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2023-12-27 04:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”猫咪的句子“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Cat sentence。以下是关于猫咪的句子的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Cat sentence

1、Seven lucky Gods, wishes great fortune toall, from the Cat Tower. 猫塔上住着七个猫咪幸运神,转发就会有好事情发生哦。

2、Simply place the Purrfect Mood Detector with the enclosed collar on your cat. 只要将它附在猫咪项圈上,或者,你可以直接将它作为猫咪项圈!

3、Today, I fed my cats their usual dinner of canned cat food. 今天我像往常一样给家里的猫咪们准备了罐头猫食。

4、I lost my cat. 我的猫咪不见了。

5、A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. 猫咪的每只耳朵都有32块肌肉。

6、When the cat saw me, she started mewing. 猫咪看到我,就开始喵喵的叫。

7、London got its first one, Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium, in March. Japan has had them for years. 伦敦的首家猫咪咖啡馆——戴娜女士猫咪商城在三月开业,日本的猫咪咖啡馆则存在好多年了。

8、The entire kittie cohort included both housecats and feral cats, and ranged over almost 6,300 acres. 这些猫咪既有家猫,也有野猫,它们的足迹范围加在一块,超过了6300英亩。

9、Our little cat! 我们的小猫咪!

10、About two months ago, Mrs. Zeng took in a stray cat, Amy, as a companion for her bedridden son. 就在二个多月前,曾母收养了一只流浪猫阿咪,希望小猫能陪伴卧病在床的儿子。

11、Cat's back humped when she saw a dog. 猫咪见到狗后弓起了背。

12、One cat owner in Guanghzou said people are afraid to let their pets leave the house for fear they will get nabbed. 一名在广州的猫主人说现在人们都不会让自己的猫咪在室外到处走动,因为他们害怕猫咪会被抓走。

13、The most common examples are probably canids (pup, dog, wolf), felines (cat, kitten, lion) or equines (pony, horse). 最普遍的例子大概就是犬科动物(幼狗、狗、狼)、猫科动物(猫、小猫咪、狮子)或马类(小马、马畜)了。

14、Attempts to reduce stress, such as providing climbing toys, scratching posts, and toys to chase are recommended by some veterinarians. 试著减低猫咪的压力,如医生推荐的攀爬玩具(猫树)、猫抓板还有可以追逐的玩具。

15、This cat ate the ear of corn. 猫咪新咬了一排牙印在玉米粒上!

16、Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens… 玫瑰上的雨滴,猫咪脸上的须须……

17、From somewhere, the kitten mewed. 从某个地方传来猫咪喵喵的叫声。

18、I like kittens. 我喜欢小猫咪。

19、Little kitty, I just got home. 小猫咪,我刚回到家。

20、Dog owners sometimes look down on cat owners, which is silly, because cat owners sometimes look down on dog owners. 狗狗的主人有时会瞧不起猫咪主人,这很傻,因为猫咪主人有时也瞧不上他们。%。

21、She nursed her kitten all evening. 整个晚上她一直抱着她的小猫咪。

22、Because of the doggies & kitties. 因为狗狗 和小猫咪他们。

23、The extraordinary feline's two faces were caused by a condition called J, which normally causes cats to live for only a few days. 这个不寻常的猫咪的情况是由“两面症”引起,通常这样的猫咪活不过几天。

24、The kittens see a cricket. 小猫咪看到了一只蟋蟀。

25、Cats know what we feel. 猫咪知道你怎么想的。


26、The cat scratches at the door. 猫咪在外面抓门呢!

27、Don't get smug, cat lovers. Your feline friends are no better. 不过那些猫咪爱好者也不要得意,你们的猫科类朋友也绝非善类。

28、With her Cheshire cat look, Saraswati used an app to edit her eyes and an impressive amount of make up and face paint to complete the rest of the look, including the cat's signature toothy grin. 柴郡猫的猫咪形象装扮好后,萨拉瓦蒂用应用编辑了眼睛, 脸部施以重彩浓墨,完成剩余包括猫咪露齿而笑在内的妆容。

29、Cats, as their owners already guessed, like to sneak through next-door's cat-flap and raid the food bowl; 就像它们的主人已经猜到的那样,猫咪会通过猫洞溜到隔壁邻居家,偷袭食盆里的猫粮;

30、Some of the cats at Neko no Jikan come to customers when called, while others sit or lie on the shelves lining the cafe’s walls. Others still are stretched out on tables. “猫咪时光”的一些猫一听到顾客招呼就会走过来,而其他的猫则在沿墙排列的架子上或坐或卧,还有一些猫四肢伸开着躺在桌子上。

31、Spaying and neutering of stray or feral cats will cut down on transmission in these cat populations. 如果帮流浪猫咪结育可以减少此疾病在此猫群的传播。

32、They buy jewelry and clothes for themselves with images of cats on them. 希望能帮助到你,望采纳!

33、A cat has a long tail. 猫咪有条长尾巴。

34、There were cat-head mugs and wide-brimmed hats with knit Persians curled on their brims and museum-sized oil paintings of cats lounging in the branches of an oak tree. 商店里从印有猫咪的马克杯、帽檐织有波斯猫的宽边小帽,到博物馆尺寸的猫咪油画(画上猫儿们在一棵橡树的树枝上悠闲地踱着步子)可谓是应有尽有。

35、His cat climbing frame, swing, etc. , a variety of toys, made with super cat cage, according to different owners demand, to foster your cat. 自己猫爬架,秋千,等,多种玩具,令配有特大号猫笼,可针对不同主人的需求,来寄养您家的猫咪。

36、If you choose to grow your Catnip indoors, be careful to keep it out of reach of kitty. 如果您选择你的猫草种植户,要小心保持遥不可及的猫咪。

37、The young woman shows off her cat characteristics by wearing fake ears and an artificial tail. She communicates by meowing. 这位年轻女子头戴假猫耳,臀部系上人造猫尾,还用猫叫与他人进行交流,将其猫咪特征尽显。

38、My kitten never says, "Meow." 我的猫咪从来不说"喵".

39、More precisely, the creature was a KITTEN! 更准确地说,它是一只小猫咪!

40、The dealer, who has traded cats for a decade, bought the animals from so-called hunters who trapped the cats in residential areas at night, the report said. 根据报导,该名贩商从事猫咪买卖生意达十年,他自所谓的「猎猫人」买入猫咪。猎猫人在夜间于住宅区诱捕猫咪。

41、Can we find a cat caught at the top of the air conditioner, the cat saved ZhongHeng to related units. 可欣发现一只猫咪被夹在冷气机顶,与仲衡到有关单位把猫咪救了。

42、Whether your cat is a spry kitten or a mature feline, his level of interaction and activity depends a lot on whether he's constantly recharging his kitty battery. 无论你的猫咪是活泼的小奶猫,还是成熟的大猫,它互动、活动的幅度很大程度上取决于它的“猫咪电池”是否不断充电。

43、Love the kitty wall holder thingy. 爱墙上的猫咪粘钩。

44、Welcome to the wonderful world of cats. Be a responsible pet owner and you and your cat will enjoy a long and happy relationship! 欢迎你加入美妙的猫咪世界!只有负责任的饲主,才能使您与您的猫咪拥有长久的快乐亲密关系!

45、A cat has a round face. 猫咪有张圆圆的脸。

46、If you have other cats, this is going to be the more difficult step in raising a kitten, especially when your other cats are much older. 如果你养了其他猫咪,这可能是养小猫最难的一步,尤其是当你其他的猫咪大它许多的时候。

47、Pussycat never did any harm. 猫咪从来不做任何坏事。

48、Lisa: Mum, look at this cat and her kittens. 莉萨:妈妈,看这只猫和她的小猫咪。

49、We cats can use chopsticks, too! 我们猫咪也会用筷子吆!

50、Felidae; family Felidae; feline; felid; cat; puss; true cat; mar cat; miaow. 猫咪; (爱称)小猫咪; (爱称)小猫咪。


51、Poor Pussy, " and "How many mice have you caught today, Cat? 可怜的小猫咪,”还有“你今天抓了几只老鼠,猫儿?”

52、The cat nuzzled up to my leg. 猫咪在我的腿边蹭来蹭去。

53、When sometimes your small kitty, sometimes plays the temperament. 有时候当妳的小猫咪,有时耍脾气。

54、Petting and cuddling your cat can actually reduce cortisol, also known as the "stress hormone." 抚弄猫咪、拥抱猫咪其实都可以降低皮质醇---也就是「压力贺尔蒙」。

55、The cat doesn't even say, "Thank you! " He just sharpens his claws. 猫咪连谢谢都没说。他只是一个劲的磨爪子。

56、LL: Snowball is adorable! 就是啊,我的猫咪小雪球是很可爱,可它也够疯的。

57、As cats cannot speak, their owner should know what they want and what the taboos are when it comes to keeping cats. 猫咪不会说话。所以饲主有必要了解猫咪想要什麽、以及哪些事是猫咪的禁忌。

58、At a cat “cafe,” the emphasis is not on food and beverages but relaxing in the company of cats. 在猫咪咖啡馆,重点不在于食物和饮料,而在于有猫咪陪伴的那份轻松愉快。

59、Many feline dental problems develop within the tooth , where you can not see them, and usually start with the formation of the plaque and tartar. 很多猫咪的牙齿疾病产生于牙齿内部,不易被发现,牙病通常是从牙斑和牙石的形成开始的。现在每种口味的麦顿猫粮都有利于保持猫咪的牙齿健康。

60、Watching cats is a form of relaxation in itself; don't forget to take the time to chill by watching your sleeping, playing, frolicking feline pals. 观察猫咪,本身也是一种放松方式;不要忘记拿出时间观察你的猫咪朋友睡觉和嬉戏。

61、Oh, since I was a kitten! 哦,从我还是一只小猫咪的时候!

62、Who’s the cutest kitty in the world? 谁是这个世界上最可爱的猫咪呀?

63、Chinese man called Mr Bi has trained his cat to use his toilet. 中国的毕先生训练的爱猫便便发明猫咪专用的冲厕器。

64、Cat puts up with naked man who plays guitar everyday. 猫咪每天都要忍受弹吉他的裸男。

65、These fashionable felines are hot to trot - as they model a series of incredible kitty outfits. 因为客串当起了这一系列精制得让人难以置信的猫猫时装的模特儿,这些时髦的猫咪们当下正走红

66、The baby cats nestled together in the basket. 几只小猫咪互相偎依着躺在篮子里。

67、The kittens want to play with Biscuit, too! 小猫咪们也想跟小饼干一起玩耍。

68、He came to the cat. 于是穆那查到了猫咪那里。

69、Kitty repellent: To keep cats from using the garden as their personal toilet, sprinkle coffee grounds mixed with orange peels around your plants. 防止猫咪:将咖啡渣混着橘子皮放在植物周围可以防止猫咪们把花园当成私人厕所。

70、Also, you can clean your floor by putting Duster Slippers on your cats or Baby Duster on your children. 还有,如果你要清理地板,只要帮猫咪穿上猫咪扫地鞋,或帮孩子穿上宝宝除尘布就行了。

71、London ngot its first one, Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium, in March. Japan has had them for years. 伦敦的首家猫咪咖啡馆——戴娜女士猫咪商城在三月开业,日本的猫咪咖啡馆则存在好多年了。

72、With six individually-themed heated chalets to choose from, cats are treated to Jazz and Classical music. 据了解,该旅店有六间特色套间可供猫咪选择,同时,猫咪们还可以享受到爵士乐及古典乐。

73、Maru the Japanese cat is another sensation to sweep the online world. 日本猫咪Maru是另一个红遍网络的明星,样子很萌。

74、When a kitty is hungry, stuck the cat food into one's navel one by one. 猫咪饿的光阴,把猫粮一颗颗卡在自己肚脐眼里。

75、Hello Kitty, the moon-faced cat with a bow in her hair and no mouth. 凯蒂猫是一只圆脸庞的猫咪,头发上别著一个蝴蝶结,而且没有嘴巴。

英文句子模板76:Cat sentence

76、Tommy put Pussycat in the well. 汤米把猫咪放在井里了。

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