Cisco Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense 命令参考

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Cisco Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense 命令参考

2023-04-09 00:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

要显示可供操作系统使用的最大物理内存量和当前可用内存量的摘要,请使用 show memory 命令。

show memory [ api | app-cache | binsize size | caller-address | detail | region | system | top-usage [ num]]

Syntax Description


(可选)显示在系统中注册的 malloc 堆栈 API。

如果开启任意内存调试功能(即无延迟毒化器、内存记录器、内存跟踪器或内存分析器),其 API 将显示在输出中。



binsize size

(可选)显示有关为特定 bin 大小分配的数据块(内存块)的摘要信息。bin 大小来自 show memory detail 命令输出的“分段大小”列。


显示与 memory caller-address 网络配置相关的信息。







top-usage [num]

显示通过 show memory detail 命令分配的最大分片大小。您可以选择指定要列出的 bin 大小的数量,范围为 1-64。默认值为 10。

Command History






show memory 和 show memory detail 的输出已更改。

Usage Guidelines

show memory 命令让您显示可供操作系统使用的最大物理内存量和当前可用内存量的摘要。内存会根据需要进行分配。

还可以使用 SNMP 显示 show memory 命令的信息。

您可以使用带有 show memory binsize 命令的 show memory detail 输出来调试内存泄漏。

show memory detail 命令输出可分为三个部分:摘要、DMA 内存和 HEAP 内存。摘要显示内存的总体分配方式。未绑定到 DMA 或保留的内存被视为 HEAP 内存。可用内存值是 HEAP 中的未使用内存。使用中的已分配内存值是已分配的 HEAP 数量。HEAP 分配的细目随后显示在输出中。保留内存和 DMA 保留内存主要被 VPN 服务使用,也被不同的系统进程使用。

可用内存分为两部分:可用内存堆和可用内存系统。可用内存堆是 glibc 堆中的可用内存量。当 glibc 堆按需增长和缩减时,空闲堆内存的量并不指示系统中剩余的总内存。可用内存系统表示 ASA 可用的可用内存量。

保留内存 (DMA) 是为 DMA 池保留的内存量。内存开销是各种运行进程的 glibc 开销和进程开销。

在 show memory detail 命令输出中,已分配内存统计合计(字节)列中显示的值未反映实际值 (MEMPOOL_GLOBAL_SHARED POOL STATS)。

MEMPOOL_GLOBAL_SHARED 在启动期间不会占用所有系统内存,但会在需要时向底层操作系统请求内存。同样,当释放大量内存时,它会将内存返还给系统。因此,MEMPOOL_GLOBAL_SHARED 的大小似乎根据需求增长和缩小。MEMPOOL_GLOBAL_SHARED 中保留了最少量的可用内存,以加快分配速度。

输出表明,先分配了大小为 49,152 的块,随后该块返回到空闲池,并分配了另一个大小为 131,072 的块。在这种情况下,您会认为可用内存减少了 131,072-49,152=81,920 字节,但实际上减少了 100,000 字节(请参阅 Free memory 行)。

> show memory detail MEMPOOL_GLOBAL_SHARED POOL STATS: MEMPOOL_GLOBAL_SHARED POOL STATS: Non-mmapped bytes allocated = 1862270976 Non-mmapped bytes allocated = 1862270976 Number of free chunks = 99 Number of free chunks = 100 Number of mmapped regions = 0 Number of mmapped regions = 0 Mmapped bytes allocated = 0 Mmapped bytes allocated = 0 Max memory footprint = 1862270976 Max memory footprint = 1862270976 Keepcost = 1762019304 Keepcost = 1761869256 Max contiguous free mem = 1762019304 Max contiguous free mem = 1761869256 Allocated memory in use = 100133944 Allocated memory in use = 100233944 Free memory = 1762137032 Free memory = 1762037032 ----- fragmented memory statistics ----- ----- fragmented memory statistics ----- fragment size count total fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- ---------------- ---------- -------------- 32768 1 33176 32768 1 33176 49152 1 50048 1762019304 1 1762019304* 1761869256 1 1761869256* ----- allocated memory statistics ----- ----- allocated memory statistics ----- fragment size count total fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- ---------------- ---------- -------------- 49152 10 491520 49152 9 442368 65536 125 8192000 65536 125 8192000 98304 3 294912 98304 3 294912 131072 18 2359296 131072 19 2490368

以下输出确认分配了大小为 150,000 而不是 131,072 的块:

> show memory binsize 131072 MEMPOOL_DMA pool bin stats: MEMPOOL_GLOBAL_SHARED pool bin stats: pc = 0x8eda524, size = 150000 , count = 1 pc = 0x8f08054, size = 163904 , count = 1 pc = 0x846e477, size = 139264 , count = 1 pc = 0x8068691, size = 393216 , count = 3 pc = 0x8eea09b, size = 131072 , count = 1 pc = 0x88ca830, size = 141212 , count = 1 pc = 0x9589e93, size = 593580 , count = 4 pc = 0x9589bd2, size = 616004 , count = 4 pc = 0x8f2e060, size = 327808 , count = 2 pc = 0x8068284, size = 182000 , count = 1 0x8eda524

按照设计, show memory detail 命令输出中显示的总字节数是近似值。这有两个原因:


对于每个 binsize,您需要查遍双重链接的分配列表,并且可能有多个分配。在这种情况下,您不能长时间占用 CPU,需要定期暂停分配。在恢复分配之后,其他进程可能已分配或取消分配内存,内存状态可能已发生变化。因此,总字节数列提供近似值而不是实际值。


以下是 show memory 命令的输出示例:

> show memory Free memory: 2986716635 bytes (64%) Used memory: 1646723072 bytes (36%) ------------- ------------------ Total memory: 4633439707 bytes (100%) Note: Free memory is the free system memory. Additional memory may be available from memory pools internal to the ASA process. Use 'show memory detail' to see this information, but use it with care since it may cause CPU hogs and packet loss under load. >


> show memory system total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 3982640 3014544 240200 0 159932 567964 -/+ buffers/cache: 3014544 968096 Swap: 3998716 137704 3861012

以下是 show memory detail 命令的输出示例:

> show memory detail Heap Memory: Free Memory: Heapcache Pool: 3804848 bytes ( 0% ) Global Shared Pool: 67372768 bytes ( 1% ) System: 2986716635 bytes ( 64% ) Used Memory: Heapcache Pool: 308670800 bytes ( 7% ) Global Shared Pool: 6432 bytes ( 0% ) Reserved (Size of DMA Pool): 499122176 bytes ( 11% ) Reserved for messaging: 2097152 bytes ( 0% ) System Overhead: 765648896 bytes ( 17% ) ------------------------------------- ---------------- Total Memory: 4633439707 bytes ( 100% ) Warning: The information reported here is computationally expensive to determine, and may result in CPU hogs and performance impact. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMPOOL_MSGLYR POOL STATS: Non-mmapped bytes allocated = 2097152 Number of free chunks = 1 Number of mmapped regions = 0 Mmapped bytes allocated = 0 Max memory footprint = 2097152 Keepcost = 2092768 Max contiguous free mem = 2092768 Allocated memory in use = 4288 Free memory = 2092864 ----- fragmented memory statistics ----- (...Remaining output truncated...)

以下示例显示分配给 bin 大小为 8192 的数据块。

> show memory binsize 8192 MEMPOOL_HEAPCACHE_0 pool bin stats: pc = 0x7efc3f80e508, size = 773406 , count = 92 pc = 0x7efc3e3c5013, size = 189152 , count = 23 pc = 0x7efc405df64f, size = 287036 , count = 32 pc = 0x7efc3f9ef622, size = 8128 , count = 1 pc = 0x7efc3f4fd5f5, size = 871744 , count = 106 pc = 0x7efc3f4fd8b7, size = 82240 , count = 10 pc = 0x7efc3f18c3e6, size = 20272 , count = 2 pc = 0x7efc3f557139, size = 8192 , count = 1 pc = 0x7efc3e3f1697, size = 8344 , count = 1 pc = 0x7efc3e0506f6, size = 8192 , count = 1 MEMPOOL_DMA pool bin stats: pc = 0x7efc3e1cca68, size = 10240 , count = 1 MEMPOOL_GLOBAL_SHARED pool bin stats:

以下是 show memory api 命令的输出示例。它显示内存跟踪器和延迟释放毒物内存功能处于活动状态。

> show memory api Resource Manager (0) -> Tracking (0) -> Delayed-free-poisoner (0) -> Core malloc package (0)


> show memory system total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 3982640 3014544 240200 0 159932 567964 -/+ buffers/cache: 3014544 968096 Swap: 3998716 137704 3861012 Related Commands



show memory profile

显示 threat defense 内存使用情况(分析)的信息。




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