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2024-06-12 23:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”当明星好处与坏处“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The advantages and disadvantages of being a star。以下是关于当明星好处与坏处六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The advantages and disadvantages of being a star

Many students complain that it is difficult to be a student bee of the endless coses and examinations. Besides, we spend all o time studying, so we can't do what we really want to do. Howr, in my opinion, it is good to be a student first.

What we need to worry about is that as long as we want to learn, we can study wholeheartedly. Secondly, the presse of students is much less than that of becoming a worker after graduation. Many things will change.

The world seems to be very different fm what we see in school. Teachers are very tolerant and patient. They are likely to teach us what we should do and what we can't do.

If we make mistakes, teachers will patiently us correct them after graduation. In short, few people will do this to us. It is a good thing to be a student, although we have endless homework and exams.





E becoming a doctor: there are many choices: a career in medicine offers a wide range of choices. Human contact: if you like to and take care of others, and have good interpersonal skills, then this career gives you than just job satiaction. Bee of medicine, the possibility of learning how to treat diseases and save lives effectively is unlimited Birth gives you a dual le to be a doctor.




For individuals, the long holiday has bught many benefits to the country and individuals. It can cultivate one's morality and mind at the same time ding the long holiday. It can save some ener.

For the national long holiday, it also bngs the pblem of overstaffing in toist areas. The peak of passenger transport that es seous damage to cultal reli and natal resoces appears in transportation departments, traffic accidents and cminal cases In a word, there are good and bad for long holidays. The state should fully consider vaous situations and make reasonable arrangements.



标签: 新学期 




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