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2024-06-29 05:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导弹的英文:guided missilecruise missilemissile

参考例句:missile technology;a missile silo.导弹技术;导弹仓库A missile silo导弹仓库anti - ballistic missile missile,ABM反弹道导弹导弹The projection of a missile through the air导弹的发射升空.The explosive charge carried in the warhead of a missile.导弹有效载荷导弹弹头所带的炸药当量With conventional AA-artillery and /or guided missiles用常规空对空火炮和/或导弹The warhead is the missile's payload, or cargo战斗部是导弹的有效载荷,即运载物。That missile disintegrated less than a minute after leaving the launch pad.那枚导弹离开发射台不到一分钟就解体了。The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile.这只巨大的军舰被一枚自动寻的导弹击中。In the 1991 Gulf War, Iraq launched 39 conventional Scud missiles at Israel, causing heavy damage to property.在1991年的海湾战争中,伊拉克向以色列发射了39枚常规飞毛腿导弹,造成了巨大的财产损失。missile是什么意思:n. 导弹,投射物These are smart missiles.这些是导引导弹。The soldier aims a missile at that island.士兵把导弹导向那个小岛。A thermonuclear bomb,missile,warhead热核炸弹、导弹、弹头等.cruise是什么意思:v. 乘船巡游;巡航n. 乘船游览;豪华游轮Cruise for (girls)猎艳 Cruise the Bars and Ballrooms for girls猎艳于酒吧和舞厅 We cruised to Bermuda on our vacation.我们度假时,乘船巡游了百慕大。






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