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索引:【神力】 索引:【克苏鲁神话】/【外神】

目录 1 简介 2 1e奈亚拉托提普Nyarlathotep 2.1 奈亚拉托提普Nyarlathotep 3 3e奈亚拉托提普Nyarlathotep 3.1 奈亚拉托提普Nyarlathotep,伏行之混沌the Crawling Chaos 3.2 信仰WORSHIP 3.3 战斗COMBAT 3.3.1 改变体型/形态Alter Size/Alter Form(特异Ex): 3.3.2 化身Avatar(特异Ex): 3.3.3 创造物品/创造高等物品Create Object/Create Greater Object(特异Ex): 3.3.4 神力爆发Divine Blast(特异Ex): 3.3.5 神力加速Divine Celerity(特异Ex): 3.3.6 神力闪避Divine Dodge(特异Ex): 3.3.7 神力之盾Divine Shield(特异Ex): 3.3.8 生命礼赞Gift of Life(特异Ex): 3.3.9 死亡之手Hand of Death(超自然Su): 3.3.10 瞬间移动Instant Move(特异Ex): 3.3.11 复苏Rejuvenation(特异Ex): 3.3.12 法术Spells: 简介 奈亚拉托提普Nyarlathotep,外神的使者 The Black Man 基本信息 【别名/面相】暗夜咆哮者Howler in the Dark,黑法老Black Pharaoh,无貌之神The Faceless God,夜魔The Haunter of the Dark,黑暗之人Black man,肿胀之女The Bloated Woman,旧神信使Messenger of the Old Ones,勒诺格基L'rogg,恶心影Aku-Shin-Kage,阿图Ahtu,黑暗住民Dweller in Darkness,萨麦迪男爵Baron Samedi,野兽The Beast,黑公牛Black Bull,黑风The Black Wind,伏行之雾The Crawling Mist,暗之恶魔The Dark Demon,红衣女王Queen in Red,恸哭蠕动者Wailing Writher,奈亚拉托菲斯Nyarlatophis,肖格阮Shugoran,特斯卡特利波卡Tezcatlipoca,帕祖祖Pazzuzu,可可佩利Kokopelli,浮动的恐惧Floating Horror,野兽之父Father of Bats,皇家喘息The Royal Pant,黑暗斯芬克斯the Black Sphinx,这东西the Thing,德克斯特博士Dr. Dexter【头   衔】伏行之混沌the Crawling Chaos,外神的信使the Messenger of the Outer Gods,(勒诺格基)蝙蝠之父The Father of Bats【阵   营】CE【神   力】G→I 与诸神的关系【神   系】克苏鲁神话Cthulhu Mythos/外神the Outer Gods 【主   神】阿撒托斯Azathoth【盟   友】阿撒托斯Azathoth,犹格-索托斯Yog-Sothoth,纱布-尼古拉斯Shub-Niggurath【敌   对】诺登斯Nodens 神国与教会【神   国】夏尔诺斯Sharnoth 【简   介】奈亚拉托提普Nyarlathotep,外神的使者,他是所有诸神中最变化无常的,有不可计数的面相和化身,指导着文明的发展与毁灭。 1e奈亚拉托提普Nyarlathotep 奈亚拉托提普Nyarlathotep

  (伏行之混沌the crawling chaos,诸神的使者the messenger of the gods)   强大神Greater god

  防御等级ARMOR CLASS:2   移动速度MOVE:15"   生命值HIT POINTS:200   攻击次数NO. OF ATTACKS:2 次   伤害/攻击DAMAGE/ATTACK:3-30   特殊攻击SPECIAL ATTACK:见后See below   特殊防御SPECIAL DEFENSES:见后See below   魔法抗力MAGIC RESISTANCE:25%   体型SIZE:可变Variable   阵营ALIGNMENT:混乱邪恶Chaotic evil   信徒阵营WORSHIPER'S ALIGN:混乱邪恶Chaotic evil   徽记SYMBOL:无面的斯芬克斯Faceless sphinx   位面Plane:星界Astral Plane   牧师/德鲁伊CLERIC/DRUID:每种12级   战士FIGHTER:15级战士   魔法使用者/幻术师MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST:每种13级   盗贼/刺客THIEF/ASSASSIN:15级刺客   武僧/游侠MONK/BARD:零Nil   灵能能力PSIONIC ABILITY:Ⅴ   力量S:19(+3,+7) 智力I:20 感知W:12 敏捷D:19 体质C:20 魅力CH:19

  奈亚拉托提普Nyarlathotep 以一位高大的黑人出现。他在这个世界的现身,据说预示着 旧日支配者the Old Ones 从他们的监禁中回归。他仅凭自己的存在就能魅惑人类、类人生物和非魔法动物(善良阵营豁免+4;邪恶阵营豁免-4)。那些屈服于他魔咒之人要么将服从于他,要么将表现出纯粹的混乱。因此,他在这片土地上行进时总是伴随着暴乱、战争、屠杀、自杀和精神错乱。没有任何非智慧生物能伤害他——即便是被控制的也一样。 Nyarlathotep appears as a tall dark man. His appearance in the world is said to foretell the return of the Old Ones from their imprisonment. He charms humans, humanoids, and non-magical animals by his mere presence (good alignment, save at + 4; evil alignment, save at -4). Those falling under his spell either obey him or behave in a purely chaotic manner. Thus his progress across the face of the land is followed by riot, war, mass murder, suicide, and insanity. No non-sentient creature can harm him, even if controlled.

  一些学者认为这位神明有各式各样的伪装,包括一种有三只邪眼的红色类蝙蝠形态。他能在1小时内召来一支由野兽和无意识人类组成的军队(1-100个个体)。每当奈亚拉托提普击中敌人时,都将从它们身上吸取3-30点生命值,并临时加到其生命总值上,持续1整轮。有5%的可能性,一道 恒久之光continual light 法术将把他驱赶回 星界the Astral Plane。 The god is believed by some students of the occult to have various guises, including a red bat-like form with three evil eyes. He can call up an army of wild beasts or mindless humans within an hour's notice (1-100 of them). Each time Nyarlathotep hits an enemy, he drains 3-30 hit points from them, which temporarily add to his hit paint total for one full turn. There is a 5% chance that a continual light spell will drive this being off into the Astral Plane.

3e奈亚拉托提普Nyarlathotep 奈亚拉托提普Nyarlathotep,伏行之混沌the Crawling Chaos 中型到超巨型外神Medium-size to Colossal Outer God[异界生物Outsider](中等神Intermediate God,[猜测]神格 15)Nyarlathotep  领域:混乱Chaos,毁灭Destruction,疯狂Madness,魔法Magic,诡术Trickery

  生命骰:35d8+490(650 生命值)   先攻:+11(+7 敏捷,+4 精通先攻Improved Initiacive)   速度:中型 60呎;     超巨型 140呎(双足行走bipedal)或 180呎(四足行走quadruped);     野兽之父Father of Bats/夜魔Haunter of the Dark 280呎(良好good)   防御等级:中型 32(+0 基本,+15 神力,+7 敏捷);超巨型 54(+30 基本,+15 神力,-8 体型,+7 敏捷)   攻击:中型 根据武器 +50/+45/+40/+35近战,或使用法术;     超巨型 基本攻击 +42近战,二次攻击(无论何种)+37近战   伤害:中型 根据武器 +25(力量)或 使用法术;     超巨型 10d10+25 基本攻击,5d10+25 二次攻击(复数)   接触/面宽:5 呎×5 呎/5 呎(中型)或 40 呎×40 呎/40 呎(超巨型)   特殊攻击:神力爆击Divine blast,死亡之手hand of death,法术spells   特性:神性特性Divine qualities(见上see above),伤害减免damage reduction 50/+4,法术抗力SR 67,改变体型alter size/改变形态alter form,化身avatar,创造物品create object/创造大型物品create greater object,神力加速divine celerity,神力闪避divine dodge,神力快速医疗divine fast healing 30/轮,神力之盾divine shield,生命之礼gift of life,瞬间移动instant move,复生rejuvenation,召唤恐惧猎手summon hunting horror/召唤夏塔克鸟summon shantak,黑暗视觉darkvision,盲视blindsight   豁免:强韧 +39,反射 +32,意志 +60   属性:力量 60,敏捷 25,体质 39,智力 75,感知 80,魅力 80   技能:奈亚拉托提普的所有技能均为32级。   专长:精通先攻Improved Initiative,闪避Dodge,灵活移动Mobility   灵能专长Psychic Feats:灵能敏感Sensitive,心灵感应Telepathy,物品解读Psychometry,心灵遥控Psychokinesis,心灵读取Mind Reading,心灵探针Mind Probe,波形感知Dowsing   气候/地形:任意Any   组织:独一Unique   挑战等级:45   宝藏:无 或 三倍标准   阵营:混乱邪恶Chaotic evil   等级调整:无None   理智损失:人类形态Human form 0/1;怪物化身monstrous avatar 1d10/d%

  接着,一个孤单的身影沿着那两列纵队之间的宽阔通道大步走来;那是一个高大但瘦削的身影,长着一张古代法老年轻时的面庞,身披五光十色的华丽长袍,头戴一只天然闪烁着光芒的金色双重冠。那犹如帝王般华贵的身影大步走向卡特;他那高傲的举止与深色的面庞有着一位黑暗神祇或堕落天使才会拥有的魅力,他的双眼周围潜伏着因莫测幽默而闪耀出的倦怠火花。它开口说话,那圆润的语调里仿佛荡漾着忘川之水奏出的柔和乐声。 Then down the wide lane betwixt the two columns a lone figure strode; a tall, slim figure with the young face of an antique Pharaoh, gay with prismatic robes and crowned with a golden pshent that glowed with inherent light. Close up to Carter strode that regal figure; whose proud carriage and smart features had in them the fascination of a dark god or fallen arehangel, and around whose eyes there lurked the languid sparkle of capricious humour. It spoke, and in its mellow tones there rippled the wild music of Lethean streams.

  “伦道夫·卡特,”那声音说:“你到此地来,妄图面见梦境诸神。但凡人是禁止与他们会面的... "Randolph Carter," said the voice, "you have come to see the Great Ones whom it is unlawful for men to see...

  来自外层世界的力量非常乐意将恐惧与混乱施加在你的头上,伦道夫·卡特... Fain would the powers from outside bring chaos and horror to you, Randolph Carter...

  不要忘记这警告,免得无法想象的恐怖将里吸入深渊——因为那深渊里充满了骇人尖叫与哀嚎的疯狂。记住外神们;他们伟大、恐怖而且毫无心智可言,他们就潜伏在外面的虚空里。他们是应该避让的伟大神明... Forget not this warning, lest horrors unthinkable suck you into the gulf of shrieking and ululant madness. Remember the Other Gods; they are great and mindless and terrible, and lurk in the outer voids. They are good gods to avoid...

  向一切祈祷不要遇见我的另一千个面目。别了,伦道夫·卡特,你要小心;因为我即是奈亚拉托提普,我即是伏行之混沌! Pray to all space that you may never meet me in my thousand other forms. Farewell, Randolph Carter, and beware; FOR I AM NYARLATHOTEP, THE CRAWLING CHAOS!       ——H.P.洛夫克拉夫特,《梦寻秘境卡达斯》       —H.P. Lovecraft,The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath

  奈亚拉托提普Nyarlathotep 是所有诸神中最变化无常的;他的 千面Thousand Faces(或者说“假面”)只有少许被确认并编目。祂们大多是些恐怖、贪婪、没有意识的怪物,以凶掠的手段将一切粉碎和摧毁,让豺狼虎豹们惊慌失措的四处逃亡,但也有少数为人类外观。毫无疑问,在面对其他种族时,伏行之混沌the Crawling Chaos 必定也曾嘲弄地呈现与这些种族相似的其她化身。 Nyarlathotep is the most protean of all the gods; only a few of his Thousand Faces, or "Masks," have been recognized and catalogued. Most are dire, mindless, ravening monsters who smash and destroy all in their way with a ferocity that would put a dhole to panicked flight, but a few are human to outward appearances. Doubtless other races could tell of other avatars of the Crawling Chaos that mockingly resembled members of their own species.

  据说,人类就像蜜蜂酿造蜂蜜那样制造着邪恶:这是因其存在而产生的天然副产品。如果真是如此,那么奈亚拉托提普就是照顾着所有人类最糟糕冲动的养蜂人。他的目标是散播混沌,从而迎来 黑暗时代the Dark Times,即 诸神之日the Days of the Gods。奈亚拉托提普极富耐心,他实践这一种方向的 功利主义Benthamism:每个行动都以在尽可能多的人中制造尽可能大的混沌与痛苦为行动要旨。因此,他可能会为了动摇大量民众的心智,而放弃彻底摧毁一个人的机会——他非常相信累积效应。这个世界只是他所关注的众多世界的其中一个。他利用自己的繁多化身,并通过 犹格-索托斯Yog-Sothoth 穿越时间与空间的能力,同时活跃于许多不同的时代。但他的所有计划都有一个共通点,它们都是一个宏大计划的一部分:让人类更趋近于神明,摆脱所有束缚与保护,从而成为他主人合适的猎物。 It has been said that mankind makes evil as bees make honey: as a natural byproduct of its existence. If so, then Nyarlathotep is the beekeeper, tending to all humanity's worst impulses. His goal is to spread chaos and thus usher in the Dark Times, the Days of the Gods. He is very patient, and practices a sort of reverse Benthamism: Each action is guided by what will create the greatest amount of chaos or suffering among the greatest number of people. He might thus pass up the opportunity to utterly destroy one individual to have the chance to shake the sanity of many, being a great believer in cumulative effects. This world is also only one of many receiving his attention: Using his many avatars and accessing Yog-Sothoth's ability to transcend time and space, he is active simultaneously in many different eras. But all his schemes have a common thread and are part of a single plan: making mankind more like the gods, stripped free of all restraints and protections, as apt prey for his masters.

  奈亚拉托提普能同样流利地使用每种语言。毕竟,他是 外神the Outer Gods 的使者不是吗? Nyarlathotep speaks every language with equal fluency. Is he not the Messenger of the Outer Gods?


  许多邪教以众多不同的名讳敬畏着奈亚拉托提普。在“维小慧的召唤The Call of Cthulhu”中,塞勒姆Salem 和 古欧洲Old Europe 的女巫组织称他为 黑暗之人The Dark Man。 Nyarlathotep is feared and honored by many cults under many different names. In "The Call of Cthulhu," the witch-covens of Salem and Old Europe knew him as The Dark Man.

  埃及Egypt 在神王、黑发老the Black Pharaoh 涅弗伦-卡Nephren-Ka 的统御下瑟瑟发抖。野兽兄弟会The Brotherhood of the Beast 召唤他为 黑暗斯芬克斯the Black Sphinx,血舌兄弟会the Brotherhood of the Bloody 则未给响应他们牺牲仪式到来的 这东西the Thing 命名。澳大利亚土著Aborigines 则称他为 蝙蝠之父The Father of Bats;爵士乐爱好者称他为 皇家喘息The Royal Pant(一位传说中的黑人萨克斯演奏家),而 星际智慧教派the Church of the Starry Wisdom 则称之为 夜魔The Haunter of the Dark(一种超巨型 恐怖猎手hunting horror)。 Egypt trembled under the reign of the god-king the Black Pharaoh, Nephren-Ka. The Brotherhood of the Beast summoned him as the Black Sphinx, while the Brotherhood of the Bloody Tongue had no name for the Thing that came in answer to their sacrifice. Aborigines know him as The Father of Bats; jazz aficionados as The Royal Pant (a legendary black saxophone player), and the Church of the Starry Wisdom as The Haunter of the Dark (a colossal hunting horror).

  作为外神的使者(阿撒托斯Azathoth、犹格-索托斯Yog-Sothoth、纱布-尼古拉斯Shub-Niggurath 和其祂),奈亚拉托提普在许多致敬那些存在的仪式上露面,并分享了祂们的一部分崇拜。 As the messenger of the Outer Gods (Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, Shub-Niggurath, and others), Nyarlathotep puts in appear ances at many ceremonies honoring those beings and receives a share of their worship.

  他致力于与所有主要 旧日支配者Great Old Ones(克苏鲁Cthulhu、哈斯塔Hastur、撒托古亚Tsathoggua)和许多次要旧日支配者的邪教保持联系,将它们视作传播死亡与毁灭、疯狂与混乱的最佳工具。 He maintains contact with the cults devoted to all the major Great Old Ones (Cthulhu, Hastur, Tsathoggua) and many of the minor ones as well, seeing them as a choice instrument for spreading death and destruction, madness and chaos.

  除了能够唤来几乎任何信仰某位旧日支配者或外神的崇拜者外,奈亚拉托提普几乎能召唤除了 夜魇nightgaunts(诺登斯Nodens 的仆从)外几乎任何神话生物。在 清醒世界the Waking World 中,他特别喜欢召唤恐怖猎手;而在 幻梦境the Dreamlands,他则喜欢召唤 夏塔克鸟shan-taks;在其他地方,他的选择取决于场景和便利。 In addition to being able to call on virtually any cult devoted to a Great Old One or Outer God, Nyarlathotep can summon almost any Mythos creature except for nightgaunts (the servitors of Nodens). In the Waking World, he is particularly fond of summoning hunting horrors; in the Dreamlands, shan-taks; elsewhere, his choice depends upon the occasion and what is readily at hand.


  在人类形态,奈亚拉托提普倾向于避战。虽然力量强大,但他很少会发起战斗,如有需要,他会用法术保护自己。在他的各种超巨型怪物形态时,他喜欢充分发泄兽性的狂躁,通常会攻击视线内的任何敌人,直至他的毁灭欲望得到餍足。 In human form, Nyarlathotep prefers to avoid melee. Although quite capable, he rarely initiates combat, defending himself with spells if the need arises. In his various Colossal monstrous forms, he enjoys giving full vent to bestial fefluency and generally attacks any foe within sight, ravening until his lust for destruction has been sated.

改变体型/形态Alter Size/Alter Form(特异Ex):

  以自由动作,随意使用,奈亚拉托提普能改变他和他所接触的物体(至多1500磅)的大小。新形态从小到如一粒沙(超微型Fine),到高达1600呎(超巨型Colossal)。他也可以增减一条肢体、长出翅膀、变幻性别、或作出任何类似的改变。信使The Messenger 利用这些能力在他的各种 面具Masks 之间根据需求切换。奈亚拉托提普最喜欢的战斗策略之一便是在他的人类形态下玩弄敌人,然后在受到攻击时切换成超巨型形态。奈亚拉托提普也可呈现为特定的人,要么是他所取代的真实人物(如 普罗维登斯Providence 的 德克斯特博士Dr. Dexter),要么是为特定目的而虚构的人物(如萨克斯演奏家 皇家喘息The Royal Pant,或是1920年代的神秘主义者 罗斯特鲁斯·布莱克Lostalus Black)。 At will as a free action, Nyarlathotep can change his size and that of objects he is touching that weigh anywhere up to 1,500 pounds. The new form can be anywhere from as small as a grain of sand (Fine) to as tall as 1,600 feet (Colossal). He can also add or subtract a limb, grow wings, switch genders, or make any other comparable change. The Messenger uses these abilities to switch between his various Masks as needed. One of Nyarlathotep's favorite combat tactics is toying with foes while in his human form, then switching to one of his Colossal forms when attacked. Nyarlathotep can also assume the forms of specific people, either real ones he has replaced (such as Dr. Dexter of Providence) or fictitious ones he has crcated for that specific purpose (such as the saxophone player The Royal Pant, or the 1920s occultist Lostalus Black).


  除了拥有多种不同的形态,奈亚拉托提普还能在需要时,同时在两处(或更多处)位置创造一尊自己的副本。这尊化身的力量比祂本尊更弱一些,HD-5,AC 25(中型)或47(巨型),这位神明的普通攻击骰有-5惩罚,普通豁免也有-5惩罚。更进一步,化身的每项属性值都比神明-5。此外,这位神明的两项能力:创造高等物品create greater object 和 复生rejuvenation 对它的化身而言是不可用的。奈亚拉托提普可以创造10个化身投影。每个投影都完全知道其祂投影身上发生的一切,而神明本尊也完全参与其中(祂只是同时有多具躯体在运作罢了)。 In addition to assuming multiple different forms, Nyarlathotep is able to create a copy of himself when he needs to be literally in two (or more) places, at once. The avatar is slightly less powerful than the god himself, having 5 fewer HD, AC 25 (Medium-size) or 47 (Colossal), a -5 penalty on the god's normal attack rolls, and a -5 penalty on the god's normal saves. Furthermore, each of the avatar's ability scores is five points lower than the god. In addition, two of the god’s powers—create greater object and rejuvenation—are not available to its avatars. Nyarlathotep can create up to ten avatar-projcctions at the same time. Each projection is fully aware of everything that happens to the others, and the god himself shares fully in this (he simply has multiple bodies functioning all at the same time).

创造物品/创造高等物品Create Object/Create Greater Object(特异Ex):

  奈亚拉托提普仅凭意志即可创造出世俗与奇幻的物品。他经常以此奖励忠实的教徒,或是作为礼物诱惑动摇的凡人。他不能以此方式创造神话书、神器或魔法物品,但通过 犹格-索托斯Yog-Sothoth 进行时间与维度旅行,他通常能找到这些物品,并将根据自己的意愿将它们置于能造成最大伤害的地方。 Nyarlathotep is able to create objects, both mundane and wondrous, by sheer willpower alone. He often rewards faithful cultists or tempts wavering mortals with such gifts. He cannot create Mythos tomes and artifacts or magic items this way, but by accessing Yog-Sothoth's time and dimensional travel, he can usually locate such items and redistribute them where they'll do the most harm, according to his desires.

神力爆发Divine Blast(特异Ex):

  每日最多23次,奈亚拉托提普能以一道射线的形式释放他自己的一部分能量。这道射线能直射15哩以外的目标,造成35d12点伤害。这项攻击不允许豁免,但 外神的信使the Messenger of the Outer Gods 必须对指定目标进行一次成功的远程接触攻击。他可以将这种爆发塑造地如同自己所希望的任何能量形式——譬如化身为黑暗、一道闪电束、一团骤现的火球、或是其它外观更为邪恶的形态。神力护盾divine shield 能够完全抵御这样一道爆发。 Up to twenty-three times per day, Nyarlathotep can release part of his personal energy as a ray. This ray can strike a target in a direct line of slight up to fifteen miles away, dealing 35dl2 points of damage. No saving throw exists, but the Messenger of the Outer Gods must make a successful ranged touch attack for the blast to hit its designated target. He can shape the blast to look like any form of energy he wishes—incarnate darkness, a bolt of lightning, a sudden firefeall, or some more bizarre and sinister appearance. A divine shield offers complete protection from such a blast.

神力加速Divine Celerity(特异Ex):

  每日共计15分钟,每次能以最小一轮的增量使用,奈亚拉托提普可以加速自身的时间。 For a total of 15 minutes each day (which can be taken in time increments as small as a single round at a time), Nyarlathotep can speed up time for himself alone.

  他的防御等级将得到+4奖励,并在神力加速持续的每一轮中,可以使用一次额外的部分动作。 He gains a +4 haste bonus to AC and may take an extra partial action each round that the divine celerity lasts.

神力闪避Divine Dodge(特异Ex):

  所有以 伏行之混沌the Crawling Chaos 为目标的攻击(甚至包括范围攻击)都有50%的失手率;具体效果是在攻击发生时,他根本已经不在对应位置。只有一位比奈亚拉托提普更强大的神性存在的完美一击,才能压制这种保护。 All attacks targeting the Crawling Chaos have a 50% miss chance (even area effects); he's simply not there when the attack arrives. Only the divine power perfect strike in the hands of a being more powerful than Nyarlathotep himself can overcome this protection.

神力之盾Divine Shield(特异Ex):

  作为一种自由动作,奈亚拉托提普可以创造一面护盾,在崩解前将阻挡150点伤害。该能力每可使用17次,该护盾可以被定制为无视任何他已免疫的攻击形式(如强酸、寒冷和电击)的伤害,以延效其价值。这位 外神The Outer God 可以将护盾塑造成150平方呎的透明屏障,或半径15呎的球体或半球体。护盾可以放置在奈亚拉托提普本尊周围,也可以放置在他希望保护的一些凡人或物品周围,使其免遭破坏。 As a free action, Nyarlathotep can create a shield that blocks 150 points of damage before collapsing. Usable seventeen times per day, the shield can be customized to ignore damage from any attack form to which he is already immune (such as acid, cold, and electricity), prolonging its usefulness. The Outer God can shape the shield into a transparent barrier of up to 150 square feet or into a sphere or hemisphere of up to 15 feet in radius. The shield can be placed around Nyarlathotep himself or some mortal or item he wishes to preserve from destruction.

生命礼赞Gift of Life(特异Ex):

  凭借这项异能,奈亚拉托提普能让一只死去的生物死而复生,不管它已死去了多久,躯体目前又处于什么状态(如果还有遗骸的话)。这项异能并不能复生那些不愿意复活的生物,但它可以复活异界生物、元素和其它通常没有资格被复活的生物。它可以让灵魂被困住的人转世(例如,在魔魂壶中的灵魂)转世。它甚至可以复生被 死亡之手hand of death 能力弑杀的生物,只要那并非某位比奈亚拉托提普更强大的外神所为。 With this power, Nyarlathotep can restore a dead creature to life, no matter how long she has been dead or what condition the body (if any) is currently in. It cannot restore a creature against its will, but it can resurrect outsiders, elementals, and other creatures not usually eligible for such resurrection. It can reincarnate someone whose soul is trapped (for example, in a magic jar). It can even restore characters slain by the hand of death ability, as long as they were not slain by an Outer God more powerful than Nyarlathotep.

死亡之手Hand of Death(超自然Su):

  只要目标在专奉他的神龛周围15哩内,且存在一条不间断的效果线,奈亚拉托提普就能简单地杀死任何一个令他不悦的凡人。这位凡人被允许进行一次强韧豁免(DC 39),以求在此效果中苟活。如果凡人豁免失败,则将被完全摧毁,痛苦地在神性烈焰中被燃尽——甚至连灰烬都不会被留下。若豁免成功,她仍将遭受10d6点伤害。他喜欢在见证人们面前使用这种力量,以便其他人可以从他们同伴的死亡中吸取到教训。只有奈亚拉托提普本尊,以及比他更为强大的存在,才能将死于这种方式的凡人复生。 Nyarlathotep can simply slay any single mortal who has displeased him who is within fifteen miles of a shrine specially devoted to him, as long as there is an unbroken line of effect. The mortal is allowed a fortitude save (DC 39) to survive the effect. If she fails, she is completely destroyed, agonizingly consumed in a nimbus of divine flame; it doesn't even leave even ashes behind. If the target succeeds at the saving throw, she still takes 10d6 points of damage. He prefers to use this power before witnesses, so that others may learn a lesson from the horrible death of their fellow. Only Nyarlathotep himself, or a being more powerful than he, can return life to a mortal slain in this manner.

瞬间移动Instant Move(特异Ex):

  以移动动作,在眨眼之间,奈亚拉托提普便可以在一个地方消失,并立即在450呎外的另一处地方重新出现。他可以在传送后立即行动(施法、发动攻击、改变大小和形态等等)。 As a move action, in the blink of an eye, Nyarlathotep can vanish in one spot and instantly reappear in another anywhere up to 450 feet away. He can act immediately after teleporting (cast a spell, launch an attack, alter size and form, and so on).


  奈亚拉托提普非常难以被摧毁(对此的尝试已经有过许多次)。一次足以摧毁他的攻击只会将他的本质分散10d10天。在此期间,他的化身将正常运作,通常是为弑杀了他们本体之人安排一些令人不快的命运。 Nyarlathotep is very difficult to destroy (it has been attempted many times). An attack sufficient to kill him simply disperses his essence for 10d1O days. During such periods his avatars continue to function normally, often arranging some unpleasant fate for the one who killed their prime.


  奈亚拉托提普能以自由动作施展任何法术。根据一些激进的神秘主义者的说法,他是一位女巫教的守护神,负责在异教巫术崩溃、新时代the New Age 兴起之间的黑暗时代,传播法术和魔法知识。他能授予任何神话神祇的崇拜者他认为对他们有益的法术。尼安备之力Power of Nyambe 是一道他偏好授予的法术,用来赐予那些以黑暗行为取悦了他的法师们。 Nyarlathotep can cast any spell as a free action. According to some radical occultists, he was a patron of witch-cults, responsible for spreading knowledge of spells and magic in the dark times between the collapse of pagan sorcery and the rise of the New Age movement. He can grant a worshiper of any Mythos deity any spell he thinks it good for them to have. Power of Nyambe is a favorite spell of his to bestow on sorcerers who have pleased him with their dark deeds.




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