慢跑,游泳,骑自行车,瑜伽锻炼——参与任意一项运动。科学地说,体育锻炼能够释放出胺多酚使我们感到更快乐或者心情更愉悦。如果我们的精神得到提升,我们的工作效率就会更高,也不会把负面的情绪带到工作环境当中。再者,锻炼的过程是一个适合自我反思的好时机。





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