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2024-06-19 16:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The tides have a significant impact on the lives of people who live by the sea. They can bring an abundance of seafood, but at the same time, they can bring disasters. Tidal gods have the ability to prevent these disasters. That is why the unique belief to worship tidal gods developed. The most famous tidal god is Wu Zixu.

伍子胥本是吴王夫差的臣子,因劝谏被赐剑自刎而死。临死前伍子胥嘱托家人将其头颅割下,悬于吴国都城城门之上, 这样就可以亲眼看到敌人攻入吴国都城。吴王知道后非常震怒, 命人用鸱夷裹盛其尸身,投于长江之中。从此伍子胥在江中因流扬波,依潮往来。江潮怒涨时,人们认为这是伍子胥因愤恨驱水而为之,遂将他奉为潮神。据载,有个叫马亮的人在杭州做知州时,江涛横溢成灾,百姓苦不堪言。马亮曾调兵筑堤, 但始终修不成形。马亮没有办法,只好去伍子胥祠献祭祷告。祭祀后的第二天,江潮就退去了,而且江上还出现了横亘数里的沙堤,为修建人工堤坝提供了天然的基础,接下来筑堤工程顺利完工,危害百姓的江潮终于得到遏制。

During the Warring States era, Wu Zixu was the advisor of Fuchai, the King of Wu. He suggested the king guard against the deceptions of Gou Jian, the King of Yue. Fuchai was infuriated by the advice of Wu Zixu whom he ordered to commit suicide. Wu Zixu’s last wish was to have his head hung on the eastern gate where he could witness the destruction of Wu. Completely enraged by the imprudence of Wu Zixu, the King ordered his corpse to be stuffed in a leather sack and thrown into the river. But the corpse didn’t sink into the river. On the contrary, it floated up and down with the waves. That year, there was an unprecedented rise of the tides. The common people believed it was Wu Zixu who worked the tides so they hailed him as the tidal god. History has it that when Ma Liang was serving as the mayor of Hangzhou, there were frequent tidal bores which brought utter misery to the locals. Ma Liang had deployed troops to build a dyke, but it was poorly maintained. Ma Liang had no choice but to pray to Wu Zixu. Just on the very next day, the tidal bore receded. Surprisingly, a sand dyke spanning several miles appeared in the river. They provided a natural foundation for the construction of artificial dikes which were, finally, able to block surging river tides.

伍子胥司掌的潮汐并不只限于江河,他也是海上的潮神。《北梦琐言》中记载,五代时,福建某处海域有暗礁威胁船只安全。有一次,闽王梦到吴安王伍子胥托梦,许诺可以帮助他开港导航,于是便派人前往祈祷祭祀。祭祀刚刚结束, 海上忽然狂风大作,电闪雷鸣,海中出现数百丈长的庞然大物, 怪物奋力跃出海面后又撞击入海。三天后,天空放晴,人们发现海里的暗礁不见了,石港通畅,船只出入变得非常便捷。如今,人们除了为伍子胥立祠供奉之外,还在每年八月潮起时举行祭潮神活动,以感谢伍子胥为庇佑百姓所做的贡献。

Wu Zixu’s influence is not limited to the tide of the river, he was also the tidal god of the sea. It was also recorded that during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, somewhere in Fujian province the safety of ships was severely threatened by submerged reefs. Min Wang (AD862— 925) dreamed that Wu Zixu had promised to help to ease navigation along the ports. As a consequence, he ordered his subordinates to hold a memorial ceremony in honor of Wu Zixu. Towards the very end of the ceremony, a strong wind blew and transformed the hitherto calm waves into rough waves. Then a huge monster appeared. It leaped out of water then went back in several times. Three days later, the weather returned to normal. In addition, the reefs were gone, and the port was unblocked. All these miracles were the work of Wu Zixu, the tidal god. Nowadays, besides worshiping Wu Zixu in the temple, a memorial ceremony is held in appreciation of his benevolence every year in the month of Lunar August.



The image of the dragon does not only appear in Chinese civilization. In western civilization, the dragon also plays a very important role, but the dragons in the two civilizations exhibit differences. In addition, the actual image of the dragon is quite different. The western dragon generally has giant wings and sharp claws. It is sinister in appearance and is capable of breathing fire. Furthermore, the meaning of the dragon is also different. In western countries, the dragon is not considered as a god. On the contrary, it symbolizes evil. It appears in times of disasters. In the Bible, the dragon caused floods, attempted to wash away a woman and eat her new-born baby. The dragon also incited monsters to destroy human beings. That is why it was considered as the incarnation of the devil, Satan. In both western classics and contemporary literary works, the image of the dragon mainly represents evil and power as reflected in The Hobbit and A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones.

在中国的海洋文明中,四海龙王遨游于天地之间,布云施雨,实现祈愿,庇佑平安,是当之无愧的海神。正因为如此,人们对于四海龙王的信奉一直延续至今。而四海龙王所表现出来的烟火气,也使得他们不断出现在各种影视文学作品中,为人们所喜爱。如今,沿海地区还存有许多龙王庙, 供人们敬奉香火。每逢休渔期结束,开海之际,人们还会举行声势浩大的祭祀龙王仪式,以寄托万事顺利、获得丰收的美好愿望。这正是中国海洋文明的一种传承。

In China’s marine civilization, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are well-deserved sea gods. They are responsible for making rain and fulfilling people’s wishes. Therefore, people have continued to believe in the Dragon Kings till this day. The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas also appear in different films, TV series and literary works and are deeply loved by the Chinese people. Today, there are many Dragon King Temples along the coastal areas for people to offer incense. Whenever the fishing season starts, people expect to have a rich harvest by holding a grand ritual in honour of the Dragon Kings prior to setting out to the sea. This is the inheritance of marine civilization.







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