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2023-05-28 21:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Words to describe a person who is funny 形容好笑的人 1. witty (adj.) 機智慧黠的 這類型的人通常非常聰明,反應也快,常常神來一筆的幽默讓你會心一笑。

Tim is a witty guy, with a great sense of humor. I really enjoy his companionship. Tim是個很機智而且非常幽默的傢伙,我很享受他的陪伴。

2. goofy (adj.) 蠢萌、呆萌的 這類型的人可能笨手笨腳,或是刻意搞笑的動作、裝扮讓你噗哧大笑。

Bill made goofy faces behind the teacher and had the entire class laugh. Bill在老師背後做鬼臉,讓全班哄堂大笑。

Words to describe something which is funny 形容好笑的事 1. amusing (adj.) 有趣的、引人發笑的、很引人入勝的 比較溫和的形容詞,指的是可以讓人覺得有趣、有娛樂性的事物。

The play is pretty interesting. There are some amusing things to see. 這齣劇非常棒,有許多有趣的東西可看。

2. comical (adj.) 滑稽的 跟上一個形容詞屬性類似,也是較溫和地形容好笑的詞。

The most comical comment of the day was on my way back home. I spent ten minutes at the front door to look for the key and turned out I hold it in my left hand the whole time. 今天最搞笑的時刻就發生在我回家的路上。我花了十分鐘在前門找鑰匙,結果它根本從頭到尾都被我握在左手裡。

3. hilarious (adj.) 極好笑的 是較極端的形容詞,會讓你捧腹大笑的意思。

Did you just hear what Morris said? That joke is just hilarious! 你有聽到剛剛Morris說的嗎?那個笑話真的是笑死我了!

4. hysterical (adj.) 極為滑稽的 extremely funny的意思,讓你笑到不能自己,歇斯底里的程度。

Have you seen Jim Carrey's latest film released last month? It was hysterical! 你看過Jim Carrey上個月剛上映的電影嗎?超爆笑的啦!

Other expressions to say something / someone makes you laugh 其他表達讓你大笑出聲的說法


1. one can't help / stop laughing 忍不住大笑

I know I'm not supposed to act like that, but I just couldn't help laughing when I saw him slip on a banana peel. 我知道我不應該這樣,但一看到他踩到香蕉皮而滑倒的樣子,我就忍不住大笑啊!

2. crack one up 裂開 (類似中文"噗哧大笑"、"笑翻")

She tries to keep a straight face, but she keeps cracking up. 她試圖要裝沒事,但卻又一直噗哧笑出聲來。

3. split one's sides 裂成兩半 (類似中文"笑到肚子痛")

Everyone split their sides, they were laughing so hard. 每個人都笑到肚子痛,笑得太開心了。

4. laugh till one cries 笑到流淚

The talk show was so funny that I laughed till I cried. 那場脫口秀實在是太好笑,笑到我都流眼淚了。

5. burst out laughing / burst into laughter 放聲大笑、突然笑出來

The moment he realized what she meant, he burst out laughing. 當他領悟她的意思的那一刻,突然放聲大笑。

6. laugh one's head off 笑到頭斷掉 (類似中文"笑掉大牙"、"笑到不能自己")

The audience laughed its head off all the way through the show. 整場秀觀眾都笑到不能自己。


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