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2023-04-07 06:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1、英国传统节日及习俗孙孝男&程倩NewYearsDay (元旦)Starting January 1 of each year to celebrate the new year. All kinds of new year party people, the Queen issued a new year message, staying up late to church various church on new years Eve每年1月1日庆祝新的一年开始。人们举办各种各样的新年晚会,女王发表新年祝辞,各种教堂在除夕夜都做守岁礼拜。Valentines Day (情人节)Eve

2、ry year on February 14, is a 3rd century martyr Saint Valentine, Saint death anniversary. Lovers on this day to give gifts to each other, it is called Valentines day.每年2月14日,是3世纪殉教的圣徒圣华伦泰逝世纪念日。情人们在这一天互赠礼物,故称“情人节”PatricksDay (圣帕特里克节)Each year on March 17, is a tribute to Irelands patron Festival of t

3、he Holy Patrick每年3月17日,是悼念爱尔兰的守护神圣帕特里克的节日Holy Saturday (Holy Saturday (圣星期六圣星期六), 是Easter的前一天。Easter (Easter (复活节复活节), ), 一般在每年春分后月圆第一个星期天,约在3月21日左右。该节日是庆祝基督(JesusChrist)的复活,过节时人们多吃复活节彩蛋(Eastereggs)。Easter Monday (Easter Monday (复活节次日复活节次日), ), 是Easter的第二天。GoodFriday (GoodFriday (耶稣受难日) )The Friday

4、before Easter, the Church held a ceremony to commemorate good Friday. In the United Kingdom on this day are public holidays, people eat the traditional hot cross pudding (hot cross buns)复活节前的星期五,教堂举行仪式纪念耶稣受难。在英国这一天是公假,人们吃传统的热十字糕(hotcrossbuns) Pentecost(圣灵降临日),是Easter后的第7个星期天,也称为WhiteSunday。Ascension

5、Day(耶稣升天节),是Easter第40天之后的星期四,也称为HolyThursday。AprilFoolsDay (愚人节)每年4月1日,该节日出自于庆祝“春分点”(vernalequinox)的来临,在4月1日受到恶作剧愚弄的人称为“四月愚人”(AprilFools)。在这一天,人们可以尽情的愚弄周遭的人,但是,最终都是一些无伤大雅的玩意。只不过,如果你在这天看英国的报纸,或者听天台广播,听到或看到有什么特别的消息时,你得千万小心,以免受愚弄。April 1 of each year, the Festival comes from the celebrated vernal equin

6、ox (vernal equinox) the advent of April 1 hoaxes fool who is called April fool (April Fools).On this day, people can fool the people around, but is ultimately innocuous stuff. However, if you look on this day United Kingdom newspaper, or listen to the rooftop radio, hear or see what special message,

7、 you have to be careful so as not to be fooled. Queens Birthday (Queens Birthday (女王诞辰日女王诞辰日), ), 每年4月21日,该节日是庆祝女王的诞辰。May Day (May Day (五月节五月节), ), 每年5月1日,该节日是迎接春天的祭典。 Commonwealth Day (Commonwealth Day (英联邦纪念英联邦纪念日日),),每年5月24日,该节日出自于庆祝维多利亚女王的生日。Queens Official Birthday (Queens Official Birthday (女王

8、女王法定诞辰日法定诞辰日), ), 英国在6月10日或前一个星期六放假,以取代4月21日女王的生日。Time for the annual November 5, to commemorate the gunpowder plot (Gunpowder Plot), a mass celebration. The historic significance of this event has now forgotten, actually turned into bonfire night or Fireworks Night activities Carnival.时间为每年的11月5日,为

9、纪念火药阴谋案(GunpowderPlot)举行的群众性庆祝活动。现在此事件的历史意义已经淡忘,当晚的活动实际已变成篝火夜或烟火狂欢节。Every year on December 25, the day Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, is the United Kingdoms largest festivals. People can often see during Christmas Santa Claus (Father Christmas or Santa Claus), but also able to eat Christma

10、s dinner (Christmas dinner) and Christmas pudding (Christmas Pudding), hand-decorated Christmas tree and enjoy celebrating Christmas Eve.每年的12月25日,基督徒庆祝耶稣诞生的日子,是英国最大的节日。圣诞期间人们不仅能经常看到圣诞老人(SantaClaus或FatherChristmas),而且还能吃到圣诞正餐(Christmasdinner)和圣诞布丁(ChristmasPudding),亲手装饰圣诞树,尽情欢度圣诞夜。According to tradi

11、tion, in the Church on Christmas Eve many people attend worship or other religious ceremonies, including the Roman Catholic Church in the middle of the so-called midnight mass for Christmas and the commemoration of the birth of Christ. Christmas decorations have been retained by early next year, how

12、ever, people generally in the 12th night decorations removed, this is because people believe that decorating retained beyond this time will bring bad luck.按照传统,不少英国人都会在圣诞前夕到教堂出席崇拜或者其他宗教仪式,包括罗马天主教会在午夜举行的所谓“子夜弥撒”,以迎接圣诞节和纪念基督的诞生。圣诞节的装饰会一直保留到翌年年初,但是,人们一般会在“第12夜”把装饰拆除,这是因为人们相信,装饰保留超过这个时间会带来厄运。Childermas (婴儿殉教日)每年的12月28日,纪念殉教幼儿的日子,也称HolyInnocentsDay。Endthank you




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