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2024-07-14 16:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



代词的种类 代词的种类 代词的作用 代词的例子 人称代词


I, me, she, we, us, them, it, you, they



Who, whom, whose, which, that, when, where



This, that, these, those, such, none, neither



Anybody, everybody, nobody, somebody, anyone, everyone, no one, someone, anything, everything, nothing, something



Myself, yourself, yourselves, ourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves



Who, what, which, whose



My, our, your, his, her, its, their

目录 1.人称代词 2.先行词 3.关系代词 4.指示代词 5.不定代词 6.反身代词 7.疑问代词 8.物主代词 人称代词

人称代词用于指代特定的语法人称,包括第一人称(I)、第二人称(you)、第三人称(he, she, it, they)。根据所指代名词的性别和数量等情况的不同,人称代词具有不同的形式。人称代词包括I, you, he, she, it, we they, me, him, her, us, them。

Example She is clever. Example Did you make a reservation for three? Example I hope you will invite them to the party. 先行词


Example Sam drank most of the juice that he bought. Example The team has tried its best to achieve success. Example Many people lost their jobs because of the economic slowdown. 先行词不清晰的例子 Example If you arrive late to the play, she won't let you in. Example Sam sent a letter to Mark addressing the problems he encountered during his first year at school. 关系代词

关系代词用于连接关系分句和独立分句,以进一步描述相关的人或事物。关系代词直接放在它所修饰的名词或代词的后面。关系代词包括Who, whom, whose, which, that, when, where。

Example Is the man who came to look for you your father? Example She likes books that tell stories of famous people. Example That store, where we usually buy our groceries, is closed for the holidays. Who vs. whom:用作主语和宾语的代词


Incorrect Whom should be elected as the leader? Correct Who should be elected as the leader? Incorrect He is the person to who I am married. Correct He is the person to whom I am married. Incorrect You didn’t specify the officer who I should give this form to. Correct You didn’t specify the officer to whom I should give this form. 指示代词

指示代词用指句子中特定的人或物。这些代词也可以用来表示时间和空间的多少程度。指示代词包括This, that, these, those, such, none, neither。

Example He is late again. That boy is really getting on my nerves. Example She loves all kinds of sports. These include badminton and soccer. Example I don't like math or science. Neither is fun. 不定代词

不定代词用指不确定或泛指的人或物。与不定冠词类似,这些代词用来指代不确定的人或物。不定代词包括Anybody, everybody, nobody, somebody, anyone, everyone, no one, someone, anything, everything, nothing, something。

Example No one likes to have to beg for something. Example Everyone is welcome to join the class. Example Anything is possible only if you keep trying. 反身代词

反身代词用于指代句子的主语。反身代词以“-self”(单数)或“-selves”(复数)结尾。反身代词包括Myself, yourself, yourselves, ourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves。

Example I saw myself in the mirror. Example The book itself isn't difficult, but it's not fun to read. Example They recommend this movie even though they have never seen it themselves. 疑问代词

疑问代词用于发起提问。疑问代词包括Who, what, which, whose。

Example Which essay did you like the best? Example Whose bag is this? 物主代词

物主代词用来表示某人或某物对事物的拥有关系。物主代词包括My, our, your, his, her, its, their。使用这些代词可以避免重复用词,使句子更为简洁。

Example I don't know where my sneakers went, so my sister lent me her sneakers. I don't know where my sneakers went, so my sister lent me hers. Example Your plan sounds just as exciting as my plan. Your plan sounds just as exciting as mine. 准备使用专业英文润色服务? Our Pricing / Order Now 了解价格 点击下单 Our Pricing / Order Now




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