偶像崇拜用英语怎么说 偶像崇拜英语翻译

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偶像崇拜用英语怎么说 偶像崇拜英语翻译

2023-12-16 17:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

偶像崇拜的英语是"idol worship",还可以翻译为icon worship,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到60个与偶像崇拜相关的译文和例句。


1. idol worship

偶像崇拜翻译为idol worship。

示例:他们忘记了上帝,开始偶像崇拜。They forget God, they turn to idolatry.


2. icon worship

偶像崇拜翻译为icon worship。

示例:自童年起我就把我父母当偶像崇拜。我觉得他们不会做错事。Since childhood, I put my own parents on a pedestal. I felt they could do no wrong.


3. idolatry -

偶像崇拜翻译为 idolatry -。

示例:他感到很有意思的是,年轻一些的演员开始把他当做偶像崇拜并加以模仿。He was amused by the way younger actors started to hero-worship and copy him.


4.   idolatry

偶像崇拜翻译为   idolatry。

示例:This is what p for idolatry?这被误认为什么偶像崇拜 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}This is what p for idolatry?



1. iconolatry(偶像崇拜 )

2. idolatry(偶像崇拜 )

3. idol worships(偶像崇拜)

4. idol worship( 偶像崇拜;偶像崇拜话题;拜偶像)

5. iconolatrous(偶像崇拜的 )


idolater idolatress ( 偶像崇拜者 )

Idol Worship in My Eyes ( 我眼中的偶像崇拜 )

idolatrous ( 偶像崇拜的 )

idol worship ( 偶像崇拜话题 )

idolatry ( 偶像崇拜的功能 )

am an idolater ( 我是个偶像崇拜者 )

De idololatria On Idol-Worshiping ( 论偶像崇拜 )

Idolatrous Commercialization ( 偶像崇拜商品化 )

But Idolatrous Worship ( 而偶像崇拜 )


1. This is what p for idolatry?

译文:这被误认为什么偶像崇拜 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}This is what p for idolatry。

2. Torvald's decision to distribute Linux for free and reveal its underlying source code has made him a cult figure.

译文:Torvald决定免费分发Linux 并提供源代码,这使 得他成为被狂热崇拜的偶像。

3. You and your board are idolaters.


4. They worship idols and they bow down before false gods.


5. Of course, in Muslim, because of the teachings around the concept of idolatry, you don't find as many physical representations of divinity or of spiritual liberation as you do in the Buddhist tradition, where, of course, there are many statues of the Buddha that are highly revered.

译文:当然,在, 禁止偶像崇拜的概念, 所以中找不到很多 在佛教传统中 可以找到的佛像 或心灵解脱的象征物, 当然,在佛教传统里,佛像很多 而且是倍受尊重的。

6. According to the ancient text, God grew angry at the Jews for idol-worshipping and forced them to wander the desert aimlessly for 40 years before allowing them to enter israel.

译文:根据古代文献记载,神对犹太人 的偶像崇拜感到很生气... 于是强迫他们在沙漠里游荡了40年 最后才进入以色列。

7. And some of their idol worship makes no sense to me.

译文:和他们的一些偶像崇拜 是没有意义的我。

8. He is greatest king of comedy Want for an autograph?

译文:签名呀! 他不是你的偶像嘛? 你很崇拜他。

9. But what would they teach them, these idolaters, these priests of "evil-ution"?

译文:但是那些偶像崇拜者会教孩子们什么呢 (教严格反对任何偶像崇拜) 这些"进化论"的传教人。

10. The kid puked up the fry and they named you Burger Boy employee of the month.


11. They were just drunk by their idolatry and by the personality of Hitler.

译文:他们醉心于他们的偶像 崇拜和的个人魅力。

12. You're a god. You're a god.


13. A poet is called upon to provoke a spiritual jolt and not to cultivate idolaters.

译文:诗人的使命在于激起心灵的火花 而不是培养偶像崇拜者。

14. And so the people worshipped idols.


15. Or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self which is the god of my idolatry, and i'll believe thee.

译文:如果一定要, 就拿自己发誓 你是我崇拜的偶像, 我会相信。

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