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王德华 山东大学主页平台管理系统

2024-07-09 11:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

(1) Role of gut microbiota in the postnatal thermoregulation of Brandt’s voles.cell reports.2023 (42)

(2) Phylogenetic signal in gut microbial community rather than in rodent metabolic traits.National Science Review.2023 (10)

(3) Mechanism of inulin in colic and gut microbiota of captive Asian elephant.MICROBIOME.2023 (11)

(4) 武强强.肠道菌群影响宿主的中枢神经系统和精神性疾病的研究进展.生理科学进展.2022,53 (05):396-400

(5) Lezama-García, Karina.Transient receptor potential (Trp) and thermoregulation in animals: Structural biology and neurophysiological aspects.ANIMALS.2022,12 (1)

(6) Nouri, Zahra.The microbiota-gut-kidney axis mediates host osmoregulation in a small desert mammal.2022,8 (1):16

(7) Zhang, Xue-Ying.Gut Microbial Community and Host Thermoregulation in Small Mammals.Frontiers in Physiology.2022,13 :888324

(8) 王德华.Thermal Imaging to Assess the Health Status in Wildlife Animals under Human Care: Limitations and Perspectives.ANIMALS.2022 (12):3558

(9) 王德华.我国的类人猿-长臂猿.科学画报.2022 (7):44

(10) 王德华.青藏高原的温泉蛇.科学画报.2022 (12):44

(11) 王德华.新疆的塔里木兔.科学画报.2022 (11):44

(12) 王德华.聪明的鹦鹉.科学画报.2022 (9):44

(13) 王德华.夏日里的蝉.科学画报.2022 (8):44

(14) 王德华.适应高寒环境的牦牛.科学画报.2022 (10):44

(15) 王德华.肠道菌群影响宿主的中枢神经系统和 精神性疾病的研究进展.生理科学进展.2022,53 (5):396

(16) 王德华.不符合预期的数据绝不能随便删除.中国科学报.2022 (8024)

(17) 王德华.Neonatal infrared thermography images in the hypothermic ruminant model: Anatomical-morphologicalphysiological aspects and mechanisms for thermoregulation.Frontiers in Veterinary Science.2022 (9):963205

(18) 王德华.斑胸草雀如何选择配偶.科学画报.2022 (3):44

(19) 王德华.The microbiota-gut-kidney axis mediates host osmoregulation in a small desert mammal.NPJ BIOFILMS AND MICROBIOMES.2022,8 (16)

(20) 王德华.动物的胜利者效应.科学画报.2021 (12):42

(21) 王德华.东方宝石-朱鹮.科学画报.2022 (5):44

(22) 王德华.起源于中国的麋鹿.科学画报.2022 (6):44

(23) 王德华.Gut Microbial Community and Host Thermoregulation in Small Mammals.Frontiers in Physiology.2022 (13):888324

(24) 王德华.高原雪山之王-雪豹.科学画报.2021 (8):42

(25) 王德华.动物如何感知冷热和疼痛.科学画报.2022 (1):44

(26) 王德华.绿孔雀.科学画报.2022 (4):44

(27) 王德华.有趣的河狸.科学画报.2021 (11):42

(28) 王德华.高原鼠兔为何取食牦牛粪便?.科学画报.2021 (9):42

(29) 王德华.鱼类的洄游.科学画报.2022 (2):44

(30) 王德华.气候变化对家燕有影响吗?.科学画报.2021 (10):42

(31) 王德华.我国重点保护动物-亚洲象.科学画报.2021 (9):42

(32) 王德华.Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) and Thermoregulation in Animals: Structural Biology and Neurophysiological Aspects.ANIMALS.2022 (12):106

(33) 王德华.The Gut Microbiota May Affect Personality in Mongolian Gerbils.MICROORGANISMS.2022,10 (1054):1

(34) 王德华.Incomplete Concordance Between Host Phylogeny and Gut Microbial Community in Tibetan Wetland Birds.Frontiers in Microbiology.2022,13 (848906):1

(35) 王德华.青藏高原小型哺乳动物的生理生态学研究:从个体到生态系统.2022,42 (05):482-489

(36) 边疆晖.不忘初心,砥砺前行——记中国科学院西北高原生物研究所兽类学研究发展历程.2022,42 (05):477-481

(37) 王德华."东方宝石"——朱鹮.2022 (5):44

(38) 王德华.起源于中国的麋鹿.2022 (6):44

(39) 王德华.中国兽类学四十年的发展与展望.兽类学报(中国科学院).2021,41 (05):483-486

(40) 甘霖.小型哺乳动物个性的生态适应、生理和遗传响应机制研究进展.生态学杂志(中国科学院).2022 :1-14

(41) 王德华.动物如何感知冷热和疼痛.2022 (1):44

(42) 王德华.鱼类的洄游.2022 (2):44

(43) 王德华.斑胸草雀如何选择配偶.2022 (3):44

(44) 王德华.绿孔雀.2022 (4):44

(45) Wen, Jing.Role of transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 in behavioral thermoregulation of the Mongolian gerbil Meriones unguiculatus.INTEGRATIVE ZOOLOGY.2022

(46) 王德华.中国哺乳动物生理生态学研究进展与展望.《兽类学报》.2021,41 (5):537

(47) 王德华.Role of transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 in behavioral thermoregulation of the Mongolian gerbil Meriones unguiculatus.INTEGRATIVE ZOOLOGY.2021 (Online ahead of print)

(48) 王德华.Experimental applications and factors involved in validating thermal windows using infrared thermography to assess the health and thermostability of laboratory animals.ANIMALS.2021 (11)

(49) Bo Tingbei.Influence of HFD-induced precocious puberty on neurodevelopment in mice.Nutrition & Metabolism.2021 (18)

(50) 王德华.中国兽类学四十年的发展和展望.兽类学报.2021,41 (5)

(51) Zhang XY et al. 2018Huddling remodels gut microbiota to reduce energy requirements in a small mammal species during cold exposure.Microbiome 6:103 (doi.org/10.1186/s40168-018-0473-9)

(52) Bo TB 2019 The microbiota–gut–brain interaction in regulating host metabolic adaptation to cold in male Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii).ISME Journal doi.org/10.1038/s41396-019-0492-y

(53) Bo TB et al. 2020 Coprophagy prevention alters microbiome, metabolism, neurochemistry, and cognitive behavior in a small mammal.ISME Journal, 14:2625-2645

(54) Speakman JR et al. 2021 Surviving winter on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: pikas suppress energy demands and exploit yak feces to survive winter.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2100707118




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