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#完整版!美国第一夫人米歇尔最后一次白宫演讲!| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


I also want to acknowledge a, a few other special guests we have in the audience. We've got a pretty awesome crew. You know, as one of my staff said, you were all pretty deep. Yeah, we have a few good friends,


we have with us today, Ted Allen, Lala Anthony, Connie Britton, Andy Cohen, yeah, Andy Cohen is here. Carla Hall, Coach Jim Harbaugh and his beautiful wife who's a lot better looking than him. Lana Parrilla, my buddy Jay Pharoah, Kelly Rowland, Usher.

今天在这里,与我们在一起的有Ted Allen, ala Anthony, Connie Britton, Andy Cohen。是的AndyCohen在这里。Carla Hall, Coach Jim Harbaugh,以及比他好看很多的,他美丽的妻子。LanaParrilla, 我的伙伴Jay Pharoah, Kelly Rowland, Usher.

Oh. Keep it, keep it down, keep it together. Wale, is here and of course, Allison Williams and her mom are here and all these folks are here because they're using their star power to inspire our young people

喔。保持,保持低调,保持冷静。Wale在这里。当然了,Allison Williams和她的母亲也在这。所有这些人都在这里,因为他们使用他们的明星般的魅力来鼓舞我们的年轻人。

And I'm so grateful to all of you for stepping up, in so many ways, on so many occasions, I feel like I pestered you only these years, asking time and time again we're going to be on view New York, can you come, can you come here, canyou to do this, can you take that, can you ask for that, can you come, can we rap, can we say...


So thank you all so much. And it really means the world to this initiative to have such powerful respected and admired individuals, speaking on behalf of this issue. So, congratulations on the work that you've done and we're going to keep working.


And today I especially want to recognize all the extraordinary leadership team that was behind reach higher from day one and this isn't on the so they not, they don't know this. I want to take time to personally acknowledge a couple of people,


Executive director, Eric Waldo. Where's, where's Eric? He is, he is there,you gotta step up, step up here, Eric. Eric. Eric, acting like he's a him, but he likes the spot, he just a little shock. I want to recognize our deputy director, Stephanie Sprouse. Stephanie, Stephanie Sprouse. And he's really not gonna like this because he tries to pretend like he doesn't exist at all but our senior advisor Greg Darn neither.

执行董事Eric Waldo。Eric在哪?他在那。你要上台来,上台来Eric。Eric,表现得要像他,但是他喜欢这个现场,他只是有点震惊. 我想要表彰我们的副主任, Stephanie Sprouse,Stephanie, Stephanie Sprouse。他真的不会像这样做,因为他试图假装他根本不存在,但是我们的高级顾问Greg Darn不会。

Greg, Greg has been a leader in education, in his entire life. I've known him since I was a little, little organizer personand it's, it's just been just a joy to work with you all these individuals. They are both brilliant, they are creative, they have worked miracles with hardly any staff or budget to speak of, which is how we roll in the First Lady's office.

Greg, Greg在他的一生中,一直是教育上的领导者。从我还是个小小的小小的活动组织者的时候,我就知道他了。与你以及所有这些人一起工作是一份欣喜。他们都非常杰出,他们富有创造力,在几乎没有任何工作人员或是预算的提及下他们创造了奇迹。关于我们如何运转第一夫人办公室。

And I am so proud and so, so grateful to you all for everything that you've done .so let's go applause.


And finally, I want to recognize all of you who are here in this audience. We have they are educators, are leaders, are young people who have been with us since we launched retrial, back in 2014.


Now when we first came up with this idea, we had one clear goal in mind. We wanted to make higher education cool, we wanted to change the conversation around what it means and what it takes to be asuccess in this country.


Because let's be honest, if we're always shining the spotlight on professional athlete or recording artist or hollywood celebrities, if those are the only achievements we celebrate, than what we ever think kids would see college as a priority?


So we decided to flip this s cript, and shine a big, bright spotlight light on all things educational. For example, wemade College Signing Day, a national event.


We wanted to mimic all that drama and excitement, traditionally reserved for those few amazing football and basketball players choosing their college and university teams. We wanted to focus that same level of energy and attention on kids going to college because of their academic achievements,


Because as a nation, that's where the spotlight should also be, on kids who work hard in school and do the right thing when no one's watching, many beating daunting odds.


Next,we launched 'Better Make Room', it's asocial media campaign to give young people the support and inspiration they need to actually complete higher education, and to really drive that messagehome. You may recall that I debut my music career, rapping with Dad about getting some knowledge by going to college.


We are also very proud of all that this administration has done to make higher education more affordable. We doubled investments in pell grants in college tax credits. We expanded income-based loan repayment options for tens of millions of students. We made it easier to apply for financial aid. We created a college scorecard to help students make good decisions about higher education. And we provided new funding and support for school counselors.


Altogether. Yes. -Thank you.-You are welcome.

总而言之... 是的-谢谢你-不用谢

Altogether, we made in this administration the largest investment in higher education since the GI bill. And today,the high school graduation rate is at a record high, and more young people than ever before are going to college. And we know that school counselors like all of the folks standing with me on this stage have played a critical role in helping us get there.


In fact, a recent study showed that students who met with a school counselor to talk about financial aid or college, were three times more likely to attend the college. And they were nearly seven times more likely to apply for financial aid.So our school counselors are truly among the heroes of the retrial story and that's why we created this event two years ago. Because we thought that they should finally get some recognition.


We wanted everyone to know about the difference that these phenomenal men and women have been making in the lives ofour young people every day. And our 2017 School Counselor of the Year, Terry Trzcinski is a perfect example.

我们希望每个人都明白这些差别,这些非凡的男人和女人每天在我们的年轻人生活中所做的。同时我们的2017年度校园辅导员Terry Trzcinski ,就是一个完美的例子。

As you heard, Terry works at the Calhoun area career center, a career and technical education school in Michigan. And here's what Terry's principal said about her, in his letter of recommendation.He said once she identifies systemic need, she works tirelessly to address it. So when students that Terry school reported feeling unprepared to apply for higher education, Terry spring into action to create a school-wide, top-to-bottomcollege readiness effort.


Under Terry's leadership, more students than ever before attended workshops on resume writing, FAFSA of completion, yes,I can now say FAFSA. And interview preparation. I can barely say it.


They did career and personal personality assessments, they helped plan a special College week and they organized amilitary day hosting recruiters from all branches of our armed forces. And because of these efforts, today, 75% of Calhoun's seniors now complete key college application steps and Terry's school has one state and national recognition.


And all of this is just one small part of what Terry does for his students he did each day. I can go on and on about all the time she spends one-on-one with students helping them figure out their life path.


Terry told us, as you heard, she told us about one of those students, so we reached out to Kyra. And here's what Kyra had to say in her own words.


Kyra wrote that Mrs. Trzcinski has helped me grow to love myself, she helped me with my doubts and insecurities. She said my life has changed for the better, in all aspects. Kyra said she held my hand through my hardest times. She said Mrs.Trzcinski is my lifesaver. That's what Kyra said.


And this is what each of you do,every single day. You see the promise in each of your students, you believe in them even when they can't believe in themselves. and you work tirelessly to help them be,who they were truly meant to be.


And you do it all in the face of some overwhelming challenges, tight budgets, impossible student-counselor ratios.

你面对一些压倒性的挑战,紧张的预算,不可能的学生- 辅导员比例,

-yeah.-yeah. Amen.


Endless demands on your time, you all come in early, you stay late, you reach into your own pockets, and see we got them and maybe...


You stick with students in their darkest moments when they're most anxious and afraid, and if anyone is dealing with a college senior or junior, you, you know what this feels like.


These men and women show them that those kids matter, that they have something to offer, that no matter where they're from or how much money their parents have, no matter what they look like or who they love, or how they worship or what language they speak at home, they have aplace in this country.


And as I in my time in the White House, I can think of no better message to send to our young people in my last official remarks as the First Lady. So for all the young people in this room and those who are watching, know that this country belongs to you, to all of you, from every background and walk of life.


If you or your parents are immigrants, know that you are part of a proud American tradition, the infusion of new cultures, talents and ideas, generation after generation, that has made us, the greatest country on Earth.


If your family doesn't have much money, I want you to remember that in this country, plenty of folks, including me and my husband, we started out with very little. But with a lot of hard work and a good education, anything is possible, even becoming president. That's what the American Dream is all about.


And if you are a person of faith, know that religious diversity is a great American tradition, too. In fact, that's why people first came to this country to worship freely. And whether you are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, these religions are teaching our young people about justice, and compassion and honesty.


So I want our young people to continue to learn and practice those values with pride, you see our glorious diversity,diversities of faiths and colors and creeds, that is not a threat to who weare, it makes us who we are.



The young here and the young people out there do not ever let anyone make you feel like you don't matter, are like you don't have a place in our American story, because you do and you have a right to be exactly who you are.


But I also want to be very clear, this right isn't just handed to you, know this right has to be earned every single day. You cannot take your freedoms for granted. Now just like generations who come before you, you have to do your part to preserve and protect those freedoms. And that starts right now when you're young.


Right now, you need to be preparing yourself to add your voice to our national conversation, you need to prepare yourself to be informed and engaged as a citizen to serve and to lead, to standup for proud American values and to honor them in your daily lives. And that means getting the best education possible.


So you can think critically. So you can express yourself clearly. So you can get a good job to support yourself and your family. So you can be a positive force in your communities.


And when you encounter obstacles because I guarantee you "you will", and many of you already have. When you are struggling and you start thinking about giving up, I want you to remember something that my husband and I have talked about since we first started this journey nearly a decade ago.


Something that has carried us through every moment in this White House, in every moment of our lives, and that is the power of hope, the belief that something better is always possible if you will in a work for it and fight for it.


It is our fundamental belief in the power of hope that has allowed us to rise above the voices of doubt and division, of anger and fear that we have faced in our own lives and in the life of this country. Our hope that if we work hard enough and believe in ourselves then we can be whatever we dream, regardless of the limitations that others may place on us.


The hope that when people see us for who wetruly are, maybe, just maybe, they too will be inspired to rise to their best possible selves.


That is the hope of students like Kyra, who fight to discover their gifts and share them with the world. It's the hope of school counselors like Terry and all these folks up here who would guide those students every step of the way, refusing to give up on even a single young,


So this is the hope of mine, folks like my dad, got up every day, do a job at the city water plant, the hope that one day,his kids would go to college and have opportunities he never dreamed up.


That's the kind of hope, that every single one of us, politicians, parents, preachers, all of us, need to be providing for our young people. Because that is what moves this country for every single day.I hope for the future and the hard work that hope inspires.


So, that's my final message to young people as First Lady. It's simple that...


I want our young people to know that they matter, that they belong. So don't be afraid, you hear me? young people don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered. Empower yourselves with a good education, then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of your boundless promise,


Lead by example, with hope, never fear. And know that I will be with you, rooting for you and working to support you for the rest of my life. And that is true, I know for every person who were here, it's here today, and for educators and advocates all across this nation who get up every day and work their hearts out to lift up our young people.


And I am so grateful to all of you, for your passion and your dedication and all the hard work on behalf of our next generation. And I can think of no better way to end my time as First Lady than celebrating with all of you. So I want to close the day by simply saying "thank you". Thank you for everything you do for our kids and for our country.


Being your First Lady has been the greatest honor of my life and I hope I made you proud.





美国第一夫人米歇尔 奥巴马北京大学演讲








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