idolatry是什么意思 idolatry的中文翻译、读音、例句

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idolatry是什么意思 idolatry的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-12-13 03:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: idolatry的中文解释是"偶像崇拜 、盲目崇拜",idolatry是什么意思 idolatry的中文翻译、读音、例句,在日常中也代表"邪神崇拜"的意思,读音为[aid'ɔlətri],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到28个与idolatry相关的用法和句子。




1. Many people in this country worship idols, which is a form of idolatry.(许多人在这个国家崇拜偶像,这是一种偶像崇拜的形式。)

2. According to the Bible, idolatry is a sin.(根据圣经,偶像崇拜是一种罪恶行为。)

3. Some celebrities are concerned that their fans' admiration might turn into idolatry.(一些名人担心他们的粉丝的崇拜可能会变成偶像崇拜。)

idolatry通常被翻译为"偶像崇拜 、偶像崇拜"的意思,还经常被翻译为过分尊崇,单词读音音标为[ai'dɒlәtri],idolatry来源于英语,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到57个与idolatry相关的句子。



例句:They were just drunk by their idolatry and by the personality of Hitler. (他们醉心于他们的偶像 崇拜和的个人魅力。)


例句:The rest of the world is gradually moving beyond "idolatry to monarchs" and " servility to aristocratic pride" . (世界的其它地区正逐渐超越“对君主的崇拜”和“对贵族的卑屈”。)


例句:Mahmud's expedition to Somnath was written up by his Persian and Turkic court poets as an emblematic between Islam and Hindu idolatry. (在xx年xx月到达了这里 占领了城市,毁坏了神像)


例句:Idolatry also defiles the land. (翻译:偶像崇拜同样玷这片土地。)


idolatry一般作为名词使用,如在self idolatry([网络] 自我偶像化)等常见短语中出现较多。

self idolatry[网络] 自我偶像化例句

1. Mahmud's expedition to Somnath was written up by his Persian and Turkic court poets as an emblematic between Islam and Hindu idolatry. (翻译:在xx年xx月到达了这里 占领了城市,毁坏了神像)

2. Idolatry also defiles the land. (翻译:偶像崇拜同样玷这片土地。)

3. Their affection for her soon increased almost to idolatry. (翻译:他们对她的喜爱几乎发展成了盲目崇拜。)

4. Of course, in Muslim, because of the teachings around the concept of idolatry, you don't find as many physical representations of divinity or of spiritual liberation as you do in the Buddhist tradition, where, of course, there are many statues of the Buddha that are highly revered. (翻译:当然,在, 禁止偶像崇拜的概念, 所以中找不到很多 在佛教传统中 可以找到的佛像 或心灵解脱的象征物, 当然,在佛教传统里,佛像很多 而且是倍受尊重的。)

5. In doing so, Beatrice had been quietly instilled with a certain Victorian idolatry, a paragon of virtue. (翻译:因此比阿特丽斯相当 仍有约 维多利亚时代的某些意识形态 一个良性的)

6. Of course, in Muslim, because of the teachings around the concept of idolatry, you don't find as many physical representations of divinity or of spiritual liberation as you do in the Buddhist tradition, where, of course, there are many statues of the Buddha that are highly revered. (翻译:当然,在, 禁止偶像崇拜的概念, 所以中找不到很多 在佛教传统中 可以找到的佛像 或心灵解脱的象征物, 当然,在佛教传统里,佛像很多 而且是倍受尊重的。)

7. They forget God, they turn to idolatry. (翻译:他们忘记了上帝,开始偶像崇拜。)

8. He gathered about him a small circle of believers and presently began to preach in the town against the prevalent idolatry . (翻译:他身边聚集了一小批信徒,很快开始在城里布道,反对当时盛行的盲目崇拜。)

9. And she, sweet lady, dotes, devoutly dotes, dotes in idolatry, upon this spotted and inconstant man. (翻译:现在,美丽的希波丽妲 我们的婚期即将来到)

10. Petrarch invented what John Freccero termed the poetry of idolatry; (翻译:彼特拉克创立了约翰·弗兰克罗称为偶像崇拜的诗歌;)

11. We have become totally out of control with the gross idolatry of innovation and of youth. (翻译:我们完全失控了 迷失在对于创新和 青春的盲目崇拜中 )



1. 词释:Idolatry指对某一物体、人或事情过度崇拜的行为或信仰。它通常指在或文化上的崇拜,并且表示过度的崇拜会引起不必要的热情或热爱。


- The idolatry of celebrities in our society has reached a new level.


- Our religious beliefs forbid any form of idolatry.


2. 和文化含义:Idolatry在信仰中广泛使用,尤其指对一尊偶像的崇拜,包括拜偶像、习俗等。在文化方面,它指对某些人或事物的无条件热爱和依赖。


- In ancient civilizations, idolatry was a common practice in the worship of the gods.


- Some people argue that social media has become a form of idolatry for millennials.


3. 负面影响:过度的idolatry可能导致偏执、无法接受其他观点和行为的人。它还可能影响他们的日常生活和决策。


- The cult leader promoted idolatry among his followers, causing them to become increasingly isolated from society.


- The idolatry of beauty has caused many people to have negative body image and low self-esteem.


4. 与idolatry相似的词汇:包括偶像化、崇拜、迷恋、痴迷、热爱等。这些词汇可以帮助英语学习者更好地理解idolatry的含义和用法。


- The singer's popularity has led to his idolization among young fans.


- She was infatuated with him for years, but eventually realized it was just idolatry.


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