「另外 / 除此之外 / 此外」的英文是?furthermore? in addition? – 英文庫

您所在的位置:网站首页 安排英文词组怎么写 「另外 / 除此之外 / 此外」的英文是?furthermore? in addition? – 英文庫

「另外 / 除此之外 / 此外」的英文是?furthermore? in addition? – 英文庫

2024-07-09 11:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Hi, everyone! 歡迎來到英文庫,我是 Gloria~🙌🏻

今天要帶大家了解「另外、除此之外、此外」的英文怎麼說! 相信各位平常一定很常用到這個字,但是,你知道其實「此外」的英文有很多種嗎? 那到底要怎麼用才正確呢?


1️⃣ 較「正式」的用法,適用於寫作、文件、正式場合:

furthermore moreover in addition / in addition to that additionally

2️⃣ 較「口語」的用法,適用於日常對話:

what’s more besides that also

這些字都可以用來指「除了,還有⋯⋯、而且」的意思,用來包含後面要說的內容,屬於「加法」的概念。但實際上,這些字的用法還是有些不同之處。接下來,就讓我帶你們來了解「除此之外」的英文用法大集合吧!Let’s go~👇


除此之外、此外的英文可以說 furthermore。通常放在一個句子的句首,後面接逗號。 那如果想把 furthermore 放在兩個句子之間時,則有兩種用法,一種是在前面加上「, and」之後,後面用逗號隔開句子,另一種則是在前面加上分號「 ; 」之後,後面用逗號隔開句子。

The rent of this house is reasonable. Furthermore, the location is perfect. The rent of this house is reasonable, and furthermore, the location is perfect. The rent of this house is reasonable; furthermore, the location is perfect.



除此之外、此外的英文也可以說 moreover,用法和意思等同於 furthermore。

His article is well-written. Moreover, it brings up many good points. His article is well-written, and moreover, it brings up many good points. His article is well-written; moreover, it brings up many good points.


in addition

除此之外、此外的英文也可以說 in addition,用法等同於前面介紹過的單字,一樣可以放在一個句子的句首,或是兩個句子之間的位置。

James is an English teacher. In addition, he is a food critic. James is an English teacher, and in addition, he is a food critic. James is an English teacher; in addition, he is a food critic.


in addition 還有另一個用法,就是 in addition to that,也可以表示「除此之外」的意思,並在後面連接一個完整的句子,而這裡的 that 是用來代表前面所提過的事情。


It rained heavily all day. In addition to that, we were stuck in traffic for two hours. It rained heavily all day, and in addition to that, we were stuck in traffic for two hours. It rained heavily all day; in addition to that, we were stuck in traffic for two hours.

今天整天都在下大雨,除此之外,我們還塞車塞了兩個小時 (👉 in addition to that 的 that 用來代指前一句所說的「下大雨」這件事)


除此之外、此外的英文還可以說 additionally,這個字除了指「除此之外」,還帶有「額外地、附加地」的意思。

This company offers a good salary. Additionally, it has a generous annual leave system. This company offers a good salary, and additionally, it has a generous annual leave system. This company offers a good salary; additionally, it has a generous annual leave system.


what’s more

除此之外、此外的英文也可以說 what’s more。what’s more 就是「what is more」的縮寫,如果是用在過去式的話,則可以用「what was more」來表示。相較於 furthermore 和 moreover 來說,what’s more 是比較常在口語上用到的用法。 而 what’s more 除了指此外,還有更深層的意思,指「更重要的是」,用來引出你接下來要講的內容,並用這些資訊來支持和強調你的論點:

Writing memos allows you to keep track of things. What’s more, it helps to check what you have done.

Writing memos allows you to keep track of things, and what’s more, it helps to check what you have done.


besides that

除此之外、此外的英文也可以用 besides that。相較於前面介紹到的單字,besides that 是屬於比較口語的用法,很常在生活中聽到。

Irene can play many instruments. Besides that, she can sing very well. Irene can play many instruments, and besides that, she can sing very well.


不過,要特別注意的是,很多人常會覺得 besides 是此外的意思,但如果單只有 besides 一個字的話,其實比較是指「而且、反正」的意思,後面接的句子通常是用來強調或補充說明你的論點。

I think it’s time to go home now. Besides, it’s getting dark. 我覺得該回家了,而且,天色也開始變暗了

I think this cellphone is too expensive and too big. Besides, I don’t really like the design. 我覺得這支手機太貴又太大了,反正,我也不是很喜歡它的設計

推薦閱讀:還想知道更多 besides 的詳細用法嗎?來~英文庫已經幫你整理在這篇文章裡面囉~😉 👉「Besides…」正確用法是?來看例句搞懂!


除此之外、此外的英文還可以用 also,也屬於口語上很常見的用法。 also 放句首使用時,用來強調接下來要說的論點,或用來提到新的資訊,表示「而且、還有」。 而 also 放在句子裡的用法則比較靈活,可以放在動詞前面,或是 be動詞後面,另外,兩個句子之間記得要用 and 來連接。

Ed Sheeran is a popular singer. Also, he writes great songs. Ed Sheeran is a popular singer, and he also writes great songs. 紅髮艾德是位很受歡迎的歌手,而且他寫很多很棒的歌 (👉 在第二句裡,also 放在動詞前面)

Ed Sheeran writes great songs. Also, he is a popular singer. Ed Sheeran writes great songs, and he is also a popular singer. 紅髮艾德寫很多很棒的歌,而且他是位很受歡迎的歌手 (👉 在第二句裡,also 放在 be動詞後面)

And That’s a Wrap!

好啦~以上就是今天的分享!是不是又學到很多好用的英文單字呢? 😉 希望這篇文章能幫助到想了解「除此之外、此外」英文的你~下次就試著把它們用出來吧! 相信你一定會越來越厲害唷~✌🏻

如果之後還想學更多英文小知識,歡迎常回來英文庫逛逛~我們還有更多有趣實用的文章等你來挖掘喔!那我們就下次見啦~See you! 😎




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