
您所在的位置:网站首页 定语从句和状语语从句的区别 英语语法


2024-06-04 00:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 什么是状语1. 状语的含义2. 状语的成分3. 状语的位置4. 状语从句类型一 时间状语从句二 地点状语从句三 原因状语从句四 目的状语从句五 结果状语从句六 让步状语从句七 方式状语从句八 条件状语从句九 比较状语从句 5. 考点分析1. 写作2. 长难句分析 1. 补充 as 专题2. 补充 than 专题




adv 放在哪都是状语:

he cried sadly 副词修饰实义动词he looks especially sad 副词修饰形容词he cried rather sadly 副词修饰副词actually, he cries 副词修饰句子 什么是状语 1. 状语的含义

状语就是在一句话中,修饰实义动词、形容词、副词或整个句子的成分。 状语在一句话中除了名词什么成分都可以修饰。

2. 状语的成分

① adv ② 介词短语 ③ 非谓语动词 She cried, sitting there. ④ 从句 She cried when she sat there.

3. 状语的位置


4. 状语从句类型 构成引导词的分类标准按照引导词本身的意思分类。一共把引导词分成九类。 一 时间状语从句


when = while = as 当……时候(当while翻译成“当…的时候”后面要跟进行时态)beforeaftersince (只要一句话带“自从”,主句用完成时)

例:自从我遇见你,我就爱上了你。 I have fallen in love with you since I met you.

the moment = as soon as (一……就)by the time 到……为止until 直到……才not…until 直到……才


例:当爱情来临,我将抓住她的手。(主将从现) When love comes, I will hold her hands.

例:当爱来临的时候我没有牵到她的手。(都已经发生,该什么时态就什么时态) When love came, I failed to hold her hands.

区别 until 和 not…nutil

I will wait here until you come.

I will not leave until you come. 区别在于主句的谓语动词是延续性动词还是瞬间动词,如果是延续性动词就用until,如果是瞬间动词就用not…until

例:直到我长大我才意识到母亲的伟大。 I did not realize the greatness of mothers until I grew up.


When I was a kid, I enjoy singing songs. When a kid, I enjoyed singing songs. When引导的时间状语从句,如果主语和从句的主语一致,并且从句谓语中有be动词,此时从句的主语和be可同时省略。

二 地点状语从句

常用引导词 where

造个句子 The kind of trees grow well in moist places. (介词短语做状语) 这种树在潮湿的地方生长的很好 The kind of trees grow well where it is moist. 做地点状语通常都是介词短语很少从句。

三 原因状语从句

引导词 1)因为(没有区别):because, as, since, in that, seeing that, considering that, now that, given that 2) for(因为 conj.):连接两句话 3)因为(介词短语):because of, due to, owing to, thanks to, for the sake of, as a result of 介短后+n./doing

He had a car accident because he was careless.He had a car accident for he was careless.He had a car accident because of his carelessness. 四 目的状语从句

引导词 1)这三个词表目的但是不能接句子,故不是引导词 to, in order to, so as to + v

2)so that表目的时通常放在句末,不放在句首, in order that,

为了看的更远,我们爬得更高。 We will ascend higher, in order to overlook farther. We will ascend higher, in order that we overlook farther.

五 结果状语从句


so…that 如此…以至于such…that

so + adj/adv such + n

It feels so hot today that I wear my dress. 今天很热以至于。。。

My mother proves so kind that she is respected by all her colleague. 我妈很善良以至于。。。

so…that 替换 very + adj/adv 作文中只要见到adj/adv都可以写成so…that句型

六 让步状语从句


although, though, even though, even if,while,as 都翻译为:虽然尽管



as的部分倒装 as引导的让步状语从句,从句的表语可以放在句首构成部分倒装 As I love you. 没有表语不能倒装 As I seem ugly, but I keep gentle.(but连词不能连接句子和从句) Ugly as I seem, I keep gentle. 我很丑,但我很温柔。 Simple as the chart looks, the outlook behind proves far reaching——national products become increasingly popular with Chinese customers.

although 让步(话不说满) Raising pets can cultivate loving heart of kids although they might be injurious to their familier or neighbors.

七 方式状语从句

引导词 + 句子

as, the way, as if, as though 好像,似乎


介短做状语:+ n / doing by / through / by means of / in … way / manner

She looks as if she were made of ice. 她看起来像冰做的一样。(虚拟语气were后面讲)

She talks with me as if she were my mother.

八 条件状语从句

引导词 如果 suppose that, supposing that, if, unless, provided that, as long as, so long as

只要有一丝希望,我也不会放弃 So long as there seems a ghost of hope, I will never give up.

九 比较状语从句

引导词 as…as 原级比较 than 比较级

你看起来和我一样漂亮 You are as beautiful as me. 引导词as后接从句,句子呢?故该写法错误。 You are as beautiful as I am beautiful. 省略beautiful和be You are as beatiful as I.

5. 考点分析 1. 写作


I love you for my whole life.

你可以像猪一样生活,但是你永远不会像猪一样快乐。 One can live as if he were a pig. Conversely, he can never be as delighted as a pig.

2. 长难句分析


如何识别状语? 一句话当中除了句子主干和定语,其他部分都可以认为是状语。


1 副词 2 比较状语 3 条件状语 4 结果 5 原因 because 6 让步 7 目的 8 方式 9 伴随 with n + 时间、地点,需要区别定语还是状语。

I love a boy in Zhejiang university. 状语:在浙江大学我爱上了一个男生 定语:我爱上了一个在浙江大学的男生 如果无法确定定语还是定语,定语优先原则。只有翻译成定语读起来巨恶心才翻译成状语。

分析长难句: 第一步找谓语,从而确定主谓宾。第二步找连词,从而确定有无省略。第三步找定语。第四步找状语。


The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be. 希腊人认为语言的结构和思维的过程有关系,早在人们意识到语言的多样性之前,这种观点在欧洲就扎根了。

Social science is that branch (of intellectual enquiry/定 wihch seeks to study humans and their endeavors/定 in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner/状 that natural scientists use for the sutdy of natural phenomena./定) in…manner 以…样的方式(方式状语) 社会科学是只是研究的一个分支,这个分支试图以同样的、理性的、有序的、系统的和冷静的方式去研究人类和他们的行为,自然科学家也是用这种方式来研究自然现象的。

The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items offen seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find. and 并列原因状语从句 行为科学在缓慢的发展,部分是因为一些解释好像能够直接的观察到,另一些解释不容易被发现。

1. 补充 as 专题

as 意思总结

as+n 作为v+…+as 此时as的意思取决于前面动词 - regard… as… - view… as… - define… as… - classify… as…as + 句子 as可翻译成:当…时候、因为、虽然尽管、好像似乎、和…一样。还有可能是定语从句。

As a logic consequence of this development, separate journals have now appeared aimed mainly towards either professional or amateur readship.

谓语:have now appeared aimed mainly towards appeared在这里=been 作为发展的合理结果,划分成不同的期刊主要针对专业或业余阅读。

As a result, the support for ambition as a healthy impulse, a quality to be admired and fixed in the mind of the young, is probably lower than it has ever been in the United States.

as+n 作为… 动词:is 表语:probably lower than 引导比较状语从句 最后,作为一种健康冲动的对野心的支持,在年轻人心中羡慕并被确定的一种品质,可能低于曾经的美国。

I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底)way about moral problems.

as+n >> as an individual 作为一类人 elected as:v+as的这种结构是不存在的,故这里缺少了宾语 in Socratic way 做状语,放到句尾更容易翻译 因此,调整各个成分位置后: I shall define him as an individual who has elected the activity of thinking about moral problems in Socratic way as his primary duty and pleasure in life. 我将要把知识分子定义为一类人,这类人选择以苏格拉底的方式思考道德问题最为生活中首要的乐趣。

Tylor defined culture as “…that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custon, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”


As is true of any developed society, in America a complex set of cultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underlies all social interrelationships. 就如同在任何发达国家一样,在美国一个由文化符号、设想和传统构成的复杂体组成了所有社会关系的基础。

With other audiences you mustn’t attempt to cut in with humor as they will resent an outsider making disparaging remarts about their canteen or their chairman. 如果和其他听众一起,你千万不要试图插入幽默,因为他们会反感一个外人对他们的食堂或领导发表蔑视性的评论。

2. 补充 than 专题

not so much as = not even 甚至不、没有 He cannot so much as spell a word. He did not so much as ask me to sit down.

not so much A as B 与其说A倒不如说B He is not so much a teacher as a poet.

more A than B 与其说B不如说A He is more a poet than a teacher.

more than…

后加名词 不仅仅是…后加adv./adj. 非常的 I am more than beautiful.加数词 多于…





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