中英双语话中国旅游 第70期:西递村与宏村自然概况(1)

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中英双语话中国旅游 第70期:西递村与宏村自然概况(1)

2024-07-13 18:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Xidi and Hongcun——Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui皖南古村落—西递村与宏村

Natural Features自然概况

Xidi village is 8 km east of the town seat of Yi County,Huangshan City,Anhui Province. According to“Noble clans in Xin'an”,the place was surrounded by“Mt Luo in front,Mt Yangjian at the back,Mt Shishi in the north,and Mt Tianma in the south,flanked by two rivers flowing to the west instead of the east,hence named as Xidi",which means“passing to the west" in Chinese.西递村位于安徽省黄山市黟县城东8公里处,根据《新安民族志》记:“只地罗峰高其前,阳尖障其后,石狮盘其北,天马霭其南。中有二水环绕,不之东而之西,故名西递。”即取水势东往西流之意。

The village embraced in the mountains is really scenic and abundant of resources. Inhabitants here are accustomed to a life of leisure and self-reliance with little disturbance from outside,therefore keep much of their ancient customs and enjoy the fame as“lucky folks of an Utopian land".

西递村群山环绕,景色优美,物产丰富。这里的人们习惯于过自给自足、怡然自乐的生活,受外来影响较少,因而使得不少古风俗都仍然保留至今,被誉为“桃花源里人家”。The present Xidi village occupies an area of 12. 96 hectares surrounded by mountains,with three rivers or streams running throung from the east and north to join into one in the south of the village. One main street and the two waterside roads provide the main structure of its streets and lanes roughly from west to east,expanding to the north and south at the same time,all paved with local stone slabs. The lanes,the streams,and the houses are pleasantly integrated with a rhythmic variation of space. The ancient buildings are mainly of brick and log、decorated with a variety of wood,stone and brick carvings impressively plain and elegant,characteristic of the talent and achievement of the ancient villages in the creating of human residence in southern Anhui.如今的西递,整个利落向积为12.96公顷,四面环山,有三条溪流从村北、村东流经全村。村落以一条纵向街道和两条沿澳道路为主要骨架,构成以东向为主,向南北延伸的村落街巷系统所有街卷都是采川本地产的青石铺地。巷道、溪流、建筑布局相宜,村落空间变化富有韵律感。古建筑多为砖木结构,用丰富多彩的木雕、石雕、砖雕作装饰,色调朴素淡雅,大方怡人,体现犷皖南古村落在人居环境营造方而的杰出才能。

Hongcun village lies at the southwest foot of Yellow Mountain(Huangshan),11 km southwest of Yi County,a gateway for merchants to go to the capital city in ancient times.宏村位于安徽省黄山的西南麓,黔县城西南11公里处,原是古代黔县赴京通商的必经之路。The village covers ?8 hectares,of which 19.1 l are recognized as the ancient village, where there are 158 folk houses of Ming and Qing Dynasties and 137 of them are preserved intact. With its main street as the axis,the village is near the joint of Yangzhan River and Sui Stream in the west,East Stream and East Mountain in the east,Leigang Mountain at its back,Moon Pond in the north,South Lake and Qishu Lake in the south.宏村占地约28公顷,其中被界定为古村落范围的面积有19. 11公顷村落里现存有明清时期修建的民居158幢,其中的137幢保存完整整个宏村以正街为轴线,西临羊栈河、滩溪交汇处,东傍东溪和东山,背靠雷岗山,北围月塘,南倚南湖和奇墅湖。The layout of the village resembles theoutline of an ox,hence it is popularly addressed as“Ox-shaped Village".The high Leigang Mountain is the perking head,the tall green trees are the horns,the villoge proper with its crowded houses is the body,the clean ponds are the stomach,the meandering ditches among the houses are the intestines,and the four outthrust bridges are the legs. The village,then,lies peacefully like an ox at ease among the blessing green mountains guarding the fertile farmlands.宏村整个村落布局犹如牛形,故又被人们称为“牛形村”全村以高昂挺拔的雷岗山为“牛头”;满山青翠苍郁的占树是月的“头角”;村内鳞次栉比的建筑群是“牛身”;碧波荡漾的塘湖为“牛胃”和“牛川‘’;穿堂绕屋、九曲十弯的人工水圳是“牛肠”;村边的四座木桥为“牛腿”:宏村就似头卧牛处于青山环绕、稻田连绵的山冈之中。




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