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2024-05-30 19:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1. new: someone who is new has only recently arrived in a place, started working in a particular job, or joined an organization


You're new here, aren't you? (你是新来的吧?)

All new employees are given training. (新员工都要受训。)

new to

Children who are new to the school may need extra help. (新来的学生可能需要更多帮助。)

We don't expect you to work as fast as everyone else, while you're still new to the job. (你是新人,我们并不要求你做得跟老员工一样快。)


2. newcomer: someone who has only recently arrived in a place or only recently started a job, sport, or other activity


Our team will include some familiar faces as well as a few newcomers. (我们既有老队员又有新队员。)

newcomer to

Although she's a newcomer to the sport, she's already very successful. (虽然她才参加这个运动,但是她已经表现得相当出色了。)

comparative/relative newcomer (=someone who has arrived or started doing something recently, compared to other people)

I was fifty and a comparative newcomer to computers. (我50岁了,但说到用电脑我还是个新手。)


3. new arrival: someone who has just arrived in a place, especially in order to live or work there


Jim, this is our new arrival, Kate. She'll be taking over from Bob. (吉姆,这是新来的同事凯特。她来接替鲍勃的工作。)


4. fresh: someone who is fresh from a place of education has only just finished training and is not experienced when they arrive at a new job


fresh from

You can't expect teachers fresh from college to deal with large classes of difficult children. (你不能指望刚从大学毕业的年轻教师能带几个大班的调皮学生。)


5. rookie: someone who has just started doing a job or playing a professional sport, and has little experience



It was rookie coach, Ray Rhodes, who got the most credit for keeping the team in check. (这个新教练雷·诺德,让队伍令行禁止,也为自己赢得很多赞赏之声。)

a rookie cop(刚上任的警察)


6. fresher: a student who has just started at a university or college



I was eighteen years old and a freshman at Harvard. (我18岁了,是哈佛大学的新生。)

a freshers' party(新生欢迎派对)

freshers' week(新生周)


7. newbie: someone who has just started doing something



a newbie chess player(刚开始学下棋的新手)

She is a newbie on the Internet. (她才开始学着上网。)

The program is simple to use, even for newbies. (就算对初学者来说,这个操作程序也算简单的。)

Newbie goes first. (新人先来。)


8. new blood: someone who starts a new job or joins an organization and is likely to make improvements, for example by introducing more modern ideas and methods


They seem to be expecting everyone over 50 to step aside and make way for new blood. (他们好像希望50岁以上的员工都自动辞职、给新人让路。)

After its membership halved in the past year, leaving mainly diehard right-wingers behind, the party now desperately needs new blood. (去年该党党员减少了一半,剩下的都是些顽固的右翼分子,现在急需新人加入。)




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