(2023单元整体设计 示范课) Unit3 My friends Part A Let's talk 课件+教案+素材+反思(31张PPT)

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(2023单元整体设计 示范课) Unit3 My friends Part A Let's talk 课件+教案+素材+反思(31张PPT)

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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台Unit 3 My friends新课标实施背景下的对话课设计课 题:四上 My friends Part A Let’s talk教 材:PEP英语四年级上册课 型: A Let’s talk(对话课)年 级:四年级上课时长: 40分钟一、单元整体教学设计思路1.单元主题:My friends该主题属于“人与自我”和“人与社会”范畴,涉及“我的朋友”所展开的。2. 单元教学内容分析及目标语篇 核心词汇 核心句式 技能与策略学习要点1.猜猜他是谁?(配图词汇语篇课)(1课时) tall, strong, short, thin, friendly, quiet He’s/ She’s…Who is he/ she 借助图片和语篇推测单词的音、行、义、用。2.我的新朋友(对话课)(1课时) friend Chinesefriend What’s his/her name His/Her name is... 借助图片和语篇理解学习内容。描述朋友(配图词汇语篇课) (1课时) long hair, short hair, brown shoes, blue glasses, a green bag He has…His…is /are… 借助图片和语篇推测单词的音、行、义、用。4.我的好朋友(对话课)(1课时) boygirl He has…His…is /are… 借助图片和语篇理解学习内容。5.我爱语音课(自然拼读课)(1课时) 字母o-e字母组合在单词中的发音规则。 I can spell. 借助图片自己总结发音规律。3.单元结构图【概 述】本课是PEP教材四年级上册Unit3 My friends本单元一共6课时,本课为第2课时【设计理念】以言语交际为中心,借助现代信息技术,努力为学生创设理想的英语学习环境,渗透任务型教学,能让学生把所学的内容联系实际,在生活中运用,提供丰富的网络资源,倡导体验、实践、参与、交流与合作的学习方式。【教学目标】一、语言知识目标1.能够在图片、PPT和老师的帮助下理解对话大意2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能够在小组中进行角色扮演3.能够在情景中运用句型“—What’s his/ her name —His/ Her name is…”询问他人姓名并能够回答;能够在情景中运用句型“He’s/She’s…”“He/ She has…”描述人物的性格和外貌特征4.能够在语境中借助图片等理解新词“friendly, strong, his”的意思,并能够正确发音二、思维能力目标1.能根据文本内容阅读,学会如何描述朋友的外貌特征。2.能在日常生活中,使用本课所学句型和单词,描述任务外貌特征。三、学习能力目标1.能够在情景中运用本课单词及句型描述人物特征。2. 通过不同的学习任务,学生能有意识地运用所学字、词、句,培养“说英语”的能力。四、文化品格目标尊重他人,不以貌取人。【教学重点】1.能够在情景中运用句型“—What’s his/ her name —His/ Her name is…”询问他人姓名并能够回答。2.能够在情景中运用句型“He’s/ She’s…”“He/ She has…”描述他人的性格和外貌特征。【教学难点】1.能够在情景中灵活运用核心句型询问他人姓名并回答。2.能够熟练描述他人的性格和外貌特征。3.能够正确读出“Chinese, his”的尾音。教具准备:1.英语资源。2. PPT课件。【教学过程】Step 1.热身(Warm up)1.Enjoy a song2.Let’s play a game:Can you guess Who is me (设计意图:复习旧知并导入新课。)Step2.新课展示(Presentation)1. Lead in:School is over.John goes home.Watch and answer问题1:What are they talking about 问题2:Who is John’s new friend 问题3:Zhang Peng is ___and ___.2. Listen and number.( ) Yes, he’s very friendly.( ) Look! He’s tall and strong.( )( ) His name is Zhang Peng.( ) What’s his name ( ) Really A Chinese friend ( ) Yes, he is.3. 对话文本阅读4. Watch and repeat5. Listen and fillMum, I have a new______.Really A ______ friend Yes, he’s very _________.What’s _______ __________ Zhang Peng.Look! He’s ___________.Yes, he is.6. Good memory7. Let’s play(设计意图:通过由简到难,分层学习设置,让学生在轻松的学习氛围中学习对话。)Step3.语篇阅读Amy:Sarah, I have a new friend.Sarah:Really A Chinese friend Amy:Yes.Sarah:A boy or girl Amy:A girl.Sarah:What’s she like Amy:She is friendly .Sarah:Who is she Amy:She is Chen Jie.(设计意图:此对话根据新课标的要求,依据大单元教学设计的理念,简单融入语篇教学,渗透部分单词和句型)Step4.Extending :1.选出每组单词中不同类的一项。2.单项选择。(设计意图:通过练习。让学生做与本课相关知识点的题,巩固所学知识,丰富学生的语言知识)Step5: Summary:(设计意图:让学生固所学知识。)Step6: Homework:(设计意图:通过学生感兴趣的事物来巩固新知。)课后反思:1.本课时主要学习描述他人的性格和外貌特征。课程开始,通过复习和巩固句型“My name is…”导入新词“his, her”并稍加练习,学生能很快地掌握句型“What’s his/ her name ”并用句型“His/ Her name is…”进行作答。2.活动设计丰富,易操作,且具备层次感,有效地提升了学生的核心素养。3.猜人和绘画活动活跃了课堂氛围,调动了学生的学习积极性,加强了师生交流。活动既有合作又有竞争,取得了不错的教学效果。PAGE3(共31张PPT)Part ALet’s talk & Let’s playPEP·四年级上册主题:我的新朋友Unit 3 My friendsEnjoy a songFriendsI say and you do.(根据自己的特点做动作。)(根据自己的特点做一做)tallshortstrongthin缩缩胳膊蹲下来!鼓鼓胳膊!把手举高高!Let’s review:Let’s play a game:Can you guess Who is me Hello,I’m John..I’m shortand thin.根据提示猜一猜Let’s review:Can you guess Who is me Hello,I’m Amy..I’m friendly.Can you guess Who is me Hello,I’m Sam..I’m quiet.Can you guess Who is me Hello,I’m Zhang Peng..I’m tall andstrong.Lead inSchool is over.John goes home.Watch and answerWho is John’s new friend 问题1:A:Wu Binbin.B:Zhang Peng.Watch and answer.What’s Zhang Peng like 问题2:A:short thin.B:tall strong.Watch and answer.( ) Yes, he’s very friendly.( ) Look! He’s tall and strong.( )( ) His name is Zhang Peng.( ) What’s his name ( ) Really A Chinese friend ( ) Yes, he is.514326Mum, I have a new friend.Listen and number.7Mum, I have a new friend.Really A Chinese friend Yes, he’s very friendly.Let's talk

What’s his name His name is Zhang Peng.

Look! He’s tall and strong.Yes, he is.Watch and repeatMum, I have a new______.Really A ______ friend Yes, he’s very _________.Listen and fillfriendChinesefriendly

What’s _______ __________ Zhang Peng.his nameHis name is

Look! He’s ___________.Yes, he is.tall and strongMum, I have a new friend.Really A Chinese friend Yes, he’s very friendly.Good memory

What’s his name His name is Zhang Peng.

Look! He’s tall and strong.Yes, he is.Let’s playI have a new friend. She is tall and thin.What’s her name Her name is Lucy.Oh, there she is.Play rolesA: I have a new friend. He/ She is _____.B: What’s his/ her name A: His/ Her name is _____.语篇阅读Amy:Sarah, I have a new friend.Sarah:Really A Chinese friend Amy:Yes.Sarah:A boy or girl Amy:A girl.Sarah:What’s she like Amy:She is friendly .Sarah:Who is she Amy:She is Chen Jie.说明:此对话根据新课标的要求,依据大单元教学设计的理念,简单融入语篇教学,渗透部分单词和句型。Cherish your friends!珍惜友谊!Exercise一、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. tall B. strong C. her( ) 2. A. what B. your C. where( ) 3. A. friendly B. glasses C. hair( ) 4. A. brown B. shoes C. white( ) 5. A. my B. his C. meCBABC二、单项选择。( ) 1. _____ his name A. What B. What’s C. Who’s( ) 2. He _____ Bob. He ____ brown hair.A. is; has B. is; isC. has; hasBA谢谢21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员?欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!!详情请看:https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php






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