
您所在的位置:网站首页 小米账号中心登录换绑流程是什么 荣耀账号常见问题


2024-06-30 20:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. Find and select “Forgot password/Recover password”.

If you are not logged in: Unlock your Honor phone/tablet, go to Settings > Log in to HONOR ID > Forgot password

If you are logged in: Unlock your Honor phone/tablet and go to Settings >HONOR ID>Account center>Security center>Recover password.

2. Enter the HONOR ID that needs to have its password changed.

3. Receive the verification code with your phone/email.

4. Choose the verification method: Emergency contact verification. (You need to have an emergency contact to your account).

5. You can reset the password after successful verification.




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