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2024-04-25 04:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


15世纪初,对中古英语 parfit “完美的,理想的”(约1300年),也指“完整的,充分的,完成的,没有缺陷的”(14世纪晚期)的古典修正,来自古法语 parfit “完成的,完成的,准备好的”(11世纪),源自拉丁语 perfectus “完成的,优秀的,完成的,精美的”, perficere “完成,完成,完成”的过去分词,来自 per “完全”(见 per)+ facere “制造,做” 的组合形式(来自 PIE 根 *dhe- “设置,放置”)。

常用于英语中作为强调语气(perfect stranger 等),意思是“完整的”。语法意义上,指描述动作已完成的动词时,始于大约1500年。作为名词,14世纪晚期(“完美”),来自形容词。

The difference between the Preterit and the Perfect is in English observed more strictly than in the other languages possessing corresponding tenses. The Preterit refers to some time in the past without telling anything about the connexion with the present moment, while the Perfect is a retrospective present, which connects a past occurrence with the present time, either as continued up to the present moment (inclusive time) or as having results or consequences bearing on the present moment. [Otto Jespersen, "Essentials of English Grammar," 1933]英语中过去时和现在完成时的区别比其他拥有相应时态的语言更为严格。过去时指过去的某个时间,而不告诉与现在时刻的联系,而现在完成时是一种回顾性的现在时,将过去的事件与现在时刻联系起来,要么作为一直持续到现在时刻(包括时间),要么作为具有与现在时刻相关的结果或后果。[奥托·耶斯珀森,“英语语法要点”,1933年]

同样来自于:early 15c.




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