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2024-06-12 09:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

小组成员的英文:n. group membership

参考例句:But wouldn't the knowledge that one's every move was being watched so closely affect a panellist's behaviour?但是,小组成员知道自己每一次移动鼠标都被密切观察,这会不会影响他的行为? Each group member has to prepare reasons for visiting one of the places above.每一个小组成员可以选择去上面的某一个地方,但必须给出理由。A member of the panel of adjudicators may resign by giving notice in writing to the Chief Justice.审裁员小组成员可以书面通知首席按察司,辞去职务。The chief negotiator keep the report secret from the rest of the government team.主谈人不让其他政府小组成员知道该报告的内容。Both chaplains work as part of an ecumenical team.两位牧师都作为基督教大联合促进小组的成员在工作。Joy, use your idea about the alien with your group. Write the story first and then write down the dialogue.乔伊,和你的小组成员一起,利用你说的外星人的故事,先把故事写出来,然后写一段对话。group是什么意思:n. 组;团体;集团v. 使聚集;将…分类,把…分组grouping of data资料归类 They are a group of wakes.他们是一群守夜的人。This group could be subdivided into two small groups.这个组可以分成两个小组。These translators are known as 这些译者就是传说中的“字幕组”。The whole group will be rooting for him. 全队的人都为他打气喝彩。membership是什么意思:n. 会员身份;成员资格Application Form for New Membership/Renewal of Membership新会员申请表/会员换证申请表Committee of Universal Membership全体会员国委员会 He lapsed his membership. 他的会员资格已失效。 Membership is not assignable and not inheritable.社员资格是不可转让和不可继承的。The Appellate Body membership shall be broadly representative of membership in the WTO上诉机构的成员资格应广泛代表WTO的成员资格。






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