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新高考高三英语复习讲义(一)书面表达“读后续写”“概要写作”必备短语词组素材(A)就要高考了,大家最关心的还是如何写好概写。一个主要的问题是同学们的词汇量太少了,短语记得也不够。下面整理了一些在概写中常常用到的单词与短语,为方便理解以例句的形式显出。每个句子含有你应该记住的高级词汇或者是高级短语表达,且用红色标出。1. The extinction of this kind of animals is closely linked to environmental pollution.这种动物的灭绝与环境污染是紧密联系。2. This heart attack may be related to his overwork.这次心脏病发作可能和他工作过劳有关。3. It's best to find a job which is connected to/with your interest.最好找到一个与你的兴趣有关的工作。4. It may be associated with many factors.它可能与很多因素有关。5. Hobbies and interests should be relevant to the job you apply for.爱好和兴趣必须和你申请的职位相关联。【记住】与...有关/有联系be linked to ...be related to...be connected to....be associated with...be relevant to...have an obvious connection with...find a connection/link between...and...6. The report's focus is on how technology affects human life rather than business这个报告关注的是技术如何影响人类生活而非商业活动。7. UN's role in promoting peace is increasingly the focus of international attention.联合国在促进和平方面的作用越来越受到国际社会的关注。8. The talks will focus on economic development of the region.会谈将着重讨论该地区的经济发展。9. It took an extraordinary effort to focus on preparing his classes or correcting his students 'work.备课和批改学生的作业花费了他很多精力。10. Your resume should be focused on showing your experience, skills and accomplishments.简历应该集中展现你的经历、技能和成就。【记住】focus on... 致力于...; 关注...the focus of... ...的焦点; 中心;重点be focused on... 把注意力集中于...11. ..., but they are not necessarily interested in learning....,但是他们未必对学习感兴趣。12. Biggest doesn't necessarily mean best.最大的不一定是最好的。13. Anger is not necessarily the most useful or acceptable reaction to such events...对于这种事,发火不见得是最有用或最能被接受的反应。【记住】not necessarily 不一定;未必14.The solution is to praise the process that children are engaged in.解决方法是表扬孩子们参与的过程。15. Attempts to find a solution have failed.试图找到解决办法的努力全都失败了。16. Besides, we must be engaged in sports or outing so as to strengthen our bodies.这个之外,我们必须从事运动或远足以便强壮我们的身体。【记住】a/the solution (to...)(问题、困难等的)解决办法be engaged in... 参与,从事...17.The key to success is preparation.成功的关键是准备。18. What is the key to expressing gratitude and appreciation 表达感激和欣赏的秘诀是什么?19.The key to happiness is having dreams; the key to success is making dreams come true.幸福的秘诀是拥有梦想,成功的秘诀是使梦想成真。20. Constant effort over time is the key to outstanding achievement.不断的努力是取得杰出成就的关键。【记住】the key to (doing) sth...的关键;要诀21. He failed to keep the appointment.他未履约。22.fail to see their weaknesses没有看到他们的缺点23. People do not get along because they fail to take others' perspective.人们相处不好因为未能接受别人的观点。24. Too much attention is paid to children's progress.只关注孩子的进步。【记住】fail to do sth 未能(做到);未做某事26.increasingly popular越来越普及27. He was finding it increasingly difficult to make decisions.他发现越来越难以作出决定。28. Crime is an increasingly serious problem in Russian society犯罪猖獗是俄罗斯社会面临的一个日益严重的问题。【记住】increasingly 越来越多地;不断增加地29.With the advance of science and technology, some scientific problems become less complicated than they were thought.随着科学技术的发展,有些科学问题变得不象它从前所认为的那么复杂了。30. Discovering a cure for AIDS would be a major medical advance.发现治疗艾滋病的方法将是医学上的一大进展.31.advances in modern technology现代技术的进展32.recent advances in medical science医学的最新进展33.Thanks to the rapid advances in technology, ...由于技术的快速发展,...34. The approach to self-learning is a significant advancement in AI that could be applied to help solve some of the world's biggest problems.自学的方法是AI的一个意义重大的进步,它被应用来解决世界上一些最难的问题。【记住】with the advance of... 随着...的发展35. People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.人们总认为这个问题不会影响到他们。36. Sleep-talking tends to occur in very light sleep.说梦话往往会在浅睡时发生。【记住】tend to do sth 往往会...;常常会...37. ...contribute to the occurrence of......导致了...的发生/出现38. Problems arise...问题出现39. The effects of ...also contribute to this trend....的影响也会导致这种趋势。40. This design represents a major new trend in modern art.设计反映了现代艺术主要的新趋势。41.Meanwhile, the study has also found ...同时,研究也发现...42.Actually, it would be much more sensible to do it later.事实上,以后办这事可能要明智得多。43. The way you walk may reflect your personality.你走路的样子反映了你的个性。44. It reflects the generosity of human nature.它反映了人性的慷慨。45. be determined by......由...决定46. depend on...取决于....47. instead of (doing sth )不要做...48. rather than... 而不是...49. not...but...不是...而是...50. be more likely to ... while... tend to ...更有可能做...,然而...总是...51. People think of aging as natural and something you can't control.人们将衰老看成是自然的,不可控的事。52. Aging were recognized as a disease.年老被看成是一种病。53. Many educators see it as a way of solving these problems.许多教育者将此看成是一个解决问题的方法。【记住】be considered 被看作...be regarded as...be viewed as...be seen as...54. The advantage of the new treatment mostly lies in the natural process of tooth repair.新的治疗方法的优点主要在于牙齿修复的自然过程。55. The drug has been put to use for treating other diseases.这种药已被用来治疗其它的病。56. Taking good care of teeth in daily life is the first choice.日常注意看护牙齿是首选。57. may greatly influence...可能极大的影响...58. The study is meant to identify a simple and safe method to do sth...研究的目的是找到一个简单又安全的方法来...59. This technique enables us to take earlier action and help achieve desirable results.这个方法使我们能够早点采取行动,并有助于取得令人满意的结果。60. One of the challenges is to find ways to do...挑战之一是找到...的方法。61. Helping others makes for a healthier, more satisfying life.帮助别人有助于更健康,更满意的生活。62.Despite all the benefits, ...尽管所有这些优点,...63. The region must strive for economic development as well as peace.该地区必须为经济发展与和平而奋斗。64.Besides, taking an active part in all kinds of activities and competitions requires not only great courage and skill but also self-confidence.此外,积极参加各种活动与竞赛不仅需要极大的勇气,技能还需要自信。65. A number of steps can be taken to make a better relationship with your parents.应该采取措施与父母建立更好的关系。66. Immigration is a controversial issue in many countries移民都是一个颇有争议的问题。67. thekey/crucial/deciding factor关键的 / 至关重要的 / 决定性的因素68. a contributing factor.Physical activity is an important factor in maintaining fitness.进行体育活动是保持身体健康的一个重要因素。69. Environmentalists say a critical factor in the city's pollution is its population环境保护主义者说造成该城市污染问题的一个关键因素是其人口数量。70. Obesity is a major risk factor in many diseases.肥胖是引发多种疾病的重要因素。






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