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2024-07-08 12:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


太极张三丰的剧情介绍,宦官弄权的明朝末年,苛税与暴政弄得民不聊生。张君宝(李连杰)与董天宝(钱小豪)是一对自幼在少林寺长大的师兄弟,但两人性格迥异,张君宝善良忠厚,董天宝则狡猾阴险,在争夺进入达摩院修行的资格时,两人因与师伯发生争执,被逐出少林。   出寺后,两人因志向渐不同而分道扬镳,董天宝贪图荣华参军,张君宝则与一群仁人志士一起劫富济贫。为求高官,董天宝向大宦官刘瑾出卖大批旧友,一时间血流成河。为替义士报仇,也为帮民除害,张君宝在秋雪(杨紫琼)的帮助下,从其师傅的气功心法中悟出一套武林奇功“太极拳”,开始勤加练习,准备不日与敌手来场血战。

Junbao (Jet Li) is a monk who grows up in a Shaolin temple with his friend Tienbao. Their friendly competitions to see who is stronger frequently gets them into trouble. At a competition for promotion to a higher place in Shaolin, Tienbao almost kills another student for cheating and using a concealed weapon. After a disagreement with a master, who refuses to believe Tienbao, a fight erupts which results in Junbao and Tienbao being expelled from the temple. Having lived in a temple their entire lives, they have trouble adapting to the outside world and eventually gets mixed up with local rebels who frequently steal from a corrupt governor and give the proceeds back to the poor. Tienbao, who was always very ambitious and competitive, gets tired and disillusioned by their new lifestyle, accepts an offer by the governor to join his army. The two childhood friends reluctantly decide to go their separate ways. Seeing an opportunity to secure a promotion in the army, Tienbao sets a trap for Junbao and the rebels by giving them false information. Many rebels are killed in the ensuing battle and Junbao, in disbelief that his friend would betray him, temporarily loses his mind. He only recovers by discovering the art of Tai Chi with the help of his friends and a book that his former master had given him prior to leaving Shaolin. In a final showdown, Junbao kills Tienbao after realizing his boyhood friend is beyond salvation. *I figure I'd write a summary that isn't written in broken English.*


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[太极张三丰(国粤英)].The.Tai-Chi.Master.1993.Bluray.720p.x264.AC3.3Audios-CMCT.mkv(2.79 GB) 精彩评论


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