宝可梦剑盾1.3.2 铠岛 雪原DLC全随机mod

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宝可梦剑盾1.3.2 铠岛 雪原DLC全随机mod

2024-07-04 11:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1. 重要(阅读)

当前状态:  [工作中]



神奇宝贝剑与盾的最新更新是 v1.3.2(皇冠苔原 DLC)。此随机发生器应仅适用于更新 v1.3.0 - v1.3.2。如果您在 v1.0、v1.1.1(盔甲岛之前的更新)、v1.2.0 或 1.2.1 上尝试它,请注意它可能无法正常工作,并且可能会导致您的游戏崩溃。只需卸载 randomizer 即可修复崩溃。此外,为 v1.0、v1.1.1、v1.2.0、v1.2.1 构建的随机发生器将无法在 v1.3.0 - v1.3.2 上运行。它也会让你的游戏崩溃。这个非常重要。请阅读以下所有信息,以便了解您正在下载的内容。


此随机发生器支持神奇宝贝剑与 盾。请阅读所有内容以了解其工作原理以及如何为您的游戏获取正确的文件。





快进一周后,我决定使用 pkNX 创建自己的随机发生器。在多次尝试失败后我成功了。阅读下文了解更多信息。


2. 错误/支持



3. 细节


3.1。 野生神奇宝贝遭遇





传奇神奇宝贝产卵的几率因地区而异。许多传说中的神奇宝贝都可以生成,因此您可能会注意到数量众多。必须这样做以最大限度地增加所有可在游戏中生成的传奇神奇宝贝(在 500 多个常规神奇宝贝中)。如果不这样做,那么您可能只会在整个游戏中看到 2-3 个传奇神奇宝贝。

产生的神奇宝贝因路线而异。每条路线总共可以生成 10-20 只神奇宝贝(取决于路线的区域)。当您找到所有 10-20 个时,您就知道您找到了该路线中所有可用的神奇宝贝,并且可以继续前进。

当野外地区的天气发生变化时,可以使用 10 只新的神奇宝贝。(传奇宝可梦在特定天气下产生的几率更高)。


所有在游戏中编码的传奇神奇宝贝都可以生成。这包括盔甲岛神奇宝贝如 Kubfu 和 Urshifu 以及皇冠苔原神奇宝贝如 Zapdos、Moltres、Suicune 等。这也意味着神奇宝贝如 Zacian、Zamazenta、Mew、Mewtwo、Zekrom、Lugia、Ho-Oh、Dialga、 Palkia等可以生成。


The Isle of Armor DLC 中引入的神奇宝贝可以生成,包括 Urshifu/Kubfu。

The Crown Tundra DLC 中引入的神奇宝贝可以生成,包括 Galarian Moltres、Zapdos、Articuno。


3.2. 训练家宝可梦






训练家宝可梦等级提高了 1.24 倍。这意味着所有通常的训练家宝可梦等级都将高于正常水平。您最终会遇到拥有 90-100 级神奇宝贝的训练家。第一个健身房在 20-30 级左右开始,而最后一个健身房在 60-75 级左右。这让你为几乎所有教练都非常高水平的赛后做好准备。

训练师已更改为拥有 Max AI。这意味着他们更聪明,并且会用他们的动作以各种可能的方式智取你。意识到。

训练家宝可梦拥有 Max IV。

3.3. 神奇宝贝进化

神奇宝贝进化是随机的。例如,Bulbasaur 在 16 级进化为 Munna,Charmeleon 在 36 级进化为 Mime 先生等。

涉及物品或友谊等的随机神奇宝贝进化类似于正常进化。例如,如果你给 Eevee 普通的石头进化,那么它会像往常一样进化,但它不会是通常的 Eevee-lutions。这适用于所有其他以这种方式进化的神奇宝贝,例如带有火石/冰石的 Vulpix。

如果某物演变成典型的最后阶段演变,那么它将不再演变。例如,如果某物进化成 Blastoise,它将不再进化。如果 Charmander 进化成 Wailord,它将不再进化(因为 Blastoise 和 Wailord 是 Pokémon Evolution 的最后阶段)。



3.4. Eevee-传奇

Eevee 已被修改为进化为传奇神奇宝贝。伊布-传奇。尝试进化伊布时,它会进化成特定类型的传奇神奇宝贝。 注意:仅当您获得启用了随机神奇宝贝进化/移动/能力的文件时,这才是正确的。


3.5. 宝可梦招式

神奇宝贝现在可以学习多达 30 种不同的招式(从 1 到 90 级展开)。注意:仅当您获得启用了随机神奇宝贝进化/移动/能力的文件时,这才是正确的。

神奇宝贝的招式是随机的。例如,电属性可以学习水属性招式,或者随机神奇宝贝可以学习传奇神奇宝贝招式(如果它在他们的随机招式组中)。 注意:仅当您获得启用了随机神奇宝贝进化/移动/能力的文件时,这才是正确的。

野生神奇宝贝也有随机动作,如果你不小心,可能会在一击中杀死你。意识到。 注意:仅当您获得启用了随机神奇宝贝进化/移动/能力的文件时,这才是正确的。

3.6. 宝可梦持有的物品

所有神奇宝贝都持有随机物品。如果你幸运的话,你可能会发现一些拥有 Masterball 或更稀有的东西(这就是为什么你应该抓住几乎所有东西的原因)。

3.7. 入门宝可梦


首发是 Cinccino、Oranguru 和 Blastoise。这些开胃菜是随机化的结果。

3.8. 宝可梦能力


3.9. 礼物宝可梦


3.10。 闪亮的宝可梦


4. 下载要求


PC + MicroSD 卡和/或 MicroSD 读卡器。

如何下载: 请使用 GAMEBANANA 在本文最底部提供的下载按钮。 


(v3.0b1 具有*除了*随机神奇宝贝进化/移动/能力) 

(v3.0b2 具有*包括*随机神奇宝贝进化/移动/能力)。

5. 安装5.1。 转变



打开“Pokémon Sword/Shield Randomizer”文件夹。

将 Switch 或 MicroSD 卡连接到 PC。

将标题为“0100ABF008968000”或“01008DB008C2C000”的文件夹复制到 SD 卡上的 /Atmosphere/contents 目录中(如果您使用的是 Atmosphere CFW)。对于其他 CFW,您必须将其拖动到您放置修改后的游戏文件的任何位置。有关模拟器的信息,请阅读下文。注意:这将替换您之前已安装的任何随机发生器。

5.2. 柚子






要启用随机化器,请在 Yuzu Emulator 中再次右键单击 Pokémon Sword,然后单击“属性”。然后勾选“补丁名称”下的框。

6. 柚子模拟器

用户报告说这不适用于 Yuzu(阅读下文)。我相信它不是 mod,它可能是 Yuzu 模拟器导致问题,因为它目前不是很稳定。此外,已知神奇宝贝剑/盾在模拟器上存在问题。有关此内容的更多信息,请阅读下文。

大多数用户报告的错误是在使用 Yuzu 模拟器启动游戏时初始崩溃/永无止境的启动。这可能是只属于柚子的问题,我可能无法解决。 

6.1。 柚子修复


此外,请确保在继续之前备份您的保存文件。我注意到 Yuzu 在测试和尝试运行 mod 时一直删除我的旧存档。

启动时初始崩溃/永无止境的引导循环/离开 Hops house 时冻结/保存时冻结 - 经过测试,这似乎是由目录 \0100ABF008968000\RomFS\bin 中的“trainer”文件夹引起的。用户应删除此文件夹以修复崩溃。我已经确定发生此崩溃的原因是因为“培训师”文件夹中有多少文件(超过 800 个以上)。Yuzu 似乎很难加载所有这些文件,因此在尝试几秒钟后崩溃。 

如果需要,您可以尝试删除“trainer_data”/“trainer_poke”文件夹中的一些文件,但这会改变一些训练器的随机化。也许如果你删除了足够的 Yuzu 加载游戏,那么你会保留一些教练随机化(用户报告这在一定程度上有效)。 

“trainer”文件夹包含有关游戏中所有 Pokémon Trainer 的信息,因此,删除此文件夹将意味着您游戏中的训练师将正常并具有他们通常的 Pokémon 和 Pokémon 级别。不幸的是,没有其他方法可以在不删除此文件夹的情况下加载随机程序,因此 Yuzu 用户必须这样做,直到发布允许 Yuzu 加载大量文件而不会出错的更新。

如果您仍然遇到初始崩溃,那么这也可能是因为您的文件启用了随机神奇宝贝进化。上述相同的想法适用于此。pml 文件夹中的 evolution 文件夹包含 800 多个文件。尝试删除它,然后重试。这将删除随机的神奇宝贝进化。

成功启动后随机发生器不工作 - 在您做任何事情之前检查路线 1 是否有新的神奇宝贝,您应该会看到所有可用的新神奇宝贝。这条路线中不会有默认的神奇宝贝,例如 Wooloo、Rookidee、Skwovet 等。如果您看到这些神奇宝贝,则随机发生器不适合您。


我不确定为什么会这样,但确实如此。Yuzu 可能只能读取名为“romfs”的文件夹,这就是您需要重命名它的原因。

完成此操作后,再次检查路线 1,您应该会看到新的神奇宝贝。这意味着 Randomizer 正在正式工作。除了神奇宝贝训练师随机化和/或进化之外,您还拥有所有功能。

还是行不通? - 如果它仍然不适合你,我有零线索是什么问题。它可能与您的硬件或外部软件有关。


7. 文件信息

存档文件夹 - 此文件夹包含有关随机神奇宝贝遭遇的信息。删除它将删除野外的随机神奇宝贝。

pml文件夹 - 此文件夹包含有关随机神奇宝贝进化/能力/动作的信息。删除它会删除随机的神奇宝贝进化/能力/动作。

进化文件夹 - 此文件夹包含有关随机神奇宝贝进化的信息。删除它会删除随机的神奇宝贝进化。

个人文件夹 - 此文件夹包含有关随机神奇宝贝能力/打字和持有物品的信息。删除它会删除随机的神奇宝贝能力/打字和持有的物品。

waza_oboe文件夹 - 此文件夹包含有关随机神奇宝贝招式/招式集的信息。删除它会删除随机的神奇宝贝招式/招式集。

script_event_data文件夹 - 此文件夹包含有关随机礼物神奇宝贝(例如初学者)、交易神奇宝贝和静态遭遇的信息。删除它会删除随机礼物神奇宝贝(例如初学者)、交换神奇宝贝和静态遭遇

培训师文件夹 - 此文件夹包含有关随机神奇宝贝培训师的信息。删除它将随机删除神奇宝贝训练师。

8. 捐款


如果您想捐赠给我并感谢我上传此内容,我应该有一个 Cashapp 捐赠方法 $BCash40(对我来说最简单)。这根本没有必要。如果您想通过其他方式捐款,请给我留言或发表评论!:)

无论如何,我所知道的只是这个 mod 可以正常工作,我希望它适用于其他所有人。 

这是我为任何游戏制作的第一个 mod/randomizer。我通常不会做这种事情。不过,感谢您的陪伴! 


9. 进一步修改


9.1。 遭遇档案






导航到 \0100ABF008968000\RomFS\bin 或 \01008DB008C2C000\RomFS\bin 并删除已经存在的“存档”文件夹。



9.2. 宝可梦种类

(尚未适用于 v1.3.0 - v1.3.2)


要在 Pokémon 类型不是随机的地方安装这个新文件,您只需将文件与常规随机生成器版本之一交换即可。


导航到 \0100ABF008968000\RomFS\bin 或 \01008DB008C2C000\RomFS\bin 并删除已经存在的“pml”文件夹。







The latest update for Pokémon Sword and Shield is v1.3.2 (The Crown Tundra DLC). This randomizer should only work on update v1.3.0 - v1.3.2. If you try it on v1.0, v1.1.1 (the updates before The Isle of Armor), v1.2.0 or 1.2.1, be aware that it may not work and will likely crash your game. Simply uninstall the randomizer to fix the crash. Also, randomizers built for v1.0, v1.1.1, v1.2.0, v1.2.1 will not work on v1.3.0 - v1.3.2. It will also crash your game.This is very important. Please read all the information below so you know what you are downloading.


This randomizer supports Pokémon Sword AND Shield. Please read everything to understand how it works and how to get the proper files for your game.

Pokémon Sword support is prioritized over Pokémon Shield for the moment.

 Also, If you are having issues, please take a look at some of the comments to see if your issue has already been resolved. There is a lot of valuable information here. 

Personally, I don't play Pokémon so I had to do A LOT of research before proceeding with this task of creating a randomizer.

The randomizers available online were great and all but, they were very lack luster and only randomized encounters which, I realized, can get boring after some time.

Fast forward a week later, I decided to create my own randomizer using pkNX. And I was successful after MANY crashes from failed attempts. READ BELOW for more.

NOTE: This randomizer is VERY random which means that it is also very HARD. Know what you're getting yourself into. You will probably have to do a lot of training and put a lot of time into it.

2. Bugs/Support

There should not be any bugs present in game however, if you find one, then you can report it. Keep in mind I do not know whether I will be fixing them or not. It will be considered given my time constraints.

This is available for Sword and Shield.

3. Details

This mod randomizes the following aspects of the game:

3.1. Wild Pokémon Encounters

All Routes/Wild Area are randomized.

Static encounters are randomized.

Legendary Pokémon available to spawn in almost every route.

Legendary Pokémon can spawn in the wild area depending on the weather.  

The odds of Legendary Pokémon spawning vary by area. Many Legendary Pokémon are available to spawn so you may notice a high abundance. This had to be done to maximize all Legendary Pokémon being available to spawn in the game (out of the 500+ regular Pokémon). If this were not done, then you would probably only ever see 2-3 Legendary Pokémon in the ENTIRE game.

Pokémon that spawn VARY BY ROUTE. There are a TOTAL OF 10-20 Pokémon that can spawn in every route (depending on the area of the route). When you find all 10-20, you know that you found all the Pokémon available in that route and can move on.

When the weather changes in the wild area, 10 new Pokémon are available. (Legendary Pokémon have a better chance of spawning in certain weather).

If they eventually update the game so that weather changes in routes, the same rule above will follow.

All Legendary Pokémon that are coded in the game can spawn. This includes The Isle of Armor Pokémon such as Kubfu and Urshifu and The Crown Tundra Pokémon such as Zapdos, Moltres, Suicune, etc. This also means Pokémon like Zacian, Zamazenta, Mew, Mewtwo, Zekrom, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Dialga, Palkia, etc. can spawn.

Pokémon of all generations (that are coded in the game) can spawn.

Pokémon introduced in The Isle of Armor DLC are available to spawn, including Urshifu/Kubfu.

Pokémon introduced in The Crown Tundra DLC are available to spawn, including Galarian Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno.

Pokémon Shield randomization for wild Pokémon will be different from Pokémon Sword. The available Pokémon should be similar in both randomizers.

3.2. Trainer Pokémon

All trainer Pokémon have been randomized.

All trainer Pokémon abilities are random. NOTE: There will be a separate file that excludes random Pokémon Moves/Abilities/Evolution

Trainers can have Legendary Pokémon.

Trainers have been changed to have a higher chance of having Shiny Pokémon.

All trainer Pokémon are holding random items.

Trainer Pokémon levels have been scaled up by a factor of 1.24x. This means all usual Trainer Pokémon levels will be higher than normal. You will eventually meet trainers with level 90-100 Pokémon. The first gym starts around level 20-30 while the last gym is around level 60-75. This prepares you for the after-game where almost all trainers are very high level.

Trainers have been changed to have Max AI. This means they are smarter and will use their moves to outsmart you in every way possible. Be aware.

Trainer Pokémon have Max IV's.

3.3. Pokémon Evolution

Pokémon evolution's have been randomized. For example, Bulbasaur evolves into Munna at level 16, Charmeleon evolves into a Mr. Mime at level 36, etc.

Random Pokémon Evolution involving items or friendship etc. is similar to normal evolution. For example, if you give Eevee its normal stones to evolve, then it will evolve as it normally would except, it wouldn't be the usual Eevee-lutions. This applies to all other Pokémon that evolve this way such as Vulpix with the Fire Stone/Ice Stone.

If something evolves into a TYPICAL final-stage evolution then it will not evolve anymore. For example, if something evolves into a Blastoise, it will not evolve anymore. If a Charmander evolves into a Wailord, it will not evolve anymore (because Blastoise and Wailord are final-stage Pokémon Evolution's).

Legendary Pokémon cannot evolve.


3.4. The Eevee-Legends

Eevee has been modified to evolve into Legendary Pokémon. The Eevee-Legends. When attempting to evolve Eevee, it will evolve into a Legendary Pokémon of a specific type. NOTE: This is true ONLY if you get the file with random Pokémon Evolution/Moves/Abilities enabled.

They ARE Legendary Pokémon that can be found in the wild, so don't feel the need that you HAVE to catch an Eevee. 

3.5. Pokémon Moves

Pokémon can now learn up to 30 different moves (spread out from level 1-90). NOTE: This is true ONLY if you get the file with random Pokémon Evolution/Moves/Abilities enabled.

Pokémon move sets have been randomized. For example, an electric type can learn a water type move or a random Pokémon can learn a legendary Pokémon move (if it is in their randomized move sets). NOTE: This is true ONLY if you get the file with random Pokémon Evolution/Moves/Abilities enabled.

Wild Pokémon also have random moves and can kill you in ONE HIT if you aren't careful. Be aware. NOTE: This is true ONLY if you get the file with random Pokémon Evolution/Moves/Abilities enabled.

3.6. Items Held By Pokémon

All Pokémon hold random items. If you're lucky you may find something that holds a Masterball or something rarer (This is why you should catch just about everything).

3.7. Starter Pokémon

Starter Pokémon have been randomized. I would recommend SAVING right before you choose a starter so if you choose the wrong one, you can restart the game without going through all the dialogue again. 

The starters are Cinccino, Oranguru, and Blastoise. These starters were the result of the randomization.

3.8. Pokémon Abilities

All Pokémon abilities have been randomized. Wonder guard ability is also enabled. NOTE: This is true ONLY if you get the file with random Pokémon Evolution/Moves/Abilities enabled.

3.9. Gift Pokémon

Gift Pokémon (Pokémon that are given to you in game such as, starters or by someone in a house) have been randomized.

3.10. Shiny Pokémon

There were no changes to shiny Pokémon appearing in the wild. The only change I am aware of, is that Pokémon Trainers have a higher chance of having shiny Pokémon.

4. Download Requirements

A modded/homebrewed Switch or emulator.

PC + MicroSD Card and/or MicroSD Card Reader.

How To Download: Please use the download button provided by GAMEBANANA at the very bottom of this post. 

Choose/download your desired file for your game. It is important you choose the right file for your game. 

(v3.0b1 features everything *EXCEPT* random Pokémon Evolution/Moves/Abilities) 

(v3.0b2 features everything *INCLUDING* random Pokémon Evolution/Moves/Abilities).

5. Installation5.1. Switch

How to Install:

Unzip the Downloaded File.

Open the "Pokémon Sword/Shield Randomizer" Folder.

Connect your Switch or MicroSD Card to your PC.

Copy the folder titled "0100ABF008968000" or "01008DB008C2C000" into your /Atmosphere/contents directory on the SD Card (if you are using Atmosphere CFW). For other CFW's you will have to drag it where ever you place your modded game files. For information on emulators, read below. NOTE: This will replace any previous randomizer you already had installed.

5.2. Yuzu

How to install:

Open the Yuzu Emulator.

Right click Pokémon Sword and click "Open mod data location".

You should have a folder in this location already. If you don't, create a folder titled "Randomizer".

Open this folder and copy the "romfs" folder in the "0100ABF008968000" folder that you downloaded to this location.

To enable the randomizer right click Pokémon Sword again in the Yuzu Emulator and click "Properties". Then tick the box under "patch name".

6. The Yuzu Emulator

Users are reporting that this does not work with Yuzu (Read Below). I am confident that it is NOT the mod and it may be the Yuzu emulator causing the issues since, it is not very stable at the moment. Also, Pokémon Sword/Shield are known to have issues on the emulator. For more info on this read below.

The error most users are reporting is an initial crash/never-ending boot when starting the game while using the Yuzu emulator. This may be an issue that only pertains to Yuzu and may be out of my power to fix. 


I've been doing some testing with the Yuzu Emulator. I have solved some of the issues.

Also, make sure to BACKUP your save file before proceeding. I've noticed that Yuzu consistently deleted my old saves when testing and trying to run the mod.

The initial crash on startup/never-ending boot loop/freeze when leaving Hops house/freeze when saving - After testing, it appears that this is caused by the "trainer" folder in the directory \0100ABF008968000\RomFS\bin. Users should delete this folder to fix the crash. I have determined that the reason this crash happens is because of how many files are located in the "trainer" folder (over 800+). Yuzu seems like it struggles to load all of these files and therefore crashes after a few seconds of attempting. 

If you want, you can try to delete some of the files in the "trainer_data"/"trainer_poke" folder but this will change some of the trainers randomization. Maybe if you delete enough for Yuzu to load the game then you will keep SOME trainer randomization (Users have reported that this works to some extent). 

The "trainer" folder contains information regarding all Pokémon Trainers in the game thus, deleting this folder will mean trainers in your game will be normal and have their usual Pokémon and Pokémon levels. Unfortunately, there is no other way to load the randomizer without deleting this folder so Yuzu users MUST do this until an update is released that allows for Yuzu to load the large number of files without error.

If you still get the initial crash, then this is also likely because you have the file with random Pokémon Evolution's enabled. The same idea above applies to this. The evolution folder in the pml folder contains over 800+ files. Try deleting this as well and try again. This will remove random Pokémon Evolution.

Randomizer not working once successfully booted - Before you do anything check Route 1 for new Pokémon, you should see all new Pokémon available in the Route. There will be no default Pokémon in this Route such as, Wooloo, Rookidee, Skwovet, etc. If you see these Pokémon then the randomizer is not working for you.

The fix for this is to rename the "RomFS" folder to "romfs".

I am unsure why this works but, it does. Yuzu may only be able to read the folder titled "romfs" which is why you need to rename it.

After you do this, check Route 1 again and you should see new Pokémon. This means the Randomizer is officially working. You have all the features besides Pokémon Trainer Randomization and/or evolution's.

Still not working? - If it still doesn't work for you, I have ZERO clue what the issue is. It may have something to do with your hardware or external software.

You may also need to start a new game save before changes take effect.

7. File Information

archive Folder - This folder contains information regarding random Pokémon encounters. Deleting it will remove random Pokémon in the wild.

pml Folder - This folder contains information regarding random Pokémon Evolution/Abilities/Moves. Deleting it will remove random Pokémon Evolution/Abilities/Moves.

evolution Folder - This folder contains information regarding random Pokémon Evolution. Deleting it will remove random Pokémon Evolution.

personal Folder - This folder contains information regarding random Pokémon Abilities/typing and held items. Deleting it will remove random Pokémon Abilities/typing and held items.

waza_oboe Folder - This folder contains information regarding random Pokémon Moves/Move sets. Deleting it will remove random Pokémon Moves/Move sets.

script_event_data Folder - This folder contains information regarding randomized gift Pokémon (such as starters), trade Pokémon, and static encounters. Deleting it will remove randomized gift Pokémon (such as starters), trade Pokémon, and static encounters

trainer Folder - This folder contains information regarding random Pokémon Trainers. Deleting it will remove random Pokémon Trainers.

8. Donations

I did not make this for money nor am I asking you for money. This was supposed to be a personal randomizer but I decided to upload it for the world to use. It's free lol.

If you want to donate to me and thank me for uploading this, I should have a Cashapp donation method $BCash40 (easiest for me). This is not necessary at all. If you want to donate via another method, message me or drop a comment! :)

Anyway, all that I know is that the mod works as it should and I hope it works for everyone else. 

This is the first mod/randomizer I have ever made for any game. I usually don't do this kind of thing. Nevertheless, thanks for sticking around! 

PS: Youtubers/content creators, it would be great if you could give this mod a shot and if you like it/find that it is stable, share it around. I only did this because of the lack of randomizers available online. Thanks again.

9. Further Modification

The following is info for files that players can use to change encounters or revert Pokémon Types.

9.1. Encounters Files

Below is an included download for those who want to change Pokémon Randomization for Sword or Shield  (titled "SwordEncountersV3.0.zip/ShieldEncounters.zip") to minimize Legendary Pokémon availability. In it contains an "archive" folder.

The file was randomized and was not touched in terms of Legendary Pokémon. However, I noticed there is still a significant amount of Legendary Pokémon that can spawn. This number is far less than the regular randomizer though so you should see MUCH less Legendary Pokémon in your game.

To install this new randomized Pokémon encounters, you will simply swap files with one of the regular randomizer builds.

Download and extract the "SwordEncountersV3.0.zip" or "ShieldEncounters.zip".

When you make your choice, located the "archive" folder in the downloaded file.

Navigate to \0100ABF008968000\RomFS\bin or \01008DB008C2C000\RomFS\bin and delete the "archive" folder that is already here.

Copy the "archive" file you downloaded to this same directory.

Start the game and randomized Pokémon should now be different than what they were.

9.2. Pokémon Types

(NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR v1.3.0 - v1.3.2)

Players have shown interest in a file where abilities are random but typings are not. Therefore, I have worked on a file that keeps Pokémon abilities random but also retains normal Pokémon Types. 

To install this new file where Pokémon Types are not random, you will simply swap files with one of the regular randomizer builds.

Download and extract the "PokemonTypings.zip" file.

Navigate to \0100ABF008968000\RomFS\bin or \01008DB008C2C000\RomFS\bin and delete the "pml" folder that is already here.

Copy the "pml" file you extracted earlier to this directory.

Start the game and Pokémon Types should now be normal (This may not apply to Pokémon you've already caught).




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