Android 9.0(P) 适配以太网功能

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Android 9.0(P) 适配以太网功能

2024-07-12 17:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Android network框架分析目录

Android network框架分析之EthernetService启动流程 Android network框架分析之NetworkFactory与NetworkAgent深入分析 Android network框架分析之NetworkManagementService和netd交互深入分析(一) Android network框架分析之NetworkManagementService和netd交互深入分析(二) Android network框架分析之EthernetServiceImpl和NetworkManagementService交互深入分析 Android network框架分析之AsyncChannel原理分析以及实操演练 Android 9.0(P)适配以太网功能

Android P 适配以太网功能 0. 引言1. 需求及成果展示1.1 需求分析1.2 成果展示 2. 实施流程2.1 Android P 以太网部分更新变化2.1.1 源码文件的增加2.1.2 接口参数的变动 2.2 App层Settings修改2.3 Framework的适配2.3.1 EthernetService加入SystemServiceManager并启动2.3.2 EthernetService介绍2.3.3 EthernetServiceImpl 介绍2.3.4 EthernetTracker介绍2.3.5 增加以太网打开/关闭接口2.3.6 增加以太网状态判断和Mac接口2.3.7 增加以太网静态IP设置接口,并解决拔插后才能更改ip地址

0. 引言

  最近开始学习Android网络模块框架,本文并不是介绍框架知识,仅仅是展示Android 9.0(P)适配以太网功能的过程,既熟悉下网络模块,又熟悉下9.0的版本更新部分,一举两得~

注意: 本文展示的是Android P amlogic S905L3的代码

1. 需求及成果展示 1.1 需求分析


设置中增加以太网开/关设置设置中增加以太网静态设置设置中增加代理设置 1.2 成果展示



2. 实施流程

  好了前面说了一大把了,也该正式开干了,不然大伙就要说我是光说不干的花架子了。先放上Android O和Android P的以太网逻辑架构图,有了这个大家心里应该该就大概有谱了,对整体有了些了解就不会迷路~ 在这里插入图片描述

2.1 Android P 以太网部分更新变化 2.1.1 源码文件的增加

  在正式开发前,我们一般都应该了解Android新版本对当前实施的需求的改动,Android原生已经对以太网部分有很好的支持了,具体的源码路径在frameworks/opt/net/ethernet/java/com/android/server/ethernet,下面让我们看看Android O和Android P该目录下文件的变化!

Android O(Android 8)此目录下的文件为:

Android P(Android 9)此目录下的文件为:

  这里发现Android P(Android 9)多了EthernetTracker.java区别其他版本,Google新增的类,这个是比较大的改动。

2.1.2 接口参数的变动

  有过Android 以前版本开发经验的老司机应该会知道,Android对以太网的操作主要是依靠EthernetManager这个类来执行,而这个类中最重要的设置以太网信息的方法就是setConfiguration了,让我们来分别看看Android不同版本对这个方法定义的差别!

Android O(Android 8)此方法定义如下:

/** * Set Ethernet configuration. */ public void setConfiguration(IpConfiguration config) { try { mService.setConfiguration(config); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer(); } }

Android P(Android 9)此方法定义如下:

/** * Set Ethernet configuration. */ public void setConfiguration(String iface, IpConfiguration config) { try { mService.setConfiguration(iface, config); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer(); } }

  对比发现了什么,多了一个参数String iface,这个参数的意思是什么呢,即我们通常看到的设备网口名称,譬如eth0,我们可以通过命令 ifconfig 可以看到你设备下的所有网口名称,这个eth0怎么来的我们后续会讲解。

130|console:/ # ifconfig dummy0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 62:df:e7:bb:49:0f inet6 addr: fe80::60df:e7ff:febb:490f/64 Scope: Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING NOARP MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:560 rmnet_ipa0 Link encap:UNSPEC UP RUNNING MTU:2000 Metric:1 RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:17 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:3196 TX bytes:1268 rmnet_data0 Link encap:UNSPEC inet6 addr: fe80::f265:e5b9:fecd:242c/64 Scope: Link UP RUNNING MTU:2000 Metric:1 RX packets:19 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:17 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:2968 TX bytes:1132 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope: Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:80:0f:11:70:00 Driver smsc9500 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::56e0:5755:28c3:6270/64 Scope: Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:7812 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:507092 TX bytes:0 2.2 App层Settings修改

  Settings中的修改不是本文的重点,这个和以前的逻辑Android版本的添加几乎可以保持不变,只是对所有的相关接口多添加一个String iface参数即可,可以参见如下代码,实际UI效果如下 : 在这里插入图片描述

2.3 Framework的适配

  这个是本文的重点,当然前提得驱动的同事已经将有线网络的驱动加载OK了。怎么判断驱动OK了呢,一般就是插上网线然后状态栏上会有如下截图一个小角图标显示,并且在终端下面能发现/sys/class/net/eth0的节点。 在这里插入图片描述

2.3.1 EthernetService加入SystemServiceManager并启动


private static final String ETHERNET_SERVICE_CLASS = ""; if (mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_ETHERNET) || mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_USB_HOST)) { traceBeginAndSlog("StartEthernet"); mSystemServiceManager.startService(ETHERNET_SERVICE_CLASS); traceEnd(); } 2.3.2 EthernetService介绍


public final class EthernetService extends SystemService { private static final String TAG = "EthernetService"; final EthernetServiceImpl mImpl; public EthernetService(Context context) { super(context); mImpl = new EthernetServiceImplCMCC(context); } @Override public void onStart() { Log.i(TAG, "Registering service " + Context.ETHERNET_SERVICE); publishBinderService(Context.ETHERNET_SERVICE, mImpl); } @Override public void onBootPhase(int phase) { if (phase == SystemService.PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY) { mImpl.start(); } } }

  这段代码非常简单,EthernetService 继承了系统服务,那自然也就是系统服务,这个会加载在system_server中启动,在该类中调用 EthernetServiceImpl 的 start(),我们继续接着看看。

2.3.3 EthernetServiceImpl 介绍


public void start() { Log.i(TAG, "Starting Ethernet service"); HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("EthernetServiceThread"); handlerThread.start(); mHandler = new Handler(handlerThread.getLooper()); mTracker = new EthernetTrackerCMCC(mContext, mHandler); mTracker.start(); mStarted.set(true); }

  主要创建了 EthernetTracker,这个类是 9.0 中新增出来的,用于监听以太网的切换、以太网判断当前网络是否可用等一系列操作。之前 8.1 中都集成在 EthernetNetworkFactory 中,这个是Android P的主要差别,继续跟进。

2.3.4 EthernetTracker介绍

  关于以太网初始化和基本操作基本集中在这个类里面了,取代了Android P之前EthernetNetworkFactory的部分功能。该文件的源码位置为frameworks\opt\net\ethernet\java\com\android\server\ethernet\。

void start() {; // Default interface is just the first one we want to track. mIpConfigForDefaultInterface = mConfigStore.getIpConfigurationForDefaultInterface(); final ArrayMap configs = mConfigStore.getIpConfigurations(); for (int i = 0; i 1 ? tokens[1] : null; NetworkCapabilities nc = createNetworkCapabilities( !TextUtils.isEmpty(capabilities) /* clear default capabilities */, capabilities); mNetworkCapabilities.put(name, nc); if (tokens.length > 2 && !TextUtils.isEmpty(tokens[2])) { IpConfiguration ipConfig = parseStaticIpConfiguration(tokens[2]); mIpConfigurations.put(name, ipConfig); } }



2.3.5 增加以太网打开/关闭接口


/** state true 开启以太网 false 关闭以太网 **/ public boolean setInterfaceStatus(String iface, boolean state){ try { if(!TextUtils.isEmpty(iface)) { if(!state) mNMService.setInterfaceDown(iface); else mNMService.setInterfaceUp(iface); return true; } else { Log.e(TAG,"iface is null"); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error setInterfaceStatus : " + iface + " state : " + state + " exception : " + e); } return false; } 2.3.6 增加以太网状态判断和Mac接口 public String getEthMacAddress(String iface){ InterfaceConfiguration config = null; // Bring up the interface so we get link status indications. try { config = mNMService.getInterfaceConfig(iface); } catch (RemoteException | IllegalStateException e) { // Either the system is crashing or the interface has disappeared. Just ignore the // error; we haven't modified any state because we only do that if our calls succeed. Log.e(TAG, "Error upping interface " + iface, e); } if (config == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Null interface config for " + iface + ". Bailing out."); return ""; } final String hwAddress = config.getHardwareAddress(); return hwAddress; } public int getEthIfaceState(String mIface) { //return mTracker.getEthIfaceState(iface); try{ File file = new File("/sys/class/net/"+mIface+"/flags"); if(!file.exists()) return EthernetManager.ETH_IFACE_STATE_DOWN; FileInputStream fin= new FileInputStream(file); BufferedReader reader= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fin)); String flag = reader.readLine(); Log.e(TAG,"mIface : " + mIface); fin.close(); flag = flag.substring(2); int flag_int = Integer.parseInt(flag, 16); if ((flag_int & 0x1) > 0) { return EthernetManager.ETH_IFACE_STATE_UP; } else { return EthernetManager.ETH_IFACE_STATE_DOWN; } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return EthernetManager.ETH_IFACE_STATE_DOWN; } 2.3.7 增加以太网静态IP设置接口,并解决拔插后才能更改ip地址


/** * Set Ethernet configuration. */ public void setConfiguration(String iface, IpConfiguration config) { try { mService.setConfiguration(iface, config); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer(); } }

  发现是通过mService.setConfiguration()方法。那么这个mService是哪里传来的呢,都是老司机就不买弄了,这里的mService是EthernetServiceImpl ,让我们看看该代码:

public void setConfiguration(String iface, IpConfiguration config) { if (!mStarted.get()) { Log.w(TAG, "System isn't ready enough to change ethernet configuration"); } enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); if (mTracker.isRestrictedInterface(iface)) { enforceUseRestrictedNetworksPermission(); } // TODO: this does not check proxy settings, gateways, etc. // Fix this by making IpConfiguration a complete representation of static configuration. mTracker.updateIpConfiguration(iface, new IpConfiguration(config)); }

  上面是Android 9.0中的方法实现。这里就是我花了一段时间解决的为什么Android P设置了静态IP不立即生效的地方。我们看一下Android 8.0之前的版本是这个方法是怎么写的,这个地方是关键。

public void setConfiguration(IpConfiguration config) { if (!mStarted.get()) { Log.w(TAG, "System isn't ready enough to change ethernet configuration"); } enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); synchronized (mIpConfiguration) { mEthernetConfigStore.writeIpAndProxyConfigurations(config); // TODO: this does not check proxy settings, gateways, etc. // Fix this by making IpConfiguration a complete representation of static configuration. if (!config.equals(mIpConfiguration)) { mIpConfiguration = new IpConfiguration(config); mTracker.stop(); mTracker.start(mContext, mHandler); } } }

  我们也是看着都是mTracker对象调用方法进行设置。其实这两个mTracker是不同的对象。在Android 9.0之前的版本,这个mTracker对象都是EthernetNetworkFactory的实例对象。因为后续的设置参数进行连接网络判断端口等一系列操作都在这个EthernetNetworkFactory类中完成。而在Android9.0及以后后,Google将他们抽离出来了,对于监听以太网切换、以太网判断当前网络是否可用等一些列操作抽离到一个EthernetTracker类中。那么9.0的EthernetNetworkFactory只需要关心拿到参数进行连接上网操作就可以了。


void updateIpConfiguration(String iface, IpConfiguration ipConfiguration) { if (DBG) { Log.i(TAG, "updateIpConfiguration, iface: " + iface + ", cfg: " + ipConfiguration); } mConfigStore.write(iface, ipConfiguration); mIpConfigurations.put(iface, ipConfiguration); -> mFactory.updateIpConfiguration(iface, ipConfiguration)); }


void updateIpConfiguration(String iface, IpConfiguration ipConfiguration) { NetworkInterfaceState network = mTrackingInterfaces.get(iface); if (network != null) { network.setIpConfig(ipConfiguration);//仅仅是将ip地址等以太网参数保存下来。 } }




public void setConfiguration(String iface, IpConfiguration config) { if (!mStarted.get()) { Log.w(TAG, "System isn't ready enough to change ethernet configuration"); } enforceConnectivityInternalPermission(); if (mTracker.isRestrictedInterface(iface)) { enforceUseRestrictedNetworksPermission(); } // TODO: this does not check proxy settings, gateways, etc. // Fix this by making IpConfiguration a complete representation of static configuration. mTracker.updateIpConfiguration(iface, new IpConfiguration(config)); //Add by xxxsz 2020.04.23 if (mTracker.isRestrictedInterface(iface)) { enforceUseRestrictedNetworksPermission(); } // TODO: this does not check proxy settings, gateways, etc. // Fix this by making IpConfiguration a complete representation of static configuration. mTracker.updateIpConfiguration(iface, new IpConfiguration(config)); mTracker.removeInterface(iface);//清除当前端口 mTracker.start(); }




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