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2024-06-19 23:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


英 语 试 卷




第I卷  (共80分)


A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A, B, C三幅图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。


5. What's wrong with the man?

A. He has a headache.

B. He has a stomach ache.

C. He has a fever.

6. Which country did the man travel to last month?

A. China.

B. Australia.

C. America.

7. What fruit are they going to take for the picnic?

A. Apples.

B. Pears.

C. Oranges and strawberries.

8. What does the man think of the lecture?

A. Too long.

B. Helpful but boring.

C. Helpful and interesting.

9. What does the woman want to drink?

A. Water.

B. Tea.

C. Coffee.

10. Where does the conversation most likely take place?

A. In a supermarket.

B. In a restaurant.

C. At home.

11. What was the matter with Henry?

A. He was caught in the snow.

B. He got hurt yesterday.

C. He caught a cold.

12. What does the woman suggest buying for Lily?

A. Flowers.

B. Drinks.

C. Food.

13. How does the boy usually go to school?

A. By car.

B. On foot.

C. By bike.

14. When will the speech end?

A. At 8:30 a.m.

B. At 9:30 a.m.

C. At 10:00 a.m.




15. How does the man go to work?

A. By bus.

B. By car.

C. By train.

16. How far is it from the man's home to his workplace?

A. Fifteen miles.

B. Forty-five miles.

C. Fifty-five miles.

17. When is the worst traffic time during the day for the man?

A. In the morning.

B. At noon.

C. Between five and six.


18. What is Tom's weekend job?

A. To print newspapers.

B. To hand out newspapers.

C. To sell newspapers.

19. Where does Tom put the newspapers on rainy days?

A. On the bookshelves.

B. In the letter boxes.

C. In the milk boxes.

20. How far is Tom's working area?

A. Close to his school.

B. Close to his home.

C. Very far from his home.



21. -Who's ______ boy under the tree?

-Bill. He's ______ active boy.

A. a; an    B. a; the    C. the; a    D. the; an

22. The weather in Yang Zhou is much colder than ______ in Hainan in winter.

A. it     B. that    C. those    D. them

23. -Look at my stamps.

-They are beautiful! You've got a wonderful ______.

A. instruction   B. description   C. collection   D. expression

24. Many great people ever failed, but they never gave up and managed ______.

A. success   B. succeed   C. succeeding   D. to succeed

25. I want to know what happened ______ my friend. I haven't heard ______ her recently.

A. on; of    B. to; from   C. to; of    D. on; from

26. Oh, the movie is ______ terrible. The story is boring and the actors are not attractive.

A. quickly   B. simply    C. hardly    D. quietly

27. – About ______ of the children ______ homeless after the earthquake.

-Yes, we should help them rebuild the houses.

A. three fourths; was      B. three fourth; were

C. three fourths; were      D. three fourth; was

28. -I wonder if these are Danny's glasses.

-They ______ be Danny's. He doesn't wear glasses.

A. must    B. mustn't   C. can    D. can't

29. -I hear your father ______ to Japan once.

-Yes. He ______ there last year.

A. went; has been  B. has been; went  C. goes; went   D. has been; goes

30. -We can't be successful ______ we keep on working hard.

-I agree with you.

A. if     B. because   C. unless    D. until

31. -When ______ the People's Republic of China ______?

-On October1", 1949.

A. did; found   B. was; found   C. was; founded  D. is; founded

32. Smoking is bad for your health. You'd better ______.

A. set it up   B. give it up   C. pick it up   D. look it up

33. Our parents always try to do what they can ______ us to have a good learning condition.

A. help    B. helping   C. helps    D. to help

34. -D0 you know ______?

-At 9:00 tomorrow morning.

A. when the meeting began     B. when did the meeting begin

C. when will the meeting begin    D. when the meeting will begin

35. -Would you like to join us in the game?

-______, because I have an important meeting to attend.

A. No, I don't want to      B. I'm afraid not

C. Thanks, I'd love to      D. Sounds like fun



I sat down at my desk and started writing a letter of thankfulness, but when it came to actually putting the letter into the mailbox... I 36_____ ... I couldn't do it. I suddenly felt a sense of insecurity(不安).

The letter was to an old teacher I kept in 37_____ with on Facebook. For months, I read about what she set down on her Facebook page, which helped me to live my life differently. Her volunteer work wasn't huge. 38_____, she was doing small, local good deeds. Gradually, she changed my views on the world and for some reason, I felt I should let her know how her example 39_____ influenced me.

I could have easily sent her an email, but that seemed not enough for such an important thank-you. That's why I ended up 40_____ the letter. But now here I was, standing before the mailbox, unable to put it inside. What was stopping me? It suddenly hit me that I was 41_____ of being too nice. I guess I felt strange because it wasn't like she was my best friend or a relative. Maybe my message was too heartfelt. Thinking this over, I put the envelope in the mailbox 42_____.

Weeks later I received a message from her. It turned out she was going through a hard time and my note 43_____ a lot to her. She said she had no idea she was playing such a big part in others' life. I was so excited that it had such a great influence on her that I decided to write a 44_____ letter to someone each month. Now it's easier for me to 45_____ the goodness in others and be more thankful for this beautiful life I' m living.


36. A. entered   B. stopped   C. asked    D. continued

37. A. order   B. silence    C. mind    D. touch

38. A. So    B. However   C. Instead   D. Meanwhile

39. A. greatly   B. rapidly    C. carefully   D. widely

40. A. checking  B. receiving   C. handwriting  D. reading

41. A. hopeful   B. afraid    C. proud    D. sure

42. A. sadly   B. surprisedly   C. finally    D. completely

43. A. meant   B. afforded   C. offered   D. decided

44. A. comfort  B. greeting   C. congratulation   D. thank-you

45. A. give out  B. find out   C. put out   D. go out




Tanghulu is a special and sweet childhood memory of many Chinese people. When winter comes, you can see people selling Tanghulu on each street in Beijing. Bright red in color, with perfect sweet-and-sour taste, Tanghulu is a popular traditional snack in most parts of northern China. In the past, people mainly used the hawthorn (山楂) to make Tanghulu. But now, people prefer to use other fruits like oranges, bananas, grapes and strawberries. To make the perfect Tanghulu, you can follow these steps:

Prepare what you need:

Hawthorns or other fruit, white sugar and water.

Step 1

Start off by washing the hawthorns or any other fruit you choose. Once done, dry the fruit. Don't forget this step.


Put the fruit on bamboo sticks. If you use long sticks, put 4-6 pieces of fruit on each stick. If you use short ones, 1-3 pieces are enough.

Step 3

Add water and white sugar in a pan and then mix them well. Heat the pan until bubbles (气泡) appear and color changes. When doing this, you can test the temperature of the mixture by dipping (浸) a spoon of the mixture in cold water. When the mixture hardens (变硬) immediately, you have the right temperature. It is the key to making perfect Tanghulu.

Step 4

Now, dip each fruit stick into the sugar mixture to easily coat the fruit. Remember to turn it to coat all of the sides.

Step 5

Once done, place each stick on a plate. Remember to leave enough space between each other to stop them from sticking. After a few minutes, you can taste them.

With the step-by-step instructions, you can have a try at home. Try with different kinds of fruits to see which taste you like best.

46. In Paragraph 1, the writer speaks of Tanghulu's _______ and _______.

A. color; history  B. taste; color   C. size; taste   D. history; size

47. After washing the fruit, we need to _______ first.

A. make it dry

B. put it on bamboo sticks

C. heat it in a pan

D. dip it in the sugar mixture

48. What does “It” refer to in Step 3?

A. The way to test the sugar mixture.

B. The way to heat the sugar mixture.

C. The temperature of the sugar mixture.

D. The time to dip fruit sticks in the mixture.

49. What does Step 5 mainly tell us?

A. How often you can taste it.

B. How to cool the fruit sticks.

C. Where to put the fruit sticks.

D. Who can taste the fruit sticking.

50. In which part of a magazine can we probably read the passage?

A. Health.

B. History.

C. Travel.

D. Lifestyle.


Jiang Danni is a 24-year-old volunteer from East China. She has volunteered in schools in Lebanon and countries in Africa. And her videos about her experience have drawn many people's attention.

After graduating from university in 2020, Danni chose to work in Africa for a year and

then journeyed to seven countries. A primary school in Uganda stopped her. She had a peaceful time getting to know the children at the school. She taught children in Grades One to Four. Danni set up different kinds of classes for her students, including Chinese language learning, cooking, and crafts (手工艺).

Danni also tried to care for the students. While staying at a school in Tanzania, she prepared lunch for 40 children below 5 years old. The school is so far from town. Danni needed to pass through a large forest and fields before taking a bus for more than half an hour to get to the town. She went to the town to buy delicious food for the kids.

In 2022, Danni arrived in Lebanon in Asia and became a volunteer teacher at a school. This time she taught arts and crafts to her students. She included some interesting activities in her teaching such as paper cutting and the making of paper ice cream in class. Her students all worked hard and enjoyed the creative activities.

▲Every time Danni arrived at the school, they would run to give her a hug or small gifts such as a candy. And after school, they would invite her to their homes.

“I enjoyed spending beautiful moments with them. Their smiling faces gave me energy and

encouraged me to find meaning in volunteer work in different places," Danni said. She has

decided to further develop her dream to help others as a lifetime career. (终身事业).

51. Where did Danni do volunteer work at first?

A. In Africa.   B. In America.   C. In Asia.   D. In Europe.

52. What can we learn from Para. 3?

A. People in Tanzania lived a quiet life.

B. Danni looked after young children in Tanzania.

C. Danni only prepared three meals for kids under 7.

D. It was hard for students in Tanzania to get to school.

53. What did Danni teach in the school in Lebanon?









54. Which of the following can be put in ______?

A. Danni enjoyed helping others.

B. The children there were poor but happy.

C. The smiles on the children's faces moved Danni.

D. Danni developed beautiful relationships with children.

55. Which words can be used to describe Danni?

A. nervous and well-known

B. discouraged and helpful

C. brave and kind

D. heartless and willing


"Children, tomorrow I shall expect all of you to write compositions," said a teacher of Love Lane School, "Then, on Friday those who have done the best may stand up and read their compositions to the school.” Some of the children were pleased, and some were not. “What shall we write about?” they asked.

Some of them thought that "Home”" was a good subject. Other liked "School". One little boy chose "The Horse". A little girl said she would write about “Summer". The next day, every pupil except Henry Longfellow had written a composition.

“Well, then, ”said the teacher, "you may take your notebook and go out behind the schoolhouse for half an hour. Think of something to write about, and write the word on your notebook. Then try to tell what it is, what it is like, what it is good for, and what is done with it. That is the way to write a composition."

Henry took his notebook and went out. Just behind the schoolhouse was Mr. Finney's barn. Quite close to the bam was a garden. And in the garden, Henry saw a turnip(萝卜).

“Well, I know what that is," he said to himself and he wrote the word turnip on his notebook. Then he tried to tell what it was like, what it was good for, and what was done with it.

Within half an hour, he had written a very neat composition on his notebook. He then went into the house, and waited while the teacher read it.

The teacher was surprised and pleased. He said, “Henry Longfellow, you have done very well. Today you may stand up before the school and read what you have written about the turnip."

Many years after that, some funny little poems about Mr. Finney's turnip were printed in a newspaper. Some people said that they were what Henry Longfellow wrote on his notebook that day at school.

56. Some students were not pleased probably because _______.

A. the teacher would not read their compositions

B. they did worse than other students at school

C. they didn't know what to write about the composition

D. they would have no time to enjoy themselves at all

57. The second paragraph is mainly to tell us that _______.

A. Henry was a lazy boy

B. students wrote compositions on different topics

C. other students was cleverer than Henry

D. Henry would like to stand outside alone

58. Why did the teacher ask Henry to stand behind the schoolhouse?

A. To write a composition.

B. To punish him seriously.

C. To have a good time.

D. To help Mr. Finney.

59. Which of the following statements is TRUE of Henry's composition?

A. It took Henry much time to write it.

B. Its topic was very strange to people.

C. Henry wrote it especially for a newspaper.

D. It was better than other students' compositions.

60. We can learn from Henry's story that

A. actions speak louder than words

B. good works come from discovery of life

C. all things are difficult before they are easy

D. a friend without mistakes is never found



A. How much is the ticket?

B. What's the flight number?

C. Where does it take off?

D. How many seats, please?

E. When would you like to fly?

F. How about the 4th?

G. And what time does it leave Shanghai?

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, I'd like to buy tickets to London, please.

A: 61______

B: On the 5th of May.

A: The 5th? Let me se. I'm sorry. We don't have any flights to London on that day. 62______

B: I'm afraid that I can't leave before the 5th.

A: Then we have a flight on the 6th.

B: 63______

A: It's CA 757.

B: CA757. 64______

A: It takes off at 12:55. 65______

B: I'd like three seats.

A: Just a moment, please.

第II卷(共 40分)



6. 贝蒂不喜欢给别人拍照。

Betty doesn't like ______ ______ of others.


Reading good books ______ ______ to our future.


Tony has won ______ ______ in the writing competition.


Remember to send me ______ ______ when you arrive in Shanghai.


Don't make noise! The baby has already ______ ______.



Like China, many other countries see spring's coming as a sign of blessing and happiness. Some of them share similar cultural traditions in greeting the spring, while others have their

own ways.

Similar to Chinese culture, in South Korea, people also greet the spring season by paying a lot of attention to preparing a large meal. Tteokguk, a soup dish with sliced rice cakes (年糕片), is a typical food served at the New Year dining table. The round rice cake slices also look like coins, and many people eat them in the hope of becoming wealthy in the coming year.

In India, people celebrate the spring season with a traditional Hindu festival called Holi, also known as the “Festival of Spring". It is held sometime during February and March every year. Dancing and singing are how Indian people celebrate spring at the festival. The ceremony is “colorful". People will paint their faces and bodies and throw colored water and powder on others to show their blessings.

Russians celebrate the festival that called Maslenitsa in springtime. The festival is celebrated around the end of February or early March each year. People will bake, round pancakes into golden yellow to appreciate the sun, and in the dark night, people will light fires for celebrations.

In the US, there is a special “sock-burning” event held in Maryland to celebrate the spring's coming. The tradition of burning socks began in the 20th century, and the spring festival ceremony is linked to the local sailing culture. People burn socks there to represent that they can wear shoes barefoot (赤脚地) when the weather warms up. It's a hope to have the winter end soon and the spring come early. Like the Chinese tradition, people in the US will also do the spring cleaning as an annual tradition to shake off the winter's decay (衰败) in the hope of receiving new luck.

71. The coming of spring is a symbol of ____________.

72. People in South Korea hope to ____________ by eating the round rice cake slices.

73. ____________ are how Indian people celebrate spring at the festival.

74. In Russia, people will ____________ into golden yellow to appreciate the sun.

75. Like the Chinese tradition, people in the US will also ____________ as an annual tradition.



Smartphones have truly been a wonderful invention, getting us all closer to one another than ever before. And yet, people seem to pay m___76___ attention to the phone in their hands than the person sitting in front of them. As a result, some restaurants have taken s___77___ to restrict the use of smartphones during a meal.

Tim Love, a cook who owns several restaurants in the US, believes it's time for people to enjoy a smartphone-free dinner. His Italian restaurant, Caterina's, requires customers to pack their phones away into small bags w___78___ they sit down to eat. “We give each guest a small bag to put his/her phone in and the bag stays with the guest the whole dinner," Tim says. “If some people just have their phones in their pockets, we're going to k___79___ ask them to put their phones in the bag."

If a customer is expecting a call or is nervous about m___80___ one, the restaurant offers an old-school bright-red landline (固定电话).“If someone really needs to use his phone during dinner, he is welcome to simply walk outside to use it," Tim adds. “We also offer a service to people w___81___ want to take photos of their unforgettable meal. We're going to send a follow-up email to all the customers the next day, i___82___ a photo of everything they ordered. Then they can share it online."

The idea is to c___83___ a place where people can pay full attention to their friends, dining environment and good food without being distracted by technology.

Also, the restaurant wants to keep things classy (高级的), so men are r___84___ to wear jackets. If one forgets, they'll lend him one at the front door. And even the dinner's pace is to help people relax. “Caterina's guests will be treated to a multi-course meal," Tim says. “The whole e___85___ encourages you to slow down. There will be lots of little surprises throughout the meal."








参考词汇:登台演出perform on the stage

写作要求: .




(4)词数80词左右。(开头已给出, 不计入总词数。)

Our school held an art festival last week and





6~10 BCCAB

11~15 CACBB

16- 20 ACBCB


21~25 DBCDB

26~30 BCDBC

31~35 CBDDB


36- 40 BDCAC

41-45 BCADB


46- -50 BACBD

51~55 ABDDC

56~-60 CBADB


61-65 EFBGD


66. taking photos

67. makes sense

68. first place

69. text messages

70. fallen asleep


71. blessing and happiness

72. become wealthy in the coming year

73. Dancing and singing

74. bake round pancakes

75. do the spring cleaning


76. more

77. steps

78. when

79. kindly

80. missing

81. who

82. including

83. create

84. required

85. experience


86. 略





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