
您所在的位置:网站首页 奶茶有别的含义吗 床字在古代有别的含义吗,请问古代人的字是什么意思?


2024-05-21 13:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

床字在古代有别的含义吗,请问古代人的字是什么意思? 综合百科 最后更新:2024-05-21 11:35:50 落幕的夕阳 发布:3年前 6万阅读


在古代,床是供人坐卧的器具,与今天只用作睡卧不同。《说文》 :“床,安身之坐者。”,如同日本今之坐蒲团。春秋以来,床往往兼作其他家具。人们写字、读书、饮食都在床上放置案几。晋代著名画家顾恺之的《女史箴图》中所画的床,高度已和今天的床差不多。另外还出现一种四足的高床.但床仍未成为睡卧的专用家具.唐代出现桌椅后,人们生活饮食等都是坐椅就桌,不再在床上活动。床由一种多功能的家具,退而成为专供睡卧的用品。

【英文介绍/For English】:

In ancient times, the bed was a utensil for people to sit and lie, which is different from today's only used for sleeping and lying. "Shuowen": "The bed is the one who sits down." It is like sitting on a futon in Japan today. Since the Spring and Autumn Period, beds have often doubled as other furniture. People write, read, eat and drink and place desks on the bed. The height of the bed painted in the "Nv Shi Zhen Tu" by the famous Jin Dynasty painter Gu Kaizhi is almost the same as today's bed. In addition, a four-legged high bed appeared. However, the bed has not yet become a special furniture for sleeping and sleeping. After the appearance of tables and chairs in the Tang Dynasty, people lived and ate on the table and no longer moved on the bed. The bed is transformed from a multi-functional furniture to a product for sleeping and sleeping.


含义 古代 家具 




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