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2024-05-06 17:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”比较线上上课和线下上课“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Compare online and offline classes。以下是关于比较线上上课和线下上课的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Compare online and offline classes

Qingdao is a very beautiful city with beautiful scenery, comfortable environment and people. As Qingdao, we are proud of its crowded traffic, but it is very convenient. There are many places of interest everywhere.

Qingdao Biru tourist attractions: Zhongshan City Park, May 4th Square, landing stage. Qingdao's food is also very famous. There are many delicious snacks and beer And seafood is the most famous is my hometown, my paradise, I love her, Qingdao.




More and more people tend to receive education through the Internet, so face-to-face communication is becoming less and less. Do you think information technology plays an increasingly important role in our life, especially in the field of education. Although many people can obtain higher education through online virtual university, some people doubt the effectiveness of online learning compared with distance education They prefer the traditional way of education.

Physical education has inherent advantages for students' all-round development. Teachers can adjust their own teaching style and teaching guidance to suit students' characteristics and academic pursuit. As students participate in extracurricular activities and activities, students' emotion and social development can be significantly improved.

This emotional connection usually helps to generate inspiration Creativity and emotional health are essential for young students. Experience in a non virtual world cannot be replaced by a simple e-course and paper submission. It is true that distance education programs provide a valuable option for people with special needs, such as the disabled, full-time workers or those who have families to take care of but cannot attend classes during normal hours.

Another advantage is that the tuition fees for distance courses are relatively low, because they do not include the financial costs of campus facilities, but this kind of education is limited to imparting knowledge when sufficient time is needed As a result, it is not suitable for young students unless it is used as a supplementary source, because it can be used as a virtual tutor or a tool to review or enhance what has been learned in formal schools. I would like to summarize that distance learning projects contribute to a wider range of educational objects by providing more access to knowledge, but cannot expect it It is expected that they will have more than one university which provides both knowledge and environment for students' all-round development. This is a key factor in education.




Great changes have taken place since the founding of the people's Republic of China. In the past, we lived in small houses and old houses. Now we have moved into new big houses of more than 100 square meters.

Many families have new cars. In, China successfully held the 10th Olympic Games, and we won the first gold medal. Another exciting event is the successful launch of Shenzhou VII, which shows that our scientific research has achieved great success Great achievements have been made.

We are happy and proud of all these achievements. I believe our country will become stronger and richer. I love our motherland very much.

Let's work hard and contribute to the future of our country.



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